
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 16

After the 5 minutes of interval, the match for the Verdanturf ribbon continued.

"I heard that you are really strong from May, but I won't give up" Said Phantom to Evan.

"Yes, good luck" Evan just said that released his milotic.

"Dusclops use focus punch" Phantom took the initiative to lead the match.

"Milotic, safeguard" "Mmmm~" the green light emitted from milotic and made a shield which blocks Dusclops attack.

"Dusclops use the combination of will o wisp and psychic" Phantom gave his instructions.

"Milotic, we'll also do the combination of aqua tail and ice beam" "Mmm~" Milotic directly overwhelmed Dusclops combination attack and freezed Dusclops.

"Now use dragon tail to lift up Dusclops to the air and end it with dragon pulse" It was quite a cunning trick.

As Evan's instruction milotic used dragon tail to slap Dusclops up followed by dragon pulse which dispersed the ice into the sparkling stage and also defeating Dusclops with a beautiful attack.

"We have our champion" Vivian announced.

And Evan was awarded with a Verdanturf ribbon.

After successfully getting his second ribbon Evan is ready to live for Petalburg city.

Just when Evan was about to live, he heard familiar voice calling out to him. When Evan turned who was calling out to him he found it was Ash, and his friends.

"Hey Evan so where are you heading out for?"

Ash asked bluntly.

"Erm.. I'm thinking about heading to Petalburg city, how about you guys?" Evan responded with a kind smile.

"We're heading there too!" It was May who responded to my question.

"Eh.. I know why don't you join us since we're heading to the same place" Then Max suggested.

"Are you sure, you don't mind?" asked Evan, it wouldn't hurt for a little adventure with the protagonists right.

"Of course we wouldn't mind adding one friend with us" Brock affirmed.

"Alright then,Me and my pokémons will be in your care" said Evan.

With the sudden proposal of Max and his friends, Evan decided to join them. And now they are heading for the Petalburg city.

In order to defeat Norman and get his fifth badge, Evan and Ash decided to have a friendly match.And Brock volunteered to be a referee.

"The match will be 3 on 3 between the trainer Evan and Ash, when all the pokémon of one side looses, the other side will be the winner"

"Alright let's go treecko" "treeeckko~" Ash sent out a treecko.

[ Pokémon: Treecko


"Alright, go Ralts" "raltsss~" Evan also sent out Ralts since it just needs sone experience to evolve into a Kirlia.

"Ah what's that pokémon it's so cute" May said with excitement and check about it's information on the pokedex.

'Ralts is a psychic,fairy pokémon it can sense the emotions of people using the horns on its head. This Pokémon rarely appears before people. But when it does, it draws closer if it senses that the person has a positive disposition.'

"Alright treecko quick attack" Ash instructed.

"Ralts, teleport and use Disarming voice"

"Treecko no, quick use bullet seed"

"Ralts, mystical fire" Treecko was burnt and fell down.

"Treecko is unable to battle, Ralts wins"

"You did well Ralts" "Raltsss~" Sensing it's trainer's feeling Ralts responded.And suddenly a white light of evolution emitted from Ralts.And what appears was a humanoid girl like pokémon Kirlia appeared and Ash used pokédex to check Kirlia's information.

Kirlia is a psychic,fairy pokémon it evolves from a Ralts,It uses the horns on its head to amplify its psychokinetic power. When the Pokémon uses its power, the air around it becomes distorted, creating mirages of nonexistent scenery.

[ Pokémon : Kirlia

Gender : ♂️

Type : psychic, fairy

Level : Late Ordinary

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : 93%

Skills : disarming voice, growl, double team, confusion, hypnosis, draining kiss, teleport, confuse ray, destiny bond, disable, knock off, mean look, memento, mystical fire, shadow sneak, psybeam, life dew, charm ]

"You've evolved Kirlia" "Kir~liaa~" Sensing Evan's emotion Kirlia dances cheerfully.

"So do you want to continue the match" Broke asks.

"Obviously, right Kirlia" "Kirliaa~"

"Alright then, go Corphish" Ash sent out his second pokémon.

"Corphish bubble beam"

"Kirlia double team, and use confusion attack" "Kirliaa~"

Boom corphish was sent flying to the tree and fainted.

