
Chapter 2

Shadow brought down his arm, staring at the champion, "If you think I'll give in that easily, you're delusional," he stated, reaching for Luxray's pokeball.

"Stop him," Cynthia ordered. Garchomp could definitely take out his Luxray; however, it would give him time to escape, something he would most likely capitalize on, given his talent as a trainer.

Garchomp obeyed her command, lunging toward the trainer with an intimidating roar.

Shadow stared, ducking around the dragon at the last second and tossing out a pokeball, "Luxray, battle ready!"

Luxray exploded out of the ball with a loud roar, glaring fiercely at the Garchomp now standing at her trainer's side.

Cynthia bit back a curse. It would've been a lot easier to apprehend Shadow without his Pokemon getting in their way, but that was obviously too much to ask for.

"Garchomp, brick break!" she called out, throwing her arm out.

The giant dragon lunged at the quadruped, who crouched low to the ground, claws glowing ominously.

"Luxray, meet it head on with iron tail!" the lion sprang up, tail glowing white, and a snarl on his lips as he clashed ferociously with Garchomp.

The resulting wind of their encounter pushed the trainers back slightly, but also had the effect of blowing off Shadow's hood. The sight made her eyes widen and a gasp leave her.

He lifted his head, revealing annoyed orange eyes and hazel-brown hair. But the thing that surprised Cynthia was his age. With his face finally shown, she could see the youth in it. He looked 8 or 9, an age that normal trainers didn't even have pokemon. Then again, normal trainers didn't battle in illegal tournaments and weren't called the King of the Underground, so she'd let it slide this time.

Cynthia was too stunned to react as the Luxray leapt at Garchomp, tail glowing in an iron tail. Luckily, she wasn't alone. "Flamethrower!" The four Growlithes reacted to their trainer's orders and four sets of fire shot towards Luxray.

Shadow cursed under his breath and reached into his cloak, "If you're bringing other pokemon into this, then so will I! Tyranitar, battle ready!"

The green bipedal dinosaur erupted out of his pokeball with an ear-shattering roar, even Shadow winced slightly, in front of the flamethrowers, shielding Luxray from the brunt of the force. The lion didn't even bat an eye as it proceeded towards the dragon. By this time, Cynthia had regained her sense, "Dragon claw!" she called, eyes wandering to the Tyranitar roaring at the four growlithes.

Garchomp and Luxray clashed once again, sending waves of force crashing outwards, and pushing Shadow backwards to the surrounding officers and their pokemon.

Tyranitar immediately saw his trainers predicament and sent multiple dark pulses at the offending pokemon. Officer Jenny saw her chance as she ordered, "Growlithe flamethrower, Arcanine, grab him."

Four blasts of fire collided with the dark attacks and smoke exploded from the point of contact, billowing outward to coat the entire battlefield.

Arcanine obeyed Jenny and leapt at the unsuspecting trainer trying not to inhale smoke, slamming the young boy to the ground. Shadow let out a surprised yelp as the air was forcibly knocked out of his lungs. Tyranitar let out a roar of distress at the noise and Luxray growled worriedly. The smoke was eventually swept away as one of the officer's Staravia blew it away with a gust.

Hey thanks to everyone who commented and voted on the last chapter! Really enjoy reading them. Hope youe enjoyed this chapter. See ya~

drakncreators' thoughts