
Pokemon: The Steel Tyrant

Folker embarks on a Pokemon Journey as he slowly uncovers the mystery behind sudden disappearance of his parents. MC is not a reincarnator I do not own Pokemon Franchise Cover Photo not mine Do check out my other work if you're interested. The Rift: Masked Phantom

Jims_Rid · Anime & Comics
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101 Chs

Team Rocket.. again

"That does it! I'll crush you with every pokemon I've got!" Damian lost his cool as he grabbed two pokeballs with each hand and called out his pokemon.

Suddenly, two pokemon appeared in front of Damian. One is covered in yellow fur with a spiky fringe around its tail and a white ruff around its neck while the other is a bipedal, slightly humanoid Pokémon that has yellow skin. It has triangular ears with brown interiors, sleepy-looking eyes, and a large nose.



"Wow, those are some cool pokemon you have there. They're wasted on you" Folker mocked with disdain written on his face as he looked at Damian.

"Why.. you!!" Damian grit his teeth as he looked at Folker with hatred in his eyes.

When Charmander saw Jolteon and Hypno, its face showed a troubled expression and hesitation. It might have a newfound anger towards its former trainer Damian but its relationship with the two are rather good.

Chelsea noticed Charmander's problem and smiled as she said "Don't worry, Charmander. Leave it to me. Folker, don't interfere"

"If you say so" Folker said as he stepped back alongside his pokemon and decided to just watch their one vs two fight.

"Jolteon, use [Thundershock]. Hypno, use [Headbutt]!" Damian shouted as he grit his teeth.

"Ivysaur, dodge it and use [Razor Leaf]" Chelsea said as she flashed out an icy-cold glare towards Damian. She didn't even bother looking at his Pokemon even when outnumbered.

Jolteon hurled out a jolt of electricity towards Ivysaur but Ivysaur dodged it with grace. Hypno then launched itself towards Ivysaur and once again dodged it with a leap forward.

Afterwards, it launched sharp-edged leaves on Hypno until it fainted. Afterwards, it sent another [Razor Leaf] on Jolteon as it fainted with its eyes spiraling.

"Wow, you exceeded my expectations. Here I thought the Team Rocket trio was already bad enough, who would have expected that there's an even better clown" Folker said with a mocking smile on his face.

Damian recalled both Jolteon and Hypno back to their pokeballs and grit his teeth as he looked at Chelsea and Folker. He then turned his gaze towards Charmander as his eyes flashed out with even more intense hatred.

"This isn't over yet!" Damian said as he ran away in shame

Folker and Farlan just laughed at the comical sight in front of them. First, it was Team Rocket, now it was Damian and it was just early morning.

What they didn't know, however, was that in the near future, the Team Rocket trio would come back with even more trouble.

"See that? You were never weak. Jolteon and Hypno were supposed to be strong pokemon but under his hands, they turned out weak. As for you, the moment he abandoned you, you immediately underwent a growth-spurt, proving once more that he's lacking as a trainer" Chelsea said with a gentle smile as she patted Charmander's head.

Charmander looked at Chelsea with sparkles on its eyes.

"Wanna come with me?" Chelsea asked as she grabbed an unused pokeball from her pocket.

"Charmander, char!"

Folker could only sigh as he looked at Chelsea. He was actually interested in Charmander but the moment he saw Chelsea's expression earlier, he had a hunch that no matter what, Charmander would end up in her hands.

It really did! Charmander rushed towards the pokeball with a headbutt as the pokeball captured Charmander's entire body without Charmander resisting.

Chelsea then called out Charmander out of its pokeball and said with a smile "Welcome to my team, Charmander".

"Fantastic, should we head back to the pokemon cente-" Folker said when suddenly, he stopped and frowned.

"Something wrong?" Chelsea asked as she looked at Folker. She knew about Folker's ability and frowned as well.

"Let's hide in the bushes, quick!" Folker said with a low voice as he immediately rushed towards the nearby bushes. Farlan and Chelsea followed him and also hid.

A few moments later, they saw about 13 men wearing black uniforms with red R symbols on their chests. A red haired man with black cap in front appeared to be the captain of this squad.

'Team Rocket!' Folker exclaimed as he sneakily looked at the Team Rocket grunts.

"I can't believe we're about to catch Zapdos!" one Team Rocket grunt said in excitement.

"Shut up, will you? What if someone heard you?" another Team Rocket grunt replied as he glared at the one who spoke earlier.

"Don't be like that, no one's here anyway. Even if someone else heard us, dead men tell no tales" a Team Rocket grunt said as he flashed out a wicked smile.

"Whoah, you actually have the nerve to say that despite being so weak?"

"What did you just say!?"

"You heard it, weakling"

"Shut up!" the captain said as he glared at the two grunts. The two of them shut their mouths and lowered their heads, not daring to look at their captain. Afterwards, they went on their way, passing by the Folker trio without detecting their presence.

Folker heaved a sigh of relief when his danger senses didn't detect them anymore. The trio then came out of the bushes and looked at each other. He then frowned as he recalled their words earlier.

"Zapdos. Team Rocket is about to catch Zapdos" Folker said with a worried expression on his face.

"Is that even possible? Catching a Legendary pokemon" Chelsea said with her eyes widened.

"I don't know. But if such a large organization as Team Rocket set their eyes on Zapdos, with their technology and numbers, it's not impossible" Folker replied with a solemn tone.

"That means that Zapdos is in danger" Chelsea said with a worried tone.

"Let's not meddle in their business, shall we? Zapdos isn't that easy to catch" Farlan said with a frown on his face.

"You're right. Besides, we're still too weak to mess with Team Rocket" Folker replied with a bitter smile.

'Zapdos, huh. I wonder what their objective is' Folker thought to himself.

'I don't have a grudge with Team Rocket but one day, I'll turn that organization upside down. I hope Corin's fine with it' Folker thought to himself as his eyes flashed with an imposing light.

When Farlan saw Folker's eyes, his lips flashed out a faint smile..



I wrote a new novel, do check it out if you're interested. I won't be dropping this fanfic and I plan to finish this one without rushing its story. As for update schedule, still 1 chapter per day.

The Rift: Masked Phantom

The MC will be powerful but not a one man army.