"Corphish is unable to battle, kirlia wins"

"Kirlia got stronger" May admired.

"Okay buddy you're up" "Pika~chu~"

Pikachu came forward.

"Alright kirlia you may rest now" Evan took Kirlia back into his poké ball.

"Go Combusken, I choose you."

Seeing Combusken May released her torchic.

"Pikachu quick attack" "pikapi~"

"Combusken counter with flame charge" "busken~"


After a battle Ash asked for a water from Brock but the water had been emptied.

"Don't worry it's said that there is a fresh spring water around here" Brock said to Ash.

But remembering the plot of the anime,Evan didn't want to get caught up with the villagers who were quite rude and declared solrock as a cause of the drought.

"You don't have to worry I have alot", Evan said as he brought out a cold water from his spatical ring. In the spatical ring things which have been sent stays the same as they were before putting inside so the water was cold.

After resting for a while,Evan, Ash and his friends embarked on their journey again but they were lost somewhere in the woods.

Broke said as they were lost it wouldn't be wise to walk back but to move forward and then decided to start cooking to replenish their strength before moving, so Evan decided to help him out.

After Broke and Evan finished cooking, Evan, Ash and others released their pokémon to eat.

After eating Sylveon and Pikachu picked up their ears as if discovered something and Sylveon pointed to one direction with her ribbons."veon~syl~sylveonn~"

Evan, Ash and other took their pokémon back to their respective poké ball and decided to follow Pikachu and Sylveon who were leading the way.

They saw a scene where a large number of trees collapsed probably caused by the thunderstorm last night.

"Pikapi~" Pikachu shouted anxiously pointing in the direction where a blue coloured, cotton pokémon was seen injured under a burnt collapsed tree.

"It's swablu, and it seems to be injured" Broke frowned.

Seeing the injured pokémon May went to Swablue and called out to her with a gentle voice.

Although it was wary of human it still came forward towards May.

"I think it trust you May, here these are medicines for an injured pokémon" Evan gave medicines to May.

After applying medicine and giving syrups to the Swablu, suddenly a sound came from a bush and a Nuzleaf appeared and then a man walked out after nuzleaf.

Seeing this swablu hid behind May in fear.

"Ah sorry sorry, I didn't mean to frightened you all,I'm the Ranger of this nature preserve, My name is Morita, Can I help you?" Morita asked politely.

After Evan, Ash and others introduced themselves, Morita took Evan and others to his cabin saying they can use it as their own home.

Morita also estimated that the thunderstorm last night might have destroyed the nest of Altaria and got separated from its flock.

Ash and others decided to reunite it to it's flock before continuing their journey. Whereas Evan had another opinion but it wasn't the right time yet.

On the other side the Team Rockets were peeping and eavesdropping to their conversations, and they got lost into their own delusions by getting promotion from their boss after gifting Swablue as a pillow gift.

May was personally taking care of swablu, feeding and treating swablu's injuries. In the meantime swablu also gotten close to May.

Unfortunately swablu seems to have develop trauma and was getting difficult to fly. May was helping swablu giving swablu courage to gain it's confidence to fly. Later Max suggested a trick in order to encourage swablu and somehow it worked and swablu was able to fly.

Later Morita also brought a good news that the flock of Altaria and swablu was found nearby lake. But Evan gave different opinion to them.

"Hmm~ I think Swablu and May has develop a bond together, it wouldn't be a problem if May conquer swablu would it?" Evan asked Morita.

"No I think it's fine as long as swablu is okay" Morita also responded kindly.

"What do you think May, swablu" I asked May and Swablu.

"Would you like to come with me swablu?" May asked swablu's opinion.

"Swablu~~" And swablu agreed.

"Great, May swablu agreed to become your pokémon" Max cheered May,and May threw a poké ball towards swablu and caught it successfully, which also made team rockets plan to be ruined.

"I caught a swablu" May cheered.

In this way May got her fourth pokémon, Evan's Ralts evolve into Kirlia and Morita also told Evan and his friends about the shortcut to Petalburg city. After bidding farewell to Morita Evan, Ash and his friends continues their journey towards Petalburg city.

~To Be Continued...