
Pokemon Clan Wars: A Shaymin Dilemma

Before I get on with the story of my adventures, I would like to give ya'll a brief explanation of the Omega Region. Omega is divided into two parts, the upper region and the lower region. Just like any other regions there are also gyms here to hone trainer’s skills and battling abilities. There are eight gyms from the upper and eight more on the lower region. Moreover, Omega is ruled by different clans. A clan is a group of trainers that is united by a similar goal whether it is to help other trainers or to rule over them, it doesn’t matter now. Clans are also originally the peacekeepers. They are the ones citizens of Omega seeks for whenever there is trouble or there are particular jobs that has to be done such as a commotion on the Pokémon in the wild or the likes. Our clan, Omega Ph is based in the Upper Omega, specifically in Memorial City. Members of a clan may vary with type specializations or can be dependent to the clan qualification and it is always led by a person we call the founder, and ours is named Leyn. Members can be classified as juniors or the new ones, seniors or the ones that has stayed in the clan for a longer period of time and leaders or the ones that was either selected by the members or appointed by the founder to help him/her keep order within the clan. But I am neither of the three because I’m a special case. I’m only taking residency in the clan, thanks to the good heart of Leyn, because I’m a member of the Government Elite Force. GEF is a group composed of eighteen trainers who specializes and represents the eighteen Pokémon types. It was established by the government to serve as ambassadors of their type specialty and is always, not to make myself cooler, the best of the best in the region because usually they were former Omega League Champions or Gym Leaders though there were a few exceptions like us that were appointed. Some members were really famous just like Lance the dragon Champion while others like me chose to keep behind the lime light and just perform our duties and responsibilities. I’ve even kept it a secret, and so far I think I'm doing a great job with it. GEF members are also the ones who becomes acting-leader once a gym leader position gets vacant until the rightful replacement is found. I hope this gives you somewhat a clear picture of the current situation in Omega.

SasithornWayo · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

A New Friend

"So what's next for you now?" I asked Celeste as we stood in the eastbound train station. Noel has gone somewhere and nowhere to be found.

"I'll be back to the Daycare in Brunicle Town. You see I've learn a lot from this trip and I can't wait to apply them back home." she cheerfully answered. Chespin was sittin on her shoulders.

"Nice. I know you'll be great. Thank you for cheering for me. I'm sorry I lost." I apologized.

"Ah, don't be sorry. You and Ferrothorn were amazing." she said. She looks like there was something more she wants to say.

"Hey, is something the matter?" I pressed on. She thought for a while. She then grab Chespin who was crouched on her shoulder.

"Uhm, you see this Chespin is the adventurous type. It can't stay still even for a minute and I was planning to stay at the daycare for a long time and I don't know whether I'd still be able to go on trips like this..." she said as she look at Chespin.

"You'll be very sad if I drag you into holing up at home with me right?" she added, speaking with Chespin. It just look at her in amazement as I just listened to her.

"So, I've decided that it would be best for Chespin if he gets together with a trainer who can hone his adventurous nature better by traveling and I couldn't think of anyone who can do the job better than you. You have these unparalleled love with grass types."

I was speechless for a moment. Of course I wanted Chespin to travel along with me but I also know they already have this bond between the two of them and I don't want to break that. But Celeste was asking earnestly that I find it hard to refuse so in the end I just did the right thing to do.

"You know I would love to travel and grow together with Chespin. And I know what you want is the best for it as well but I do know you really care for it. Why don't we just let Chespin decide what it wants to do?" I suggested.

"You're right." Celeste agreed. She put it down and sat on her toes.

"So what do you think little one? Would you want to come home with me and live the boring life inside the walls of the daycare, or would you rather go with Jessaise and explore the world, meet other Pokemon and battle like you always wanted to do?" she asked as she held out its pokeball on her hands. "If you want to go with the adventures it's okay, I understand. That's what both of us wanted for you. Just take your Pokeball and start your journey with Jess."

Chespin just stared at the pokeball in front of it. Seconds have passed. Then a minute. I was sure it will go back home with her until it pick up the pokeball from her hands.

"Smart choice little one." Celeste remarked as she picked Chespin up and handed it to me. "Please take good care of it for me."

"I promise." I said and waved goodbye as she board the train heading back to Brunicle Town.

"Now, let's have fun together okay?" I said to Chespin as soon as the train was out of sight.

"Cheppi.." It chirped happily as it hopped onto my pocket where Shaymin was waiting. They really seem to like each other.

A few moments later Noel arrived and suggested we should grab lunch at the Pokemon Center before we head out. There wasn't enough room inside my pocket for Chespin so I just let sit on my shoulder instead.

"So Chespin is joining the gang now." Noel inquired.

"Yeah." I answered as I tickled Chespin's thorns.

"I wished I could've said bye to Celeste." He said.

"If you don't prowl too much then you could've bid goodbye."

We walk for a few more minutes until we reached the Center. As we entered I notice there was a news flash showing on the television at the reception area.

"...was under attack by the villainous clan, Havoc. The whole Memorial City was under the state of emergency but it seems that the focus of Havocs fire power were all directed to the Headquarters of the clan Omega PH..."

"Oh holy Arceus." I cursed. Noel has also seen the footage and we found ourselves dashing out of the door desperate to get home as soon as possible.