
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Milk bread

Evan woke up the next morning , and then sighed.

The girl that brutally slaughtered was still in his mind , and it still fucked him up when he thought about it.

The only thought in his head currently was to have a drink.

ignoring that feeling , he quickly walked downstairs , where the kids were playing with the Pokémon again.

A spare key was given to Evelynn for the ecology park , but not for the upstairs section of the park for his reasons.

Evan wasn't in no mood to chat , so he quickly walked back upstairs after getting some food.

Minncino had become attached to him , curling its fluffy tail around Evan's neck , which certainly felt good.

Deciding to open up the poke balls that didn't have the spell tag on them , Evan had his first look at Milcery and Miltank , who were both looking around in confusion.

These had both being in a day-care , so they weren't wild and tried to attack Evan.

Evan introduced himself with them both , letting all Pokémon greet each over before Evan retrieved them and turned on the tv

"Last night , a terrorist attack at the world-famous auction house was carried out." The TV reporter said "around 100 nobles and Pokémon hunters have died , meaning that this is the highest amount of casualties since Pokémon hunter X strike the mass chain of day-cares."'

Evan watched the scene in silence , before the interview switched towards Rey giving an interview.

"Mr Ohba , how did the events last night happen?"

"We are currently investigating , however let me say a few words." Rey didn't fuck around , his attitude was dignified.

Anybody could hear a pin-drop in the interviewing room Rey was in.

"The police were of sinnoh needs to change , as they were horribly insufficient in stopping 100 people from losing their lives on both sides." Rey hissed out "the only reason i survived was because of a bright young mind, but to hold the dead corpse of my dearest friend , I am forever hostile for the managing of that police force." he finished off

What Rey just did was very ballsy , cancelling the police force and showing his displeasure

Most likely that he would get demoted from his position.

Evan smiled seeing Rey's ballsy move.

He didn't care about his position , nor the backlash , he spoke from his heart.

Something Evan thought that didn't exist in this worlds politics.

And for that , Evan pulled out his fathers whiskey before toasting to Rey and the people that died that day.

He had overawed his psychic energy yesterday , so it was back to paper for the next day or so.

Going to the upstairs kitchen , Evan brung out Milcery and Miltank and then collected around 50ml of moomoo milk and a big chunk of Milcery cream , of which it can detach easily.

Today he was going to take it slow , and experiment with his new toy's.

Whisking it together , Evan tasted it.

Smooth , and nice.

But not nice enough.

Evan thought about his previous idea , and decided to make some milk bread.

First , Evan put the milk into a saucepan over medium-high heat , before adding flour and whisking it until its a thick slurry texture.

Leaving it out to cool , Evan moved on.

Measuring the rest of the flour, yeast, milk, melted butter, sugar, salt and egg.

Evan couldn't be arsed to mix it via hand , so he quickly got a mixer and then added the "tangzhong" as its called , and then watched it getting mixed without any manual labour.

Oh how he loved capitalism.

Once the dough wasn't sticky , Evan quickly put it into a oiled bowl and let it rise for a hour or so.

Once that was done , he knocked back the dough and cut it into three pieces and then rolled them into a oval.

He had to follow a guide for the next step

"Fold one side of dough over to halfway across the remaining dough then fold the other side on top so you have three layers (. Gently roll slightly, if needed, then roll up the piece of dough."

It took some time , but he managed to do it correctly....ish.

Putting each of them in a Loaf pan that was oiled , Evan covered the bread and then put it into the oven for around 30 minutes or so.

30 minutes later , Evan cut it into pieces and went down the stairs.

Handing a piece to Evelynn and tasting it , Evan felt the softness and the fluffiness of the Milk bread , of which was intensified by the wonderful flavour of the Milcery cream-like material and the MooMoo milk which made it even better.

It was high quality ingredients made by not so high quality chief

But the taste was certainly not bad.

Evan gave some to Syndra and the kids as a snack , as he thought of a best way to do his goal successfully.

He planned to buy a bakery business that was failing , and use these two Pokémon to boost there taste and marketing.

He wasn't bothered for today , as today was the day he would just chill out.

A knock on the door scared him , as he beat Evelynn to it and quickly opened it.

"Young master , Miss Lissandra and Robert has requested to see you." The bulky man bowed, of which Evan nodded.

It seems like he would go and check up on them