
Primordial Bloodline

The male lead is a human boy named Red living in the Star Continent his father Zero is often stressed by his shenanigans because he is uncontrollable but what everyone doesn't know is that he is very mysterious and had a lot of knowledge that comes to him naturally as if it was waiting for him to seek it Action ; Comedy ; Harem ; ecchi ; Fantasy ; School Life

Ghostt · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Book 1 Chapter 01:Damnation

In a secluded village high up in the three mountain ranges a population of around two hundred people resided there, these fellow villagers did hunting to gain a living for themselves and they also had to pay a tax fee the Crimson nation which they were a part of.In this secluded village there were not many people who can fight and the strongest one of them was the village chief who was a former soldier of the Crimson nation. The village chief was only a level one intermediate fighter,compared to those people outside the village the chief was considered only an ant that would be squashed once he left the comfort of his village.

Outside the village gates there was a boy who looked to be 8 eight years old carrying a basket full of fruits and herbs ,as the boy was about to reach the village gates a crowd of young boys about nine to ten years old jumped out of the thick bushes and blocked the boy carrying the baskets way.The boy slowly looked at them and with a calm voice he asked "what do you want?". The crow of boys laughed in haughty manner as one of the boys with a large build stepped forward and it could be seen that he was their leader ,the boys name was Cole Solemn ,he was the son of the village chief and it was know the he liked picking on this boy named Red.Red had no surname in fact nothing was know about ,the only thing know was that he appeared out of nowhere ,some people speculated that he was raised by mountain monkeys since Red only ate Frits and herbs and it was well known that Fruits and herbs were the only food of Mountain monkeys. Cole then looked at Red and said a sneer" mountain boy my hands are itchy today so I'll rough you go a bit till I'm content ",as he said this his gang rushed towards Red and started giving him a harsh beating,Red could only curl up in ball as he protected his basket of fruit and his face,with that he received a harsh beating.

After Cole and his gang were done with beating Red up they left the scene.After being sure they were truly gone Red got up then patted his clothes to removes the dust then he picked up his basket and walked through the gates reaching the village, he then took some quick turns and went to his wooden hut,along the way some of the villagers were looking at the limping Red with his bruised face.Their faces were filled with scorn some even threw rotten things at him ,the only words that came out were" get lost mountain boy ".Red only looked at the way and didn't mind these people, after making another turn before he reached his hut he saw a young girl waiting for him near his hut,as he approached her he asked" Flowsand what are you doing here?"the young girls name was Flowsand Alan she was an orphan like him but she was living with her grand parents but they didn't treat her well,she wore shabby clothing but that couldn't hide her beauty, this girl was the only one who treated Red very well. Flowsand replied with a smile on her face"Red I came here to play with you".

"Hmm go home because once your grand parents find out they'll punish you "Red said to her then he added " if you still want to play come back tomorrow now I have to take bath as you can see those damn villagers threw rotten things at me"after saying that Red didn't wit for her responds he went inside his hut then he placed the fruits on a small table then he took of his clothes and went out to the other side of the hut then he opened an underground passage that led him to a spring,when he reached the spring he just jumped in and started bathing.After a while Red came out and returned to the hut but before he could do anything he felt a head splitting headache as he quickly collapsed to the ground and started groaning in pain as he closed his eyes and opened them again he was in an endless vast and dark space.

"You've finally come" a voice came out of nowhere for the dark space

To be continued