
Pokémon : Transmigrated as Gary

Hey readers do you think Pokémon franchise did justice to grandson of professor oak , Gary . Because I don't think so ---------------------------- A guy always thought injustice for Gary one day god gave him chance to become Gary . See him changing the whole Pokémon world ---------------------------- I don't own any characters or the cover of novel

sharmaastitva2 · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 20 : Celadon city

//Next Day//

(Gary POV)

We started our journey towards Celadon city .

We were traveling through route 7 we saw a booth .

I decided to call Grandpa .


I saw Grandpa eating sushi .

"Oh Grandpa "

"Gary where are you "

"Grandpa I am on route 7 going to celadon city for 5th badge ."

"Good , Gary I see you are not catching pokemons now "

"Grandpa I don't think catching many pokemon would help I only want to catch some quality Pokemons "

"Good Thinking Gary you are getting mature "


"Maybe I will catch a new pokemon "

"Oh what might it be "

I spoke in some mysterious voice " That might be a primeape "

He laughed " Gary you still don't change "

I also laughed .

We ended the call I started going towards Celadon city .

Because of some luck we were able to reach Celadon City that night .

We rested in the hotel and had fun .

//Next Day//

Yesterday because of night we were not be able to see the city today we decided to observe the city . Celadon city had an extraordinary smell in the air . It was attracting us towards it's position .

We saw many shops selling perfumes .

We went in the best shop , Girls started choosing there perfumes while I moved from one counter to other .

At that time I was approached by a beauty .She had small purple hair wearer of spectacle and S figure she was great beauty . She asked me " Sir are you looking for perfumes "

I smiled " Correct , Are there some perfumes which can be used by me "

She took out 3 perfume bottle . All three of them were better than any perfumes than I had on my previous life . I wanted to buy all three of them at one point . While I suddenly was hugged by a girl as I could feel soft sensation on m back she was precisely Ami .

Ami " Gary you are seeing perfumes "

I pointed at three perfumes " Those are quite good what do you think Ami "

She took those perfumes on her nose and gave her agreement .

We then bought all the perfumes selected by me and girls .

We then towards a big building which was responsible for buying TM's

I went and decided to buy TM's for my pokemon's

For wartortle I bought Mega Puch , Ice punch , protect and Icy wind

For Fearow Fly and substitute

For Pikachu Mega punch , mega kick and hyper beam

For Nidorina Dig , Protect and icebeam

For Nidorino Dig , Protect and thunder

For Graveler Hidden power , flamethrower and fire blast

For Gengar Protect , Hyper beam ,sludge bomb and focus blast

For Krabby Rock Slide and whirpool

For Scyther Giga Impact and steel wing

I bought some more TM's like fire blast , water pulse etc.

We enjoyed are rest of day talking to each other .

I called out pikachu and observed him .

He was not a normal Pikachu now . If considered his speed had reached the limit a Pikachu can reaxh and same can be said for it's electric power today I decided to eveolve him .

WE all were surrounding pikachu to witness his special event . I gave him the thunder stone .

Pikachu firstly calmly observed the stone and waited then he gently took the thunder stone .

Both the stone and Pikachu started glowing . From smaller size Pikachu started growing he grow a lot . By the time the glow faded . I saw a big Raichu .


He jumped happily after evolving .

I then gave him the TM for him . He hurriedly learned them .

I took out my pokedex to scan him

{Raichu male

level 33

moves : Agility ,Discharge ,Double Team ,Electro Ball ,Feint Growl ,Light Screen ,Quick Attack ,Slam ,Spark ,Tail Whip ,Thunder ,Thunder Punch ,Thunder Shock ,Thunder Wave ,Thunderbolt

Innate : Charge , fake out

TM : Mega punch , mega kick and hyper beam}

I then prepared strategy for tomorrow's battle . I knew the only problem for tomorrow battle is the Gloom . But if I use Fearow for the battle it will be a easy win .

I started playing simulation of tomorrow battle in my mind .

//Saffron City //

At this time Ash got back from Lavender town with his Haunter and was preparing for fight with Sabrina as his goal . Seeing Ash once again entering the gym the little girl smiled and made him target for her irritation caused by Gary .This Ash didn't knew he would become punching bag fir her because of Gary or else he would surely curse him .

"Sabrina I challenge you " Ash shouted

.............To be continued