
Pokemon Wacky Adventure

[Beware of TRAP, No One Under 18 should read this Work, nor should those who thinks that Trap or Futanari Characters are not a taste on their palate, You have been Warned.] [Also, even though the Protagonist chooses to be a Cute Trap, there are only Girls in his Harem as the Author himself is an Anti Yaoi and Pro Yuri Gentleman.] [And Last but not Least, even though I love Girls x Girls Romance, I don't have a Hobby to cuck the Protagonist with his own Woman(s). Even though there may or may not be a Yuri Couple in His Harem, they will still have MC as their #1 and they are at best, "Sisters in Bed" to gang up on Him.] John Dickinson is a programmer who is sent to another world after he sacrificed his live to save his girlfriend from Truck-kun Isekai Express Service. After his death, he spend 3 Chapters in this Fanfic Novel to Create his own Character before he is sent to PokeWack, a wacky world that is made by a bored God who wants to get some amusements by making a World based on Pokemon franchises mixed with various other anime, manga and game as references. Will our protagonist serves his purpose for the amusement of the Readers, or will he do something out of expectations to break free from script of the World? Follow this story to know what this wacky world have in store for our Protagonist! ...... Cover Picture: The TRAP Protagonist drawn with AI (Just Ignore the Twin Coconuts on the Chest)

Viadhivan_Ranata · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

PWA 78 A Night of Cherry Picking [R18+]

Kotonoha's body responded to Jovanna's tender caress immediately, sending shivers down her spine.

Her skin flushed even redder again under his gaze, almost like it is glowing from within, bringing out hints of pink spreading on her cheeks.

Jovanna released Kotonoha's lips only long enough for her to take a breath before he is attacking her again, sucking hard upon her tongue as though it was a fine piece of delicacy..

With a swift motion, Jovanna's hands took both of Kotonoha's hands and put them above her head, holding them firmly with just a single hand.

His other hand slid across her thigh, lightly tracing its way up towards her stomach until it finally reaching the apex between her legs.

The hand then professionally trailed slowly along the outside edge, creating tingling waves upon waves that traveled throughout her nervous system, spreading out to her entire being.

"Hnnggghhh....." Kotonoha let out a moan of pleasure from her cherry lips, her body tensed as she prepared for what was about to happen next.

His finger teasingly traced the crease where her thighs met together, stopping just short of touching the area where her sensitivity have risen up until it currently rivaled the strong sense of a legendary Pokémon..

"Kotonoha-chan.... Do you want me to touch you more?" Jovanna teased, breaking the kiss he have just made with his lover.

"Or perhaps..... this is enough for you?" A playful grin curled up on his lips as Jovanna watched how Kotonoha's pupils dilated in response.

Do you know what kind of moment that I love the most?

It is when a pure maiden who is so pious and chaste like MY Kotonoha gives in to her lust and succumbed to her desire.

A Lust and Desire for ME.

Kotonoha could not hide anything from Jovanna, his sharp eyes had already seen through everything about her in an instant.

"I want more..." Kotonoha whispered, still shy on talking about what she have desired in her heart.

She still giving Jovanna permission to do anything he wants to herself by simply opening her mouth once again.

"Then beg me for it," Jovanna commanded playfully, his beautiful eyes gazed deeply onto Kotonoha's beady eyes, giving her an enticing look of temptation.

With great anticipation, Kotonoha finally have gathered her courage as she said the words that were haunting her mind ever since they began kissing with each other on the morning of her birthday, "Please.... Jovanna...., I want you so, so much...."

"More..." Jovanna demanded, his gaze on Kotonoha's eyes becomes more intense, filled with even more lust, passion and desire.

And those feelings are all transmitted in between their gazes, as Kotonoha is effectively affected by his look.

A wave of arousal rolled over Kotonoha's mind at his command, it felt like someone used a Psychic attacks directly on her mind.

The pleasure inducing intensity from just looking at her boyfriend's eyes sent chills racing down her spine, igniting another fiery desire within her body.

"Touch me…" Kotonoha whispered. "Take me wholly with you, Jovanna...…"

Jovanna smiled beautifully with blooming delight as he noticed that Kotonoha is trembling with excitement in his embrace.

Kotonoha's breathing is ragged as she waited impatiently for what was about to come next.

A beautiful smile that can be seen like a wicked grin if you look at different angle spread across Jovanna's face as he extended his hand toward hers.

