
Pokemon: Reincarnated As An Extra Who Never Existed

Chiks_Marak · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 14

On the Lavaridge gym, arena.

"Slugma is unable to battle,combusken wins."

"Thank you for your hard work slugma,it's your turn Torcoal" Flannery sent out her last pokemon.

[ Pokemon : Torcoal

Level : Early Elite

Qualification: Elite ]

"Come back and rest combusken" Evan took back combusken and took out a pokeball "then milotic, I choose you."

"Mmmm~" Milotic shouted excitedly, waving it's elegant tail.

"Let's begin!"

"Milotic water gun"

Flannery also ordered seriously " Torcoal flame thrower."

Torcoal spewed out a thick orange flames evaporating the water gun.

"Okay milotic use aqua tail"

"Torcoal hide in your shell" hiding inside it's shell it managed to survive but still torcoal was effected.

Flannery seized the opportunity "use sludge bomb" Torcoal spit out several balls ofhighly toxic sludge bomb and hit milotic.

"Oh no milotic" Evan said anxiously, he didn't expect Torcoal to use one of the poison-type moves.

"Mmmm~~" Milotic shakes her head saying she was fine.Fortunately she wasn't poisoned.

"Very good milotic, dragon tail" A green light emitted from the waving tail of milotic, but it was defended by torcoal's shell.

"That shell is annoying, it's getting exhausting", Evan frowned as he thought of countermeasures.

" Good opportunity, Torcoal use flame thrower " While Evan was thinking, Flannery launched a sneak attack "Milotic safeguard" Milotic glowed and created a shield around her, and then was wrapped in torcoal's flames.

"Now milotic end it with surf!" The situation reversed quickly and sent torcoal flying which was continuously rotating on the ground.

"Torcoal is unable to battle,Milotic wins and the winner of the match is Evan from Rustboro city." The referee announced the result of the match.

"You did well milotic come back and rest now" After speaking Evan took milotic back.

"You did well torcoal" Saying this Flannery also took back her torcoal.

Flannery walked towards Evan and handed the Heat Badge, "Evan thank you for fighting a great battle,this is Heat Badge that you earned!"

Evan took the badge "very good I got the Heat Badge" "Syl~sylveonn~"

After getting the Heat badge, Evan and Sylveon said goodbye to Flannery and left the Lavaridge gym.

Returning to pokemon center in Lavaridge town, Evan first gave his pokemon to nurse Joy for treatment.

Now Evan's next goal is to get his 2nd Ribbon

Evan plans to debut Milotic in the next gorgeous competition.

Afterwards while Evan's pokemon were receiving treatment, Evan thought of his next destination for his 5th gym battle and decided to go to Verdanturf town for his 2nd ribbon and then Petalburg city.

After planning Evan went back to receive his pokemon and set off to Verdanturf town.

After walking out of Lavaridge town Evan's stomach started growling.

Evan then released his pokemons,"Alright everyone let's prepare our dinner and camp here for tonight. "

"Veonn~" "Buskenn~" "Mmmm~" "Roarr"

After preparing dinner Evan turned towards his pokemon abd found an uninvited guest. It's a green headed pokemon and had a red coloured antena on its head, it was Ralts.

[ Pokemon : Ralts

Gender : ♂️

Type : psychic, fairy

Level : Mid Ordinary

Qualification : Champion

Favourability : N/A

Skills : disarming voice, growl, double team, confusion, hypnosis, draining kiss, teleport, confuse ray, destiny bond, disable, knock off, mean look, memento, mystical fire, shadow sneak]

Looking at the inherited skills of the tiny ralts Evan understood that, Ralts parents might have been a strong pokemon.

"Oh hello little one, you wanna join us for dinner"

As Ralts can feel emotions through it's antena Ralts came towards Evan feeling no malice and Evan patted Ralts on it's head.

After eating dinner Evan and hus pokemon went to bed.

Early in the morning Ralts was still with them playing with Sylveon and milotic.

"Alright milotic let's practice for the upcoming contest" "Mmmmm~" Milotic showed a determined eyes.

"Milotic, use safeguard" "Mmm~" Milotic created a green light surrounding itself. "Now aqua ring" Water bubbles started surrounding itself "now let's finish it with dragon pulse" "Mmmm~", it disperse the water bubbles and ended elegently.

" Alright milotic you did well, now let's perfect the moves so that we can give our audience an amazing performance in the contest."

"Mmmm~" Milotic showed a determined face, Evan smiled looking at the milotic who was determine to work hard.

Finally after perfecting the trick Evan decided to leave the forests.

"Little one we are going to leave now" Said Evan to Ralts.

Hearing Evan's words Ralts showed a sad expression.

"Hmm~do you want to come with us? " Seeing the reluctant Ralts Evan decided ask of course who would leave such a great pokemon with champion potential, it just that it's was a male Ralts.

After hearing the words of Evan, Ralts didn't hesitate and nodded immediately.

Evan then threw a pokeball towards Ralts "Alright then Ralts welcome to our team, I caught a Ralts." "Syveonnn~"

After catching Ralts, Evan released Ralts and carried him with his arms.

"Now let's go to our next destination" "Veon~syl~"

Walking through the forests, Evan met a lot of wild pokémons mostly grass and bug type pokémon.And while walking through Evan released Combusken and started training with wild pokémons alongside Ralts.

After defeating a lot of wild pokemons, combusken is only 1 level behind to evolve into a Blaziken. And Ralts also level up by 2 levels, now being level 17.

After passing through the forests, Evan finally saw a road that leads to Verdanturf town.

Arriving at the Verdanturf town, Evan headed towards Pokemon center with Sylveon and Ralts on his arms.

"Nurse Joy please register me for the gorgeous contest"

"Alright you are lucky there was only 1 spot left for the participants." Nuse Joy said while registering Evan for the contest.

"Thank God I made it in time, haha and Thank you Nurse Joy", after registering Evan thanked Nurse joy and left to practice with milotic for the gorgeous contest.

The next day, the Verdanturf conference was going to be held today.

Will Evan successfully get his second ribbon with milotic?

(Evan's team : Salamence, sylveon, milotic, combusken and Ralts)

~To Be Continued...