
Pokémon : Transmigrated as Gary

Hey readers do you think Pokémon franchise did justice to grandson of professor oak , Gary . Because I don't think so ---------------------------- A guy always thought injustice for Gary one day god gave him chance to become Gary . See him changing the whole Pokémon world ---------------------------- I don't own any characters or the cover of novel

sharmaastitva2 · Anime & Comics
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102 Chs

Chapter 19 : Battle with Sabrina

(Gary POV)

I entered a medieval looking battlefield with girls and saw a woman and with a little girl .

I said " I am here to challenge the gym "

Little girl " Okay but if I win you will have to play with me "

I smirked " Okay "

(3rd POV)

Referee came and said " This is a official battle between gym leader of Saffron city Sabrina and Geangar where aspokemon trainer Gary Oak of Pallet town "

"It will be a one on one battle "

" Both of are you ready "

We both nodded

"Call all your pokemons at the same time "




We both threw our pokeballs

I called out Gengar whereas Sabrina called out Kadabra

Little girl " Oh a ghost type " She smiled

Girls : "Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!".

Sabrina " Use psychic "

Gary " Use shadow ball "

Both attacks collided both eyed at each other . Gengar smirked and flied all places of battlefields so that and started laughing and pulling pranks . But Kadabra was not affected the slightest . Gengar got bored and went back.

Gary " Use lick "

Gengar once again smirked and moved towards Kadabra

Sabrina " Teleport "

Now a fun game started where Gengar was running towards Kadabra and Kadabra kept teleporting .

Gary " Sabrina I think we should fight "

Little Girl " Haha yes "

"Gengar use shadow ball "

"Kadabra use psybeam "

Gengar gathered his energy between it's palm whereas Kadabra gathered it's energy on his spoons .

Both attacks were sent o each other and they collide to it created an explosion both retreated .

"Gengar use shadow punch "

Shadow punch hit Kadabra on the face .

Without wasting time

Gary "Use confuse ray "

Kadabra was hit by confuse ray and got confused

"Gengar finish it off with shadow ball "

Girls : "Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!".

Shadow ball critically hit Kadabra .

Girls : "Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!".

Kadabra confused status vanished and as he used recover .

Gary " Gengar use smog "

A purple colored gas came out of his mouth and Kadabra was affected by it and got poisoned .

Gary " Complete the match with Shadow punch "

Gengar charged all his energy on his fist and flew towards Kadabra it hit Kadabra on the gut . Kadabra was knocked back to the wall and formed the crater .

Smoke started coming out of crater .

Referee ran toward there and saw Kadabra fainted .

Referee " Kadabra has fainted , Winner is Gengar , Match is won by the challenger Gary Oak "

Girls : "Gary, Gary, he's our man. If he can't do it, no one can! Go...Gary!".

Sabrina threw a badge at me and walked out of field irritated by the loss .

I just smirked at her direction and laughed " You will also laugh in coming up days "

She froze on the spot and once again started going towards the end and turned back .

She before turning back said " You will be knocked down soon"

I was surprised by her words but soon realized .

Girls jumped on me and I was knocked down .

I smiled at them " Girls you should stop this "

They all playfully laughed

Eva suddenly kissed me "So we will start doing this "

I was stunned all girls laughed at my expression .

I put my badge in the case and called back Gengar and went outside the gym and saw Sabrina's father staring at me .

I said to him while covering my chest "Hey old man man stop staring I am into girls " while pointing towards my girls

He had a stunned expression his eyebrows started twitching . He soon calmed down " You won against her "

"Of course who do you think I am "while my head up and chest puffed

He wryly smiled and I left him there .

We went straight towards the pokemon center and had ate lunch have pokemon checked up

Aya said " Gary your next gym is in Celadon city "

"Correct next we will go to Celadon city "

All girls had a happy expression as that place is known for it's perfumes .

I smiled at them " Don't worry we will go on shopping spree on Celadon city "

They happily nodded

I also remembered from the anime that there we can catch a great fighting pokemon because that valleys are famous for Mankey's and Primeape's .

Ari said to me " Gary you are gifting us perfumes from Celadon we might repay it back at nightime during our journey "

I suddenly had my lower part becoming active

..............To be continued