
Pokemon Wacky Adventure

[Beware of TRAP, No One Under 18 should read this Work, nor should those who thinks that Trap or Futanari Characters are not a taste on their palate, You have been Warned.] [Also, even though the Protagonist chooses to be a Cute Trap, there are only Girls in his Harem as the Author himself is an Anti Yaoi and Pro Yuri Gentleman.] [And Last but not Least, even though I love Girls x Girls Romance, I don't have a Hobby to cuck the Protagonist with his own Woman(s). Even though there may or may not be a Yuri Couple in His Harem, they will still have MC as their #1 and they are at best, "Sisters in Bed" to gang up on Him.] John Dickinson is a programmer who is sent to another world after he sacrificed his live to save his girlfriend from Truck-kun Isekai Express Service. After his death, he spend 3 Chapters in this Fanfic Novel to Create his own Character before he is sent to PokeWack, a wacky world that is made by a bored God who wants to get some amusements by making a World based on Pokemon franchises mixed with various other anime, manga and game as references. Will our protagonist serves his purpose for the amusement of the Readers, or will he do something out of expectations to break free from script of the World? Follow this story to know what this wacky world have in store for our Protagonist! ...... Cover Picture: The TRAP Protagonist drawn with AI (Just Ignore the Twin Coconuts on the Chest)

Viadhivan_Ranata · Anime & Comics
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123 Chs

PWA 76 A Steamy Bathroom [R18+]

Jovanna's gaze met with Kotonoha's, and it conveyed a message beyond mere lust and youthful passion.

It was a mixed blend of longing, a deep seathed obsession, and an acknowledgement of his struggle to control his own instincts.

"Kotonoha, oh, Kotonoha, you are so alluring and beautiful.....," Jovanna said as he put his left hand on Kotonoha's right cheek and placed his right hand on her left breast, right near the place of her heart.

Jovanna rubs the tender cheek of his girlfriend, while on the other hand he enjoyed lightly fondling her abundant breast while feeling the pulse of her heartbeat that have been drummed crazily like a rock music.

Kotonoha's blush become a deeper shade of red, as the blood flowing on her veins have rushed madly towards her face, pumped by her heartbeat like a Blastoise pumping water with Hydro Pump.

She felt like her head is about to explode from the mixed feelings of embarrassment and excitement, much like a Torkoal when it used Explosion, while blowing up a great amount of steam from every orifice on her head.

Her brain becomes mushy, and she fumbled as she is searching for words, feeling the awkwardness of the situation.

"S-sorry," that is the only word which she can get out from her mouth right now, it has even been said as she is stammering, her embarrassment is evident in her trembling voice and the rosy color that have painted her beautiful face down to her fair white neck.

"Kotonoha-chan.... I want to be honest with you, although I know this would be your first time, and I should be soft and gentle to you, but you are just too SEXY and HOT right now...., so I might be a little rough and hard when doing it with you," Jovanna cautioned Kotonoha about his flaming desire, his honesty shining through like a Voltorb using Flash even while he put an emphasis on saying that his girlfriend is Sexy and Hot.

While he did feel a sense of improvement in his emotional state due to having a second life and he have already experienced many hot nights with his girlfriends back in his previous life, but the incredible surge of hormone from the his youthful body still coursed crazily through his veins, igniting the flame of desire so much that he could not guarantee absolute control over his own lust.

A faint smile tugged on Kotonoha's cherry lips, a combination of happiness from being praised by her boyfriend, a surge of excitement from her own hormonal surge and curiosity of what would it felt like when they are doing it for the first time.

"Oh..., that.... I think that would be fine..., absolutely fine... I have... Actually been reading a lot of romance novel lately, and I am also a bit curious to know what would it felt like when we are making love." Kotonoha replied sheepishly, her enthusiasm and curiousity for a taste of love and lust have begun to overshadow the feeling of nervousness that have been creeping inside her heart.

From the moment when Jovanna give her a ring as her birthday gift, she had already aware of her boyfriend's feelings and have felt that this intimate moment between them would inevitably arrive sooner or later, and she had to do her best to reciprocate her lover's affection towards her instead of shying away from it.

"Just .... promise me that you won't.... Please don't make it feel hurts too much," Kotonoha added after a brief pause, no matter what, she is still a bit scared of being hurt too much on her first time.

Especially when the last time they are making out in the afternoon on the bedroom of her boyfriend, and she got a chance to held her boyfriend's cannon on her hands.

