
Pokemon Wacky Adventure

[Beware of TRAP, No One Under 18 should read this Work, nor should those who thinks that Trap or Futanari Characters are not a taste on their palate, You have been Warned.] [Also, even though the Protagonist chooses to be a Cute Trap, there are only Girls in his Harem as the Author himself is an Anti Yaoi and Pro Yuri Gentleman.] [And Last but not Least, even though I love Girls x Girls Romance, I don't have a Hobby to cuck the Protagonist with his own Woman(s). Even though there may or may not be a Yuri Couple in His Harem, they will still have MC as their #1 and they are at best, "Sisters in Bed" to gang up on Him.] John Dickinson is a programmer who is sent to another world after he sacrificed his live to save his girlfriend from Truck-kun Isekai Express Service. After his death, he spend 3 Chapters in this Fanfic Novel to Create his own Character before he is sent to PokeWack, a wacky world that is made by a bored God who wants to get some amusements by making a World based on Pokemon franchises mixed with various other anime, manga and game as references. Will our protagonist serves his purpose for the amusement of the Readers, or will he do something out of expectations to break free from script of the World? Follow this story to know what this wacky world have in store for our Protagonist! ...... Cover Picture: The TRAP Protagonist drawn with AI (Just Ignore the Twin Coconuts on the Chest)

Viadhivan_Ranata · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

PWA 77 A Steamy Bathroom [R18+]

Until finally Kotonoha let go her lips first as she felt the need to breathe fresh air, her boyfriend have greedily sucked everything as they kissed, including the air.

If someone say that Jovanna is a reincarnation of an Octillery, maybe Kotonoha would believe them now 🐙

Her boyfriend sucks everything like an infinite vacuum of black hole!

What kind of mouth that he have!?

(Author's Note: It is at this kind of moment, that I realized that maybe I should really make John Dickinson choose to become an Eldritch Abomination being like a Cthulhu instead of becoming a Trap like Jovanna 😅🐙🤣)

After Kotonoha break their kiss, Jovanna's lips didn't idle around as he greedily found his way to her neck, exploring the smooth region of hers as he is planting a lot of soft, lingering kisses along the way on her curve. 

This kind of love making was unlike anything that Kotonoha had ever imagined or read from the books.

It did not feel like a beastly act fueled by unbridled lust and passion that is often depicted in those male domineering main protagonist stories, nor a timid, shy love making on those herbivorous, hetare protagonists.

Instead, it felt like something else entirely, it was a series gentle and tender touches, on which each if them are filled with a strange kind of intimacy that tickled the deepest part of her heart.

Jovanna's kisses on her neck make Kotonoha feels fluffy.

But as both of her boyfriend's hand have rested lightly on her jiggly heavens, hovering there playfully above her abundant breasts with a very obvious purpose, she began to understand his intentions.

A mix of curiosity and trepidation washed over her mind and heart, and she found herself being captivated by the enigmatic pleasure before her.

"Aaaahhhhh~" a soft, melodious and enticing moan can't helo but leaked out from her cherry lips, together with a wisp of hot breath that looks like a steam that came out from the kettle that is her burning heart.

Jovanna brought his beautiful face close to Kotonoha's delicate ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down her spine as the girl trembled in excitement.

His voice, a mere whisper, carried an unexpected allure befitting of a Trap. 

"Kotonoha-chan..... Since you enjoy reading books, surely you have read a lot of romance, right? Let me fulfill some of your deepest fantasy," Jovanna murmured, his sweet words are dripping with anticipation. 

It was as though Jovanna had transformed from a cool beauty trap he usually is to a mischievous, naughty devil, he teases his lover with the sweet, tempting words which carried an allure of enthralling pleasure.

However, Jovanna would not rely solely on just words alone but also on using his actions to bring their fantasy romance to life.

Jovanna kissed the tip of Kotonoha's ear right after he finished saying all the sweet words he wanted to convey to his lover, the girl trembling in delight as she felt the hot kiss from her lover that traveled down from her ears down to her cheek, her neck, and then her breast...., until it all ended up with a naughty suck on her nipple.

With a flick of his tongue on her nipple, Jovanna brought Kotonoha to another climax as her body trembled in a tremor of ecstasy.

And then with a swift movement, Jovanna pushed Kotonoha to the wall on the side of the bathtub, making a lot of rippling wave together with some splashes on the warm bathwater they are currently dipping themselves in.

Jovanna's forceful hand have found its place as he is groping on both of Kotonoha's melon sized breasts.

It wasn't an overpowering grope that threatened to crush her breasts in his hands, but it held enough strength as each of Jovanna's fingers are sinking deep into Kotonoha's bountiful assets.

