
Chapter 3

The Arcanine was pinning Shadow to the ground, his fangs flashed as they edged closer to his neck when Luxray stepped forward. Luxray snarled, but reluctantly stepped back when Arcanine growled threateningly. Tyranitar roared, and glared at the Arcanine. There was silence for a moment before Cynthia stepped forward.

"Well, now that that's settled-" the champion cut herself off as she saw Shadow subtly reaching for another pokeball, "Arcanine stop him!"

Arcanine's paw slammed into Shadow's wrist, eliciting a pained hiss from the downed trainer. "Alright, alright I give," he muttered, "Luxray, Tyranitar, stand down."

Both of them growled but backed up, Luxray lowered his head deferentially while Tyranitar huffed, annoyed.

Cynthia looked at the pokemon pinning Shadow, "Can you release him Arcanine?" The fire pokemon complied immediately, stepping away, but not before giving Shadow a warning growl. Shadow slowly stood up, carefully keeping his hands in view. Cynthia stepped forward, "Hand over your pokeballs," she said, "you can't win."

Shadow frowned uncertainly and looked to his pokemon. He hesitated before reaching into his cloak and dropping four pokeballs into the champions hand, "Better not release them. If they see you or the police, without me, there'll be hyper beams shooting everywhere," he said with a roll of his eyes.

"Good to know I suppose," she said, pocketing the spherical objects, "now Luxray's and Tyranitar's," she once again held out her hand expectantly.

He scowled, "What're you planning on doing with my pokemon? They won't accept just being released into the wild. They'll find me again." At that, Luxray and Tyranitar roared their agreement, adding in multiple snarls and glares once they realized they drew the humans' attention.

Cynthia sighed, "We're only seperating you so you won't try to escape. After we ask a few questions and we trust you, you'll get them back."

Shadow gazed warily at her, "Really? Why would you give them back?"

"I don't want to seperate trainer and pokemon, but what you're doing is illegal."

He glared at her, "I'm doing what I have to, to survive," he snarled, eyes flashing in rage.

Cynthia's eyes narrowed, "What do you mean by that?" she asked.

Shadow reeled back, realizing what he said and snapping his jaw shut, "You wouldn't understand, just forget it," he murmured, looking away.

For the briefest moment, the champion saw regret, sorrow, and grief well up in his eyes, before it was wiped away and a blank look replaced it.

She sighed and lifted her hand slightly. Shadow took the hint and dropped two pokeballs into the champion's hand. She looked at them for a moment before enlarging them and pointing them at Luxray and Tyranitar, "Return." They snarled at the blonde, but at a look from their trainer, they reluctantly allowed themselves to be absorbed back into their capsule.

"Come on," Cynthia said, turning to meet the boy's gaze. Shadow grudgingly allowed himself to be herded to the back of the police truck by the growlithes and Arcanine. He stepped inside as Cynthia slipped into the passenger seat next to Officer Jenny. The door slammed shut and Jenny turned to Cynthia, "You don't have to come Miss Cynthia, we have this under control."

"Well," she murmured, glancing back at the scowling boy, "I have to admit I'm curious about the King of the Underground. Everything about him, his pokemon, his past. Just indulge me?"

"If you insist," the officer replied, starting the truck and heading straight to the police station with the infamous Shadow Battler in the back.

What could go wrong?

OMG! Thanks so much to everyone who commented and voted! It really means a lot and I really appreciate your support!

drakncreators' thoughts