
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Team Rocket Trio

A blue haired man, a pink haired woman with pointy hair ends, and a meowth stood with their backs facing the trio. They wore white uniforms with a red R symbol on the chest.

"Prepare for Trouble" the pink haired woman said with a smile as she turned around and raised her left fist forward.

"Make it Double" the blue haired man said as he turned around and raised his right fist forward.

"To protect the world from devastation" the woman said with a smile.

"To unite all peoples within our nation" the man said with a smile.

"To denounce the evils of truth and love" the woman said as she raised her hand to the left.

"To extend our reach to the stars above" the man said as he raised his hand to the right.



The duo introduced themselves as they added "Team Rocket blast off to the speed of light, surrender now or prepare to fight"

"Meowth, that's right!" the meowth said as it clapped both its hands once.

Folker, Farlan, and Chelsea looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to do.

"Maybe, just ignore them?" Chelsea suggested.

"I'm not sure. They're Team Rocket, you know?" Folker replied.

"Are we supposed to fight them or just.. skedaddle, maybe?" Chelsea said with a smile as she scratched the back of her head

"Aren't we here to catch up with Charmander? It's just right behind them" Folker said as he tilted his head.

"Is no one really gonna talk about that talking Meowth?" Farlan asked.

"Oh come on. That's old news" Folker shrugged, to which Farlan just sighed as he rubbed his belly.

Meanwhile, Damian's figure can be seen crouching as he hid on the nearby bush when he noticed the commotion. He recognized their uniforms and knew they were trouble so he decided to just get out of trouble's way.

Jessie finally couldn't take it anymore and said with a confident smile "Surrender your pokemon and we'll let you off"

"Aren't we here for that Charmander?" James asked as he looked at Jessie.

"Well, since the twerps are here, we might as well collect more" Jessie replied with her iconic laugh.

"Stay focused, we're here to capture pokemon, don't forget. Meowth!" Meowth said with his unique accent.


"But of course!"

Folker and Chelsea then called out their pokemon.



"So you chose the hard way" James said with a smirk as he called out his pokemon.

"Those pokemon look strong. It seems we've found ourselves a good catch" Jessie said as she flashed out a confident smile and called out her pokemon.



"Weezing, [Smokescreen]" James said as he put his hands on his hips. Weezing let out another cry before it released an obscuring cloud of smoke.

"Arbok, [Bite] on that Ivysaur" Jessie said as she waved her right hand. Arbok then rushed towards Ivysaur's figure under the cover of the [Smokescreen].

However, before Scizor and Weezing could use their attacks, an orange lizard pokemon interfered. Charmander blew away the smokescreen with an incredible blast of breath, damaging Arbok as it grit its teeth in pain.

"Hey, I have an idea. Why don't you fight with us, Charmander?" Chelsea said as she looked at Charmander's little but imposing figure.


It nodded and rushed towards Folker's direction and faced Arbok and Weezing. Ivysaur stepped aside and let Charmander fight under Chelsea's command.

"Oh well, it's your call" Folker said as he sighed.

"It seems that the Charmander has joined the twerps" Jessie commented and looked annoyed.

"We just have to capture them all" James replied with a confident smile.

'Are they really that strong?' Folker thought to himself as he looked at Team Rocket's confident expression. No matter how he thought about it, they don't look really that imposing. In addition, his danger senses didn't even warn him the slightest.

His impression of them turned for worse when Arbok was hit by Charmander's [Dragon Breath].

"Charmander, use [Dragon Breath] to blow away that Weezing" Chelsea said as she smiled. Charmander then exhaled a mighty gust on Weezing, blowing it away.

"Scizor, take out that Arbok with your signature move" Folker lazily said. Scizor then clapped its scissor fists and rushed towards Arbok at breakneck speed.

It struck Arbok with [Bullet Punch], pushing it away from the impact.

"Arbok, no!"


"Do I have to do anything?" Meowth complained as he stepped forward and raised his paws forward, ready for battle.

"Charmander, [Dragonbreath] that Meowth!" Chelsea said with a smile. Charmander once again exhaled a mighty gust of breath and blew Meowth away.


"This isn't over, twerps!" Jessie said as she ran away to get back their pokemon.

"We'll come back for your pokemon!" James said and did the same.

"Way to go, Charmander!" Chelsea praised as she gently patted Charmander's head.

"Charmander, char!"

At this time, Damian came out of the bush and exclaimed "Charmander beat them!?"

"Wow, they're really blasting off like a rocket" Folker said as he looked at their comical actions.

"What can I say, my impression of Team Rocket as a whole just got worse" Chelsea said.

"Don't let your guard down when it comes to Team Rocket, you two. Not everyone from that organization is as bad as those three" Farlan said as he sighed.

"Hey Charmander, why don't you come with us? I'm afraid your trainer isn't gonna be coming back" Chelsea said with a smile as she looked at Charmander.

Suddenly, Damian approached the trio and revealed himself as he put his hands on his back and said "Hi Charmander, been looking all over for you".

"What do you want, Damian?" Farlan said as his expression suddenly turned cold.

"I came back for Charmander, just like I promised.. so let's go" Damian shamelessly said with a smile.

The corners of Chelsea's and Folker's eyes narrowed down when they heard his words.

Charmander turned around and looked at the trio with a troubled expression.

"Are you sure, Charmander? This trainer's already abandoned you once before" Chelsea said with a concerned expression.

'Well, I just have to beat his ass if ever Charmander comes back to him' Folker thought to himself as he grinned.

"Damian, you were bragging about how you abandoned it" Farlan retorted as he reached for his pocket, ready to call out his pokemon.

"Good thing I did. That toughened it up. Besides, what's wrong with leaving a weak pokemon?" Damian arrogantly said with a smile.

The corners of Charmander's eyes widened when it heard Damian's words. Its expression suddenly turned from sadness to anger as it grit its teeth.

"I wasn't gonna come back for it but now that I've seen what it can do, I'm really glad that I ran into you guys" Damian added.

When Folker saw Charmander's expression, his eyes lit up. He already knew where this was going so he decided to just shut himself up and let Charmander do its thing.

"Charmander, return!" Damian said as threw a pokeball on Charmander's direction.

However, Charmander dodged the pokeball and released an intense blast of fire from its mouth. Unfortunately, Damian was able to survive and dodge Charmander's attack on time. Nevertheless, his face was still scorched black.