Oh My Mew.....

It is so BIG.

She have played with it with her fingers and even go so far as swallowing the tip of her boyfriend's cannon as it shoot out its thick milky white baby batter on her mouth.

Which she have drunk and swallowed as like a delicacy.

The flavour that Jovanna's thick white milk have felt a bit strange on her taste buds, but it is not to the point that it felt unpleasant to be savoured.

On the contrary, she felt a pleasant sensation as she drunk on her boyfriend's milk of life fresh and warm straight from its source.

She is even leaking quite a bit from her honeypot as she savoured her boyfriend's liquid of life.

If that BIG Gun is inserted inside her body...

As Kotonoha is lost in the recollection of her first "Milk Drink", a small laugh from Jovanna softly echoed melodiously through the bathroom, surprising Kotonoha out of her reverie.

Kotonoha felt a twinge of self-consciousness, thinking that her boyfriend was laughing at her request regarding her first time to make it not hurts too much.

Kotonoha closed her face with both of her palm as her boyfriend, still smiling softly to her, brought her into a firm position in his embrace.

"Don't laugh at me, please.... I know it is a bit embarrassing.... But I can't help but want to ask for you to be a bit gentler...." Kotonoha protested weakly, her soft and feeble voice are tinged with a mix of defensiveness and vulnerability.

Kotonoha's emotions and nervousness intertwined in her heart again, making her second-guess her own words.

Jovanna's chuckles subsided, and the beautiful trap looked at his alluring girlfriend with a gentle smile.

"No, I was not laughing at you. It is normal if you feel a bit scared to get hurts before doing it for the first time," Jovanna clarified what he thought of to Kotonoha, his voice is filled with sincerity.

"However, remember my Dear Kotonoha, after everything that we have done together, although it is only a short time since we first meet, there is no way that I would ever want to harm you." Said Jovanna as he sweet talked his girlfriend while looking at her beady eyes that peeked out from the gap of her fingers that covered her flustered face.

The clear amethyst eyes that only have his figure on its reflection.

Relief washed over Kotonoha's face as she absorbed his words in her mond.

She had momentarily misunderstood his laughs, but Jovanna's reassurance have melted away her anxiety.

Kotonoha uncovered her face that was hidden behind the .palm of her hands

With a newfound understanding, Jovanna continued, this time his voice is tinged with a feeling of determination.

"However, since it is your wish, I will try to be as gentle as possible. But I will still warn you though, that I might also lose control, since you are just too HOT," Jovanna tried to assured her, his eyes filled with unwavering resolve only to make her girlfriend feel flustered again on the last part of his words.

("Jovanna....., you sure love to tease me so much, huh...?) Kotonoha thought as she felt a movement made by her boyfriend.

Without waiting for Kotonoha's answer, Jovanna have slowly but surely closed the gap between them, with his heart pounding in his chest.

Jovanna's lips gently pressed against Kotonoha's own, and a jolt of electricity surged throughout their entire body.

It was a moment of pure connection, where time seemed to stand still, like Dialga once again have halted its movement.

Kotonoha opened her eyes wide, as she looks at Jovanna who is also looking at her with a lovely gaze straight on her eyes.

Meanwhile his hand, that felt so warm and comforting by Kotonoha when it touched her skin, have traced the delicate contours of her tender cheek that have been turned from alabaster white to a rosy blush ans now it is as red as a Krabby that have been boiled with Tamato Berry.

Jovanna's hand didn't stop on her cheek as they are moving ever so slowly down to her pristine neck.

The touches of his sent shivers down on her spine, awakening a sense of anticipation that Kotonoha had never experienced before.

Kotonoha's mind raced with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty as they both are still kissing with their lips pressed against each others.


[ ] Author's Note [ ]

What do you think about the Pokémon metaphors I used in the sexual scene?

Is it funny? 😆🥂🍾

Or did that destroy the mood? 😅🍌🥀

By the Way, it is Nyepi (Silent Day) in my place today, so I won't update R18+ chapter on this novel for tomorrow, in exchange I will make an update for the continuation of Pokémon Wack in my Crucible of Ideas.


If you want to support me, throwing your stone here would greatly helps in motivating me to write this novel ~! 

You can also visit pâtrēõn.com/ranata (replace all vocal alphabet with normal a, e and o letters) to read up to Chapter 90.

Thank you very much for all the good people who have supported me so far!