
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Rewards pt.1

Evan was escorted by the bulky men to the limousine.

He wasn't stupid, so he pulled out Abra's Pokeball and threw it out.

If there was a problem, he would be first to teleport.

Im, sure there were people wanting to find more about him after the scene in the auction house, so the basic amount of caution was needed if he wanted to keep his life.

The guards nodded before seeing this before they drove to the mansion where the Erel family resides.

The mansion was large, to say.

too large.

Seriously, who needs a big house? surely it would cost more to have a massive house that would cost more money to clean?

I guess it's like how people buy expensive jewellery to show their wealth.

A guard bowed to Evan as he walked in, as he felt a distinct feeling of cringe.

He didn't like this treatment.

He was guided to the hospital section of the Mansion, where Robert could be seen reading a book

His eyes drifted over to Evan, before shaking his head and smiling.

"Look who it is, the boy saviour." He jested, weakly putting his arm up.

Evan sighed, before wheeling over to his side and pulling out the classic pen and paper.

"you're not using your psychic energy today?"

Evan shook his head, before not elloberating further.

Robert took the hint, before saying

"Thank you... Evan." Robert lost his jestful attitude. "For saving my life..... while also giving me the love of my life."

He brandished a ring, as Evan smacked his head

"Do I look like a third wheel to you?" Evan wrote and then smacked his face.

That was an engagement ring, as it was obvious that Lissandra and Robert had finally confessed.

"On that matter, let me give you a simple warning." His faint smile turned into a cold stare "people will investigate this matter, Evan."

Evan lost his playful attitude as well.

"you caused quite a scene, and im sure there will be some forces that will be interested in you, good or bad." Robert said, before losing up "C'mon, don't be like that!" Robert patted his chest in pride, before saying "my family will protect you from the shadows."

"You've been reading too much Fiction." Evan stared at Robert.

He simply clicked his tongue, as he started to get to the point

"My old geezer wants to see you, but I don't think you two would get along," Robert said, "he's a cunning old fox, and I dont want you to be manipulated by him."

"Your dad sounds like a real charmer." Evan wrote, causing Robert to snicker.

"you can say that." Robert shrugged. "Anyway, as a reward for saving my life, you can go in the armoury, our family will protect you, and... this."

Evan read the sheet, before looking at Robert like he was insane.

"you want to reward me by making me your bitch?" Evan wrote, causing Robert to snicker

"Don't take it the wrong way." Robert said, "It's just that the family sees potential in you, and it would be the best way for you to lay low for a while."

"I decline." Evan said to Robert "My day-care is a family day-care, and is my main concern."

"Evan read the rest."

Evan read the rest of the contract.

It wanted him to work under their family and in Kalos to set up a new day-care.

But why would he do that?

the benefits were that the kalos and Sinnoh day-cares would be under his family name, but since the family would be sponsoring them they would both be the property of the household that Evan doesn't know much about.

He wasn't going to risk his whole day-care over some rewards that cant be even said to be worthwhile.

"No." Evan wrote, "not in a million years."

"I see." Robert gave a wry smile, before saying "I won't force you. One of the guards will take you to the treasury." Robert sighed, before saying "no, you can take two items out of the treasury."

A person came into the room and bowed, before asking Evan to follow him.

He was led to a vault-like room, where eye-scanners, laser scanners and fingerprint scanners were everywhere.

It seems very few have access to this treasury room.

He had little to no idea what lay in within the so-called Vault room, and he was excited to see.

A Middle-aged man looked towards a young adult in absolute disgust.

"You call yourself my child, but you can't even manipulate a cripple?" The man said to the young adult, who was Robert.

"Listen here." Robert lost his playful tone for the seventh time today. "he saved me, and you were planning to take over his property and kick him out, from his own fucking FAMILY HOUSE?" Robert stood tall to the man

"You dare stand to me, you illegitimate child?" The old man said, "your old brother was way more useful than you, it's a disgrace to our household you're the next in line!" His tone was starting to raise. "AND YOU DARE GIVE A CRIPPLE TWO ITEMS!"

Robert looked towards the old man, before staring at him straight on.

"Im not going to be a part of this house anymore. " Robert said, "Im going to go move abroad with Lissandra, get married and have a loving family, something you never had, old man."

The old man's expression was filled with rage, as he raised his palm and quickly drove it into Robert's cheeks.

"Your the son of the whore, the house will be better without you." The old man panted in rage, finally calming himself down to a level.

"And the Elder brother was the son of a tyrant, and see where that got him." Robert snickered "Into a casket."

Robert took no heed, as he ignored his fathers screaming and told the guards to get ready.

He was going to Kalos.