
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 15

Evan have already arrived at the waiting area for the gorgeous contest, this time Evan put Sylveon and Ralts into their own respective poké balls as the main character today is suppose to be milotic.

While waiting at the waiting room, Evan saw a familiar figure it was May with a boy, if I remember the plot clearly his name should be Timmy who disguised himself and took part in the contest due to his personal reasons and also the one who injured Drew's roselia which made Drew to not take part in the Verdanturf conference.

Evan decided to give greetings to May "Hello May, I didn't expect we would meet again after quite early after the Staleport conference."

May was startled by my sudden approach "oh it's Evan, yeah what a coincidence" Saying this May brought out her ribbon "tada I've also won my first ribbon,have you got your second ribbon yet?"

"Oh congratulations, and this is my second contest I'm participating so i haven't got my second ribbon yet" Evan responded with a smile.

"I see, then good on your performance" May said with a confident look.

"Yes, thank you and good luck to you too" Evan responded kindly.

Soon the first round of the gorgeous contest began.

The first contestant was Jessie with her new pokemon-Dustox. With her outstanding talent, she successfully score a high score of 28.5 fairly without cheating this time leaving other contestants feeling nervous.

Second contestant was a coordinator using charizard and got a score of 20.5,followed by another coordinator using Blastoise who scored only a points of 15.8.

Soon after that it was May's turn, "let's welcome contestant no. 21 on the stage" Vivian called for May.

May came onto the stage and sent out her pokemon.

"Skitty, take the stage, use blizzard"

Unfortunately Blizzard failed but May composed herself back and used juggling trick with skitty scoring a points of 24.9.Although it didn't reach 25 points it was still considered high among the coordinators.

Next was the contestant named Timmy who entered the contest with a pseudonym 'Phantom' just like Jessie who used 'Jesslana' as her pseudonym.He was the one standing beside May in the lounge.

Phantom and his dusclops use a trick of will o wisp and psychic to make it look like a beautiful flower of fire and scored a points of 27.8 which was the second highest right now.

And after a long perfermance it was Evan's turn who registered lastly.

"Now let's welcome our last contestant on the stage" Vivian said loudly.

In the lounge, "oh it's Evan" May said looking at the screen." You know him May?" Asked Timmy. "Yes he a talented coordinator" May responded politely.

On the audience seat,

"Ohh it's my rival, May's going to have a hard time" commended Drew looking at the stage.

"Oh I didn't expect Evan would be participating in the contest" Said Brock. "Yeah sister gonna have a hard time." Ash nodded.

Evan went to the stage gracefully and threw a pokeball elegantly.

"It's your time to shine on stage, come out"

"Mmmm~" Milotic appeared elegantly which made the audience cheered just for the entrance.

"Milotic let's show the audience what gorgeous means, use safeguard" Just like they practice milotic used safeguard which emitted a green light around itself.

"Now use aqua ring followed by dragon pulse" water bubbles surrounded milotic followed by dragon and dispersed the water bubbles.

Milotic then flew on the stage before finishing it with twister which created a sparkles and rainbow.Having amazed the audience, Evan bowed elegantly and thanked them gracefully.

And countless audience cheered for Milotic and Evan's performance.

"The bond between milotic and it's trainer is good" commented Mr. Contesta. Followed by Mr. Sukizo "yes, it's beautiful performance".

" The performance was done beautifully and flawlessly,and just like Mr. Contesta said their relationship and understanding of each other is perfect " Nurse Joy also evaluated.

"Contestant Evan has given us a wonderful performance now let's see his score.... 30!! "

"Contestant Evan has got a perfect score of 30" The audience cheered and gave Evan and Milotic a round of applause.

"You did the performance perfectly milotic" Evan praised milotic patting her head gently and kindly. "Mmmm~" Milotic also responded to Evan's praise.

Soon the result for the second round got announced.

The contestants who successfully advanced to the second round was Evan, Jeslanna(Jessie), Phantom(Timmy), and May.

The first game was between Evan and May, "Evan? " May exclaimed when she saw the matching coordinator.

"Then good luck to both of us May" Evan gave May a good wishes sincerely.

"Yes, good luck Evan" May also responded politely.

Soon on the stage

"Come out,take on stage skitty" May released her pokémon.

Seeing May sending her pokémon Evan also sent out his pokémon "Milotic, time to shine."

"Skitty blizzard" May gave her command, unfortunately blizzard failed again which made May's score to drop without Evan doing nothing.

"Alright milotic use disarming voice followed by ice beam" It created a beautiful combination attack and hit skitty which made May's score drop twice the amount.

May was getting anxious and gave her command "Skitty use assist" Skitty brought flame thrower from the assist.

"Milotic use aqua tail" Skitty's flame thrower assist was directly countered with aqua tail which made May's score drop again.

"Milotic end it with dragon pulse"

"Skitty assist" Unfortunately assist which brought string shot this time didn't help against dragon pulse and skitty looses the ability to fight.

Dididi.... May got battle off.

"Congratulations to contestant Evan for successfully advancing to final." Vivian commanded.

"Skitty you did well" May took back her skitty.

"It was a beautiful battle" Evan said to May extending a hand for handshake.

"Yes, thank you" May and Evan shook their hands together.

The next match was between Jeslanna(Jessie) vs Phantom(Timmy)

Jeslanna sent out her pokémon dustox and Phantom his Dusclops.

Phantom and Dusclops was constantly using psychic and on the other hand Jesslana and her Dustox is also constantly fighting back with psybeam, and finally times up and Phantom successfully advanced to the finals.

As Jessie's disguise was blown, Team Rocket appeared on the stage.

"Since the fair match didn't work, let's change our plan and steal that Dusclops" Jessie declared.

Jessie: " Prepare for trouble Mr. Mistery!

James: Make it double cause you're history!

Jessie: To protect the world form devastation!

James: To unite all people within our nation!

Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!

James: To extend our reach to the stars above!

Jessie: Jessie!

James: James!

Jessie: Team Rocket blasts off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight fight fight!

Meowth: That's right! Meowth.

Just when they were trying to steal Dusclops, Ash and Pikachu used thunderbolt on Team Rocket and they were sent flying out of the stage, and the contests continues..

The next battle was between Evan and Phantom will Evan successfully get his second ribbon? (。•̀ᴗ-)

~To Be Continued....