
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

The Loyal Charmander

"Yeah, I had one. But that puny thing was so weak, it couldn't even beat the weakest opponents" the blue haired young man arrogantly said.

"So, what did you do with the charmander?" the spiky haired young man asked.

"Eh, I left it in some rock in the woods" the blue haired young man said with a shrug.

"Huh?" Both Folker and Chelsea looked at each other as they recalled the Charmander they met earlier.

"That thing is so stupid. no matter what I do, It keeps on following me. I finally got rid of it by promising I'd come back for it. He fell for it! He's probably still there waiting for me" the blue haired young man said as he chuckled as the others laughed too.

"He must be the one who abandoned that Charmander" Folker said as the corners of his eyes narrowed.

Chelsea then looked outside the window and said "I'm worried about that Charmander. It still must have been there waiting for that guy"

Nurse Joy also listened to their conversation because of Farlan.

"Those people don't deserve to be trainers" Nurse Joy angrily commented.

"Sweetie, I'll be back" Farlan said with a gentle flirty voice as he gave a flying kiss to Nurse Joy.

Nurse Joy nodded and said "Be careful".

Farlan then approached Folker and Chelsea and said "You heard them, right? Let's go"

The three then wore their rain coats and rushed towards the place they met Charmander.


At this time, in the middle of a stormy rain, Charmander weakly crouched down with a leaf on top of its body as an umbrella. Chelsea already healed Charmander back to top shape but the rain weakened the flame on its tail once more, indicating that Charmander's life is in danger.

Meanwhile, on the bush, three silhouettes of birds eyed Charmander's figure, waiting for the Charmander to be further weakened before they strike.

Charmander tightly held the stem of the leaf for cover. Suddenly, the birds revealed themselves.


They rushed towards Charmander's figure and surrounded it as they harassed it with their wing attacks. Charmander was too weak to defend itself. With no way to fight back, Charmander could only endure as it groaned in pain while still tightly holding the stem of the leaf.

"Char.. Char.. Charmander!"

"Magneton, use [Thundershock]!" Folker suddenly shouted as Magneton let out a cry and hurled a jolt of electricity towards the Spearows, frying them.

The trio kept their distance from Magneton for safety since the storm strengthened Magneton's electric attacks and they don't want to be accidentally electrocuted.

The Spearows fell on top of the boulder as their bodies surrounded Charmander's figure. Their eyes were spiraling as they lost their consciousness.

"Oh no, the flame on its tail was weakened once more" Folker said as he grabbed a towel to cover Charmander's body.

"We don't have much time. Chelsea, can you do it?" Farlan asked as he eyed Chelsea's figure.

"I can but let's find a cover first" Chelsea said solemnly.

"I don't remember any shades from here. Let's just head back to the Pokemon Center" Folker suggested. Chelsea and Farlan nodded at Folker's words.

Folker then grabbed Charmander while Farlan covered its tail with a towel as they rushed back to the Pokemon Center.

"Stay strong, Charmander" Chelsea said with a low voice as she looked at the flame on its tail as it weakly flickered.

Finally, after a few minutes of running, they arrived back at the Pokemon Center. Nurse Joy saw them and quickly approached them as she eyed the Charmander on Folker's hands.

"Sweetie, please help us" Farlan said with a gentle voice.

"There's not much time, hurry" Nurse Joy urged as she quickly rushed to the Emergency Room.

At this time, Charmander lay on the bed as it rested. Unlike the scene from the anime where the flame on Charmander's tail weakly flickered, the scene in front of them was Charmander slowly recovering as the burning on its tail was stabilized.

Chelsea heaved a sigh of relief as she saw Charmander's tail.

"How could Damian let it get to this condition!" Nurse Joy complained with a solemn tone.

'The next time I see that guy, I'll make sure to milk out all the money he has on him' Folker thought to himself.

"Poor Charmander. Damian just left with the rest of them" Nurse joy said with a sigh. Afterwards, they went to the lobby to rest for the night.

The next day

On the bench, Folker and Chelsea's figure can be seen soundly sleeping. The light from the sun passed through the window and illuminated Folker's face.

Folker woke up and did his regular stretches. He then called out Scizor, Lucario, and Magneton out of their pokeballs for daily exercise.

Folker noticed that Lucario appeared to have something on its mind and asked Lucario "What's up, Luca?"

"I wonder what happened to that Charmander we met yesterday" Lucario said.

"Oh, yeah. That Charmander. It must have fully recovered by now" Folker said as he rubbed his chin.

Suddenly, Farlan came and said with a loud voice "Wake up, everybody".

"I'm awake, what's up?" Folker asked while Chelsea woke up and rubbed her eyes as she looked at Farlan.

"Charmander has disappeared from the Emergency Room" Farlan said with a solemn tone.

"Disappeared? Hmmm. Then there's only one place we can find it" Folker said as he rubbed his chin.

"But it's no use. It will just stay in there waiting for Damian on the boulder" Chelsea replied.

"We just need to check if it has fully recovered" Folker said.

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's go" Farlan said as he packed up his things. Afterwards, they packed their things, they walked back to the boulder they found Charmander but this time, they weren't in a hurry and took their time.

However, when they arrived at the boulder, what greeted them was more than just Charmander.

"Prepare for Trouble" a voice greeted them.