
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 04:Academy

After leaving the village the knights and Red quickly galloped their way into the county,Red look at the huge Knight in front of him and asked "Did that old bastard send you to get me?".

The knight remained silent and didn't answer Red's question, seeing this Red didn't bother to open his mouth any longer. Like this another hour passed as they reached the county and when the people saw Red some of them had odd expressions on their faces like he was a long forgotten calamity that had returned to hound them again.

Red was well known in this county he was the first son of the head of the Dismason family. The Dismason was well known for their short tempers and their valor to fight if provoked anyhow.

Red's father once sold his whole family fortune so he could find the money to cultivate himself in order pursue Red's mother. No one knew who Red's mother only Red's father Zero knew who Red's mother was,nevertheless Red didn't care about who his mother was or where she went intact Red simple didn't care about anything and in this county Red was know as the Red Calamity. People of this continent matured much early,they would be able to walk,talk and learn writing once they reached about three years , Red disappeared from this county when he was five years old after he had burned down a whole factory when he was angered ,he had once cause war between two counties by forging his father's hand writing and secretly sending it to the other county ,he did all this because he was angry with his father.

When Red disappeared a lot of the people in the county threw secret parties even some of the staff under Zero threw secret parties and now that he had returned they all felt down.

They soon reached Blue Rose Castle, the Blue Rose Castle is where the head of the Dismason family resided ,as they entered the castle Red's face quickly turned serious as he looked at the knight and said "dumbass rune knight your stupid ass stuck at sainthood,sure enough you'll never advance" he jumped off the horse and ignored the knights darkened expression as he entered inside the castle he saw Zero leisurely sitting on his chair staring at him with an expression full of rage but Red just ignored it he just stared at him and said "old man now that you found me are you happy , will your bastard self feel like you're superior over me now…" before he could finish Zero cut him off with an angry shout "Little bastard I've searched for you all over the empire and you're little evil thing have been hiding right under my nose and now that you feel like it you return. Devil spawn I'm going beat the daylights out of you!!!"

Red looked at Zero and said "so you admit you're an old devil ,I never knew I was a devil spawn but now that I do I know that you really are a devil"…Red took two steps backwards as he saw Zero start getting up from his chair then he started shouting " Help murder murder Viscount Zero want to kill me help murder murder someone help!!!".

Zero gave out a short sigh as he sat down ,he really didn't know what to do with this son of his, eventually he sat up then looked at Zero then said to Zero "come with me I need to show you something" he didn't wait for Red's response as he headed into the gathering room of the castle , there Red saw four knew faces which were unfamiliar to him ,there were two girls and two boys,as soon as Red entered their gazes all turned towards him as the boy's gazes showed signs of hostility but contrary to the boy's , the girls looked like they were sizing him up ,they would glance at him then back to each other and giggle.

The girls were so beautiful like they were carved by the finest jade. Zero frowned then asked "who are they?"

"Those are your two half brothers they're both a year younger than you ,that one wearing yellow robes is Walton and the other one is Colt" he pointed at the two boys then he turned to the girls "the one with a pony tail is Venica and the other one is Veronica both are your half sisters and they're both two years younger than you".

Zero was stunned silly he looked at them for a while before finally asking " why didn't I know of them early?".Zero turned around intending to leave and said "that's because I didn't want you to know of them ….ow and one more thing I'm sending you to an Academy tomorrow so get time to know your siblings" just like that he left them there.

Red looked at his alleged new siblings and at the same time they were sizing him up ,after ten minutes Red stood up and said "alright now you've seen me, now you know me" just like that he left the room.

To be continued