"I am going to make you feel amazing, My Love" Jovanna whispered softly.

Jovanna's fingers brushed against the nape of Kotonoha's neck, sending shivers down her spine as he lovingly caressed the girl along her neck.

He then gently grabbed hold of one of her long hair strands while the other hand reached up and lightly ran over her cheekbone.

The gesture appeared innocent at first glance, but on closer inspection, Jovanna could see a hint of desire within Kotonoha's gaze as he caressed his beloved girl.

A slow sigh escaped his lips when their gazes locked together again.

Without saying anything further, Jovanna pulled Kotonoha close into an embrace that brought them both flush against each other.

Kotonoha's bombastic breasts pressed firmly against the broad chest of Jovanna, creating an intoxicating scent that filled the air around them with an invisible force that felt almost tangible.

The modest girl who have such an immodest body allowed herself to be guided wholly by her lover, she is gazing up at him with open admiration in her beady eyes.

Kotonoha couldn't take her eyes off him for a second, nor did she even try to do so.

All she wanted to do was to bask in his presence like some kind of idol worshipper.

"This is what I always imagined making love would be like.…" she uttered under her breath.

It was hard not to gush out loud since Jovanna was looking straight at Kotonoha in response.

But this time, there wasn't any fear or nervousness like usual in her heart, only a feeling of utter adoration.

It seems like Jovanna have successfully her out from her gloomy side, Kotonoha can't help but remember everytime the man she comes to love giving her encouragement and confidence.

He believes in her more than she even believe in herself, something that she felt like an amazing blessing to have such a man by her side now.

The mixed sensation that Kotonoha currently experienced now felt strangely liberating.

It made her want to laugh merrily with joy, just the mere presence of her beloved man gave her more pleasure than she had ever felt before.

As if it were only right and proper, everything about him seemed perfectly suited to bring out the best in her.

He looked so cool and beautiful just as perfect as she have ever dreamed herself can come to be, yet he is far better than she have expected.

Jovanna brought their game to the next level.

With a swift motion, the cool beauty trap uncovered the lower part of his girlfriend's bikini exposing the sacred, precious place in her lower body. 

Kotonoha thought that he would take her right here, right now, but she is proven to be wrong.

Jovanna finished up with his play, then they get out of the bathroom after drying themselves up and covered their bodies with a white towel.

A proper place to pluck the cherry is on the bed!

Jovanna and Kotonoha looked around on the vacant double bedroom, it seems that all of their Pokémons have entered their respective pokeball after they get out from the bathroom.

Either they all wanna get a rest for the night, or they are just being sensible and leave the room to be used as a love nest for the couple.

Either way, it is all good!

The coast has been cleared and it is time for Action!

Jovanna make Kotonoha sit on one side of the double bed, with her back leaning against the wall on the bedroom that have been cushioned with pillows.

And then, with a slow and deliberate motion, Jovanna brought his beautiful face to approaches the black lacy panties that have just been worn by Kotonoha when they get out from the bathroom.

The man smoothly brought the edge of the right side of his girlfriend's panties in between his pearly white teeth and pulled it down until it reached down to her ankles.

Kotonoha stared down at the marvelous sight before her, an expression of surprise plastered upon her face.

Her heart fluttered inside her chest while she felt like there are a lot of butterfrees danced around in her stomach.

She never knew how sexy and hot it could be to have her own clothes removed with her man's teeth.

Kotonoha felt every sensation of Jovanna's pearly white teeth when they are brushing against her silky smooth skin.

And then once again, she have both of her wrists firmly held by Jovanna until she could not move her arms anymore even with all the strength that she have cultivated in her martially disciplined body.

This locking position allowed Jovanna to have a complete control over Kotonoha's movements, just like what the both of them wanted it. 

That was not the only thing that matters, though.

By bringing their bodies closer together like this, Jovanna left nothing exposed on Kotonoha's body except for her sensitive spots, as their body is firmly pressed against each other.

"Jovanna.…" Kotonoha whispered the name of her love timidly.

"Kotonoha, MY Love, relax.... I would never, ever hurt you," once again Jovanna reassured the girl as he is putting his already rock hard member in the front entrance of her pink flesh.


If you want to support me, throwing your stone here would greatly helps in motivating me to write this novel ~! 

You can also visit pâtrēõn.com/ranata (replace all vocal alphabet with normal a, e and o letters) to read up to Chapter 92.

Thank you very much for all the good people who have supported me so far!