
Chapter 1

She was here on business, this was illegal. It still didn't stop her from appreciating the powerful Luxray and his calm trainer as they annihilated their competition. She scanned the room, meeting the eyes of several undercover cops as she laid a hand on Garchomp's pokeball. After this last round…

"And the final match! Shadow versus Kane! Place your bets now, Shadow's Luxray, or Kane's Rhyperior! This will be a one-on-one battle like the rest and whoever wins gets the 10,000 poke dollar prize money!" The commentator let the roar of the crowd crescendo before turning back to the competitors, "Begin!"

Kane sneered at his opponent, "You have no chance, electric type moves won't do anything to Rhyperior! Rhyperior stone edge!"

Rhyperior roared and sharp rocks circled the pokemon before shooting toward the stoic Luxray.

A second before the rocks impacted Luxray, a single command was uttered, "Double team."

Luxray's form flickered and soon, they were all surrounding the rock pokemon. Kane's eyes narrowed as he snarled, "Earthquake."

Rhyperior slammed his leg into the ground causing the earth to tremble violently and as one, the Luxrays leapt into the air, "Iron tail," They dove toward the Rhyperior and swung their glowing tail at the stunned beast.

"Dodge it!" Kane yelled, watching as the beast slipped out of the way only to be hit by a full power hyper beam a second later. His eyes widened and turned to the source to find the original Luxray as the rest fizzled out of existence. "You tricked me," he snarled, glaring at the hooded figure.

Shadow scoffed, "And you fell for it. Luxray, giga impact."

Kane's eyes widened as he watched the electric pokemon coat himself in white as he shot towards the staggering Rhyperior. Luxray slammed into Rhyperior and backflipped away, landing smoothly on his paws. The smoke cleared and a fainted Rhyperior was revealed.


"Rhyperior is unable to battle, which means the victor is Shadow's Luxray once again!"

Cheers echoed throughout the arena as he lifted a pokeball and silently returned Luxray.

Cynthia slowly brought out Garchomp's ball and nodded at the surrounding officers. They quickly and quietly secured the perimeter. This was the best shot they were going to get. An official was walking toward the hooded figure grinning broadly.

"Congratulations once again to Shadow and his Luxray for wiping the floor with today's competition! Now as promised, the prize money-"

He was cut off as a hyper beam cut through the air, courtesy of Cynthia's Garchomp. At once, officers swarmed the competitors and blocked off all exits. Cynthia personally went towards Shadow, who had his arm raised to ward off the smoke.

When he finally lowered his arm, it was to the sight of the Champion and several officers surrounding him, Garchomp and Growlithes snarling menacingly.

The champion smiled calmly, "Why don't you come with us, Shadow."

Thanks for reading everybody! All comments appreciated.

drakncreators' thoughts