
Pokémon : Transmigrated as Gary

Hey readers do you think Pokémon franchise did justice to grandson of professor oak , Gary . Because I don't think so ---------------------------- A guy always thought injustice for Gary one day god gave him chance to become Gary . See him changing the whole Pokémon world ---------------------------- I don't own any characters or the cover of novel

sharmaastitva2 · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 81 : Vs Agatha

Both Gengar's retreated

Agatha " Gengar go into the shadow "

Gengar jumped into the shadow .

Gary " Follow him Gengar "

Both Gengars went in the shadows .

From a person perspective view they could only see 2 shadows moving here and there . But in reality Gray's Gengar was following Agatha's Gengar . It was like a game of tag where one was following other .

All person present could only see one shadow following other in a breathtaking pace .

Agatha seeing that said to Gary " You have trained your Gengar quite good "

Gary answered " I know "

Agatha " But do you think your Gengar has what it takes to defeat my Gengar in the shadows "

Gary shook his head " No "

Agatha was surprised by his answer " So why ?? "

Gary smirked " Even if I can't win there but surely will not lose "

Agatha nodded at his answer .

Meanwhile audience didn't stop cheering as they knew they might not be able to see but a great fight between pokemons is happening .

Audience " GARY!!GARY!!!AGATHA!!!"

Girls : "Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!".

//In the box//

Marco was oblivious to what is happening

He asked " Glen what is happening "

Glen explained " Pokemon's like Gengar can enter shadows of there to protect them but after having remain in shadows for long time they are also able to fight in shadows . While entering shadows they can enter a parallel dimension also ."

Marco nodded and asked " So you mean those pokemon are fighting in different dimension "

Then he continued " So what are those shadows moving "

Glen explained " They are like there projection in our dimension while they are in different "

Marco nodded as he was able to know a little with conversation with Glen

//In the battlefield//

Presently the shadows were not running for each other but they were colliding a lot .

Gary and Agatha knew that any moment any of them can come out .

Gary used telepathy to know the situation .

Gary ' You alright Gengar '

'GenG Gengar '

He was able to hear Gengar was energetic .

Gary smirked as now he knew that his Gengar was not in disadvantageous position .

After a while both Gengar's came out of the shadow .

Both Gengar's were injured around the same amount .

Agatha " Gengar attack with Fire punch "

Agatha's Gengar concentrated flames on his fist and attacked .

Gary " Go with Shadow punch for one hit K.O. "

Gary's Gengar nodded and attacked the opponent with his fist . Both pokemon collided . Both fist connected with other's cheek . Both Gengar's were thrown back . Because of some strength advantage Gary's Gengar came out stronger and K.O. ed Agatha's Gengar .

Agatha's Gengar fainted .

Referee " Gengar is unable to battle . Winner is Trainer Gary "

Agatha nodded and recalled her Gengar

Audience " GARY!!GARY!!!GARY!!!"

Gary : "Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!".

Gary's Gengar came to Gary . Gary rubbed his head and spoke " Good work , my boy "

Gengar laughed .

Agatha didn't congratulate Gary just left without seeing back

Gary muttered " She is old hag .."

Gary then also left and went back to hotel for preparation for his next match .


//In the box//

Marco " That was great last hit if I would say "

Glen nodded " Yup that was great choice if you would say for Gary's move"

Marco asked " How "

Glen explained " From the studies we know that Fire type is good on Ghost type "

Marco nodded " Yup that's why Agatha used fire punch "

Glen continued " There is one more study that Fire type don't have that much effectiveness on Gengar but Ghost moves are more effective "

Marco was hit with a sudden realization " So that's why "

Glen nodded " Yup correct Gary's move was sensational "

Marco " Yup this could create a sensation for future battle against Gengar's "

//In the VIP box//

Lance had an unsightly expression .

Seeing that Bruno laughed and joked " Hey champion will you able to defeat one pokemon of challenger "

Lorelei couldn't help but chuckle

Mr. Goodshow was also laughing

Lance had his face turned purple from anger he didn't say anything to Bruno just got up and moved to the door and last turned back and glared at Bruno and then left.

As soon Lance left Bruno laughed out loud .

Lorelei also this didn't stop herself from laughing out loud .


//In the Pallet town//

Pro. Oak laughed a lot after seeing the old hag lose and he had an urge to call her and boast he even picked up the phone but then he remembered fear of the hag and just dropped the phone and sit back to sofa to enjoy any other channel on television .

............To be continued