It will surely leaves a mark that resembled a hickey on each of her breasts, only with the shape that looks like a palm with five fingers spread out widely like a red shade of a Staryu with her nipples in the middle of it, like the piece of gemstone in the center place of a Staryu's body.

As the pressure of Jovanna's hand which have made contact on her sensitive breasts and pressuring them with his gropes, Kotonoha's heart raced with a mixture of exhilaration and anticipation.

A sudden surge of hormones coursed through her veins, igniting a flame of lust and burning passion within her body and mind.

This unexpected turn of events had caught her off guard, and yet, there is an undeniable thrill in surrendering herself to the whims of her boyfriend.

("No way.... I have never felt like this before....") Kotonoha thought, her mind racing to catch up with the whirlwind of sensations.

A sensation of helplessness as she have surrendered herself wholly to her man's doing, plus another sensation of happiness as she sees how her boyfriend looked at her with a look of longing, loving, and desire.....

And another sensation of excitement and anticipation as she wonder what is her lover doing to her.

After a little thought, Kotonoha have finally grasped upon the meaning of her boyfriend's actions.

It was a kind of marking, like a wild Pokémon marking his mate as his possession by leaving an obvious mark on his mate's body.

It was a mark of possession, an embodiment of desire, and a sign that she had been claimed.

Claimed by Jovanna.

The very thought of it sent a surge of excitement rippling through her whole being.

Kotonoha don't know why, but she felt like she have awakened something deep within her.

Her heart pounded crazily in her chest, the rhythm echoing in her ears.

She was no stranger to the allure of forbidden romance, as she sometimes read a book of that genre during the dark times of her bullying.

And this action from her lover held a seductive appeal that she could not easily dismissed fron her mind.

It was as if the pages of those dark romance novels had come to life before her very eyes, and she found herself willingly stepping into the female protagonist's shoes, wholly embracing the dark side of her lover.

The sweet words that have been uttered by Jovanna in Kotonoha's ears numerous times before are once again whispered directly to her.

Her boyfriend have lowered his lips to her ear once more, whispering the sweet nothings that she would never get tired to heard from him.

Jovanna has once again reigniting the fiery passion that soon consumed their entire being.

The beautiful trap planted his lips on his lover's lips, they once again entangled in a sweet kiss as the man still groped the girl's breasts firmly with his hands, pressing the two star marks to gain another shade of rosy colour.

And as their kiss deepened, time seemed to stand still again.

It was a whirlwind of sensations, a symphony of desire that enveloped both of them in mind, body and soul.

Jovanna released his holds on Kotonoha's J-Cup Breasts.

His hands are now roaming around naughtily, exploring every nook and cranny of Kotonoha's bombastic body.

Kotonoha felt that Jovanna's touches are both gentle and commanding, his hands navigating the contours of her body with practiced ease. 

It is like he is a Professional Player in his Home Field.

Kotonoha shook her head as that kind of thought surfaced on her mind.

She thought it is just her dark thought from her habits to think negatively during her gloomy past of being bullied.

It was at this time, that a head pat which traveled along her hair from her head to her butt is coming.

That headpat and caress from her boyfriend managed to soothe her mind and calmed her down again.

The weight of his hand pressed against her, a tangible reminder of the intimate connection that they were forging.

("Aaahhh.... Jovanna, oh, Jovanna.... I want him....") Those words filled her mind, echoed like a voice throughout a silent hill.... ahem, I mean, valley....

Kotonoha wanted nothing more than to surrender herself completely into Jovanna's embrace, allowing him a complete control over her fate as she basked on his pampering.

Their kissing still continues, their tongues now are met in an intense duel as she allowed him access to go inside her mouth.

A primal need swept through her like a wildfire in a heavy drought as she found herself leaning further forward to her boyfriend.

And as Kotonoha parted her lips to allow Jovanna full access, she felt something press firmly against her lower lip.

Jovana's hand have started to peel off her bikini, lowering her top part as he exposed her bountiful mounds to him without taking her clothes off completely as the strings of her bikini are still tied on her back.

Jovanna used two fingers on each of his hand to gently rub circles around her nipples that have gotten red and erect like a piece of candy while he continued to suckle at her tongue.


[ ] Author's Note [ ]

By the way..... Why do I feel like I have somehow awakened something dark, something sinister, deep within Kotonoha's heart when I am writing on how Jovanna claimed Kotonoha by leaving two star marks on her breasts? 😅🖤🌟


If you want to support me, throwing your stone here would greatly helps in motivating me to write this novel ~! 

You can also visit pâtrēõn.com/ranata (replace all vocal alphabet with normal a, e and o letters) to read up to Chapter 90.

Thank you very much for all the good people who have supported me so far!