
Pokemon AU : A Dangerous World

The world is a dangerous, deadly place, and mankind vies for its very existence on a planet prowled by terrifying monsters and powerful creatures. Ash of Pallet Town, a talented trainer who knows this all too well sets out to change everything. Along the way he meets colorful characters, makes potent allies and wicked enemies, and crashes into a plot spanning all Kanto.

Imu_D_Boss · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter no.11

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Ash was roused from his sleep on the following day, late in the morning, by the beeping of the equipment that was monitoring his vital signs. He managed to put himself into a sitting position while simultaneously glancing around the room as he gently opened one eye and began the process of sitting up. Given that much of the equipment surrounding him, either around his small bed in the corner or lining the walls, would be nowhere else in a nowhere little place like Pallet Town, Ash guessed that he was in the basement of Professor Oak's laboratory. Pallet Town is a nowhere little place.

Misty leaned forward from the chair she was sitting in next to the bed and responded, "Easy." "Do not act in such a hasty manner."

When Ash's vision started to whirl, he immediately laid back down and the agony in his side began to poke him. He inquired, "Just where am I" in his current state.

She responded by saying that you were in the cellar of the Professor. "Here there is no danger. The Professor put that Gyarados in its place and attended to your medical needs. You will emerge victorious in the end."

Ash took a glance at the intravenous drip that was in his arm and followed the thin plastic line that led up to the clear bag of fluid that was dangling over his bed. He questioned it by asking, "What is that?"

Misty identified the substance as a steroid of some kind. "I have no idea what it is, but the Professor assured me that if it functioned appropriately, it would bring you back to 100 percent in no time at all. I don't know what it is. The rate at which you are recovering leads me to believe that the treatment is effective."

After taking a few slow, deep breaths, Ash turned her attention to the late morning sunlight that was just beginning to filter in through the small windows located so high up in the wall. He inquired, "Can you describe the state of the damages?" "How many persons were able to flee the attack that took place yesterday night?"

Misty took a breath before clearing the lump that had formed in her throat. Misty admitted that she had not yet experienced being in the fresh air. "I've been keeping an eye on things around here, but I can't say for certain what's going on. But, the Professor has Pikachu with him, and the two of them are currently exploring the area."

The expression on Ash's face became more gloomy, and he cast his gaze downward. He questioned whether or not anyone had arrived at the laboratory.

Misty gave a little head shake. She did not attempt to avoid the subject any longer and instead responded, "I don't think anyone survived." I am very sorry, Ash.

Ash gave a slight shake of the head before placing one arm over his face and hiding his eyes in the crook of his elbow. He then went silent for a number of minutes, taking a series of breaths to steady himself before speaking again. Misty didn't miss the thin trail of tears that seeped from under his elbow and ran down the side of his face, but she let him gather his thoughts and sat quietly until Ash's breathing levelled out a little bit. Misty didn't miss the thin trail of tears that seeped from under his elbow and ran down the side of his face. She spoke for some time before breaking the awkward hush with the statement, "There wasn't anything we could have done." "Even if we had gotten here faster, there's a good chance that we still would have been slain." She clenched her teeth as the abrupt realisation dawned on her that what she'd said probably hadn't been as reassuring as she'd intended it to be.

"I am aware of that," stated Ash. "This is the second time in the past two days that you've come to my rescue," she said.

Misty gave just a hint of a smile. "Okay, but don't let yourself become accustomed to it. You should know that I'm not really a good guy, and you shouldn't count on me to constantly be there to bail you out of sticky situations."

Ash did not remove his arm from his friend's face as he said, "I think you're a wonderful person."

She paused as she spoke when she heard footsteps approaching on the staircase. "No one has ever accused me of that before," she said. After carefully removing his arm from his face this time, Ash slowly sat up in bed and positioned himself so that he was leaning against the headboard. He wiped his face with his arm. The sounds reverberated much less in the basement for some reason, and Ash lost track of the footsteps once they left the metal staircase. However, the basement was just as large as the laboratory that had been located above it, and it had been sectioned off with machines and makeshift walls to form rooms in exactly the same fashion.

Soon after that, Professor Oak emerged from behind the door with Pikachu perched on his shoulder. He walked over to the side of the bed and paced there without saying a word. Pikachu jumped off of his shoulders and landed deftly on the bed between Ash's feet while his face was covered by a mask the entire time. Pikachu scampered up to Ash and curled up against him, which prompted Ash to scratch Pikachu all the way down his back and behind his ears. The Pokémon then scampered away.

The Professor spoke in a low voice and said, "Well." "I am at a complete loss for words..."

"No one survived," Ash remarked, more as a statement of fact than a question. "No one survived."

Oak nodded. "If there were any who did, they headed for the hills or Route 1 and disappeared. I looked through what was left of the village, but I couldn't locate a single person there."

Misty inquired, "How much is still left?"

Once more, Oak gave a head shake. "A relatively little amount... The wall that once surrounded the town is virtually the only structure that is still standing. There is not a single house or other structure left in the town that has not been completely destroyed by the fire. The Gyarados were responsible for the destruction of the few structures that had survived the fire."

"Grandpa," whispered Ash as he sat up a little bit further and began to feel a little bit stronger. "What went down the night before? What caused the Gyarados to become angry?"

"Hell if I know," Oak said as he ran a hand through his white hair. "Hell if I know." "That was completely unexpected. One moment everything is calm, and the entire town is fast sleeping, and the next everything is exploding or burning to the ground... If I had to speculate, I'd suppose that the deep-sea diving operations carried out by the Cinnabar Mining Company to the south agitated the Gyarados. In that case, it's possible that the Cinnabar Mining Corporation would no longer exist."