
Pokémon : Transmigrated as Gary

Hey readers do you think Pokémon franchise did justice to grandson of professor oak , Gary . Because I don't think so ---------------------------- A guy always thought injustice for Gary one day god gave him chance to become Gary . See him changing the whole Pokémon world ---------------------------- I don't own any characters or the cover of novel

sharmaastitva2 · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 80 : Agatha

Not thinking about Ash Gary started searching for Agatha the oldest elite 4 member .

For her information it was

"Agatha's Ghost-type Pokémon are horrifically terrifying in toughness."

"That old lady's got a really short fuse, too. It doesn't take anything to get that scary lady hollering."

"In her youth, Agatha and Prof. Oak were rivals who vied for supremacy as Trainers."

From: Agatha

"When you grow older, don't you dare go soft like that coot Oak!

Be like me and keep battling on!"

Gary was surprised by a lot information of Agatha but most surprised she was rival of Gramps . As he knew how much good trainer is Gramps but so his next match can be most tough .

And moreover she wanted to have a one-on-one match which will be a tough match .

As she is also proficient in psychic and has more experience in than Gary in it .

Gary called Pro. Oak to his views in the next match .

The call connected

Gramps " Oh Gary why did you call"

Gary asked " About Agatha "

He showed a thought full expression " Than old hag "

Gary was stunned " Old Hag "

He nodded " Correct "

Gary nodded

He continued " That old hag is very good in mind reading you will have a tough match tomorrow "

Gary nodded

He said " But your strategy in match with Bruno was excellent "

Gary " Thank you "

He said " Okay , All the best fighting the Old hag "

Call was disconnected .

Gary remembered the conversation with Gramps and also information of her from website it was simple that he would be facing a great opponent next who can manipulate battles like him and has more experience than him .

Gary smirked " Next match would be most interesting "

Gary just enjoyed his night before a good match .

//Next Day in the battlefield//

Today's match was on Grass field . Gary and Agatha were in there respective position .

Audience " GARY!!AGATHA!!!GARY!! "

//In the box//

Marco " Today will be a good match "

Glen nodded " Yup after all both trainers are good in manipulating opponents and make them lose the match before they can even comprehend what was happening "

Marco nodded " I think Elite 4 member had advantage as she has more experience than young trainer like Gary "

Glen " But we can't underestimate after all this "

Marco just smiled

//In the VIP box//

Mr. Goodshow was with Lorelei , Lance and Bruno . All of them were watching match with great interest as they all knew Agatha was one of the best trainer of Kanto region .

//In the battlefield//

Referee " This is a official match between Elite 4 member Agatha and Kanto Pokemon League Champion Gary Oak "

" This will be a 1-on-1 match the first pokemon fainting lose the match "

"Are you both ready "

We both nodded




Agatha " Go Gengar "

Gary "Go Gengar "

We both called out the same pokemon .

Audience was surprised by the same pokemons of both trainers as they didn't have much difference between them as one would find that Agatha Gengar was a little bit bigger than Gary's whereas Gary's Gengar was a bit darker . But it was that much that audience was able to differentiate between the two pokemons .


Under a full moon, this Pokémon likes to mimic the shadows of people and laugh at their fright. A GENGAR is close by if you feel a sudden chill. It may be trying to lay a curse on you. It steals heat from its surroundings. If you feel a sudden chill, it is certain that a GENGAR appeared. To steal the life of its target, it slips into the prey's shadow and silently waits for an opportunity.}

Agatha looked at Gary and said " You are just like your Grandpa , Arrogant "

Gary smirked " He called you old hag "

Gary could see a tick mark appearing on her forehead

Agatha " I will see that old man "

Gary " He said that you all have only mind "

One more tick appeared on her forehead .

Agatha took a deep breath to calm herself down and looked at Gary and said " You are good at reading atmosphere and annoying people "

Gary wryly smiled "You got me "

//Presently in Pallet town//

Dr. Oak seeing the match of Agatha and Gary . He was able to guess the conversation between them . He thought ' Damn you Gary'

//Back to the battlefield//

Gary " Let's start , shall we "

Agatha nodded

Gary "Gengar shadow ball "

Agatha "Gengar Nightshade"

Both attacks collided and caused a big explosion . A small cloud of smoke was produced from the explosion.

........................To be continued