
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Reward Pt.2

Evan walked into the vault doors and was greeted by several more guards.

Then some more...

then some more...

even more?

walking through the last set of doors, he found himself in a golden room, where all the doors were golden and even the walls.

It smells of rich people.

He felt a pair of powerful eyes lock onto him as he looked towards his own shadow in silence, which had been replaced by a snickering glare.

"Gengar?" Evan thought, looking down on the pokemon.

It was strong, stronger than anything he had seen before.

Evan gulped, before remembering what Robert said

"Two items."

he will make sure he won't touch three.

But he didn't know what lay ahead, as having a treasury in this day and age was considered wild when things like banks existed.

This meant that the treasury didn't have money in it, but rather items, some of which Evan was excited to see.

After walking for a couple of minutes, he opened up a door and saw a large row of items laid out like a museum in libabry shapes.

Categorized and shaped in rows with a powerful glass casket over each item, they also have a small paragraph explaining the item and where it was from.

Unfortunately, most of the items were historical and had a large value if sold.

Evan wasn't interested in that too much unless he found an expensive one that would give him enough money to advance to a new level.

What he was more interested in...

the pokemon section and the artefacts section.

Valuable if not incredibly powerful pokemon items must lay in there, not to mention the artefacts section, where recipes and items lay that were more powerful than one could think.

Evan couldn't help but feel motivated as he wheeled down the endless halls of the treasury, which seemed to span underground.

How are they supposed to defend from people that know the structure and drill down?

an eerie laugh came from his shadow, reminding him of what was guarding this place.

Ghost pokemon are immortal, as they survive from draining the life of others.

That's how pokemon like Mismagius he had brought probably spent centuries consuming the life-force of other animals, and other wild pokemon.

The way it was unstable?

it probably absorbed other ghost-pokemon, making it so its power was unstable and also the fact that it probably had strong emotions.

While walking past a state, Evan saw as Abra suddenly came through his Pokeball, which stunned him momentarily.

Looking at Abra, Evan saw its eyes were glued to a statue which showed a beautiful woman with a pearl necklace.

It was a beautiful necklace, yes but Abra was more concerned about the Pearl, as Evan looked down at the description and wondered what it was.

"Statue of the former hoenn elite 4 Ashe, alongside the pearl of her late grumpig which accompanied her for most of her life."

Evan opened his eyes in shock.

Elite Grumpig orb?

the amount of psychic energy in that must be insane...

no wonder why Abra was acting the way it was, as it had sensed the psychic energy latent in the pearl, and was attracted to it!

Grumpig pearls had a large amount of psychic energy in them and were a vital organ that produced the psychic energy that Grumpig used.

It was the core of their being, and it was why Grumpig was nearly hunted to extinction by pokemon hunters, as they cost a lot of money on the black market as psychics and psychic pokemon use the orbs to gain a lot of psychic energy and can help with the cultivation aspect of the psychic training.

It was a must-have, not to mention it was from an elite pokemon and was re-usable.

"Gengar, I want this" Evan said to Gengar, as he watched his shadow shake.

The item he was looking at was now gone, and Evan moved on.

Most likely, he would collect the items when he comes out, so he wasn't worried that Gengar had stole it.

Nodding his head and retrieving Abra, Evan walked into the Pokemon section.

Most of the things were invaluable but useless for Evan, such as rhyperior armour, powerful metal from steel type Pokemon, etc.

But that wasn't all.

Scrolls and books that contain valuable information long forgotten to the general public were in the Pokemon section and Evan checked the description of every single one in hopes of finding a recipe he could use for the better of the Day-care and also himself if need be.

But he found the item he wanted, the item which would boost every aspect of the day-care and himself.

A recipe so desired but lost in the history of Pokemon, the incense.

Valuable items for everyone that used supernatural energy, be wilful energy, psychic energy or even the power of the Viridian forest that Evan had read about.

Any person would die for this item, and this....

It was the recipe for every single incense that existed in the world.

Evan smelt opportunity as he nodded his head.

"Gengar, I want this."

The item once more disappeared.

The moment he said this, the room around him started to distort, and within seconds he was back to the beginning.

"That Gengar is certainly something." Evan thought, before he wheeled towards the guards, who were waiting with two suitcases.

"Your items, young master." the guard bowed, before saying his next sentence "Young master Robert has requested to see you in the living room."

Evan nodded as he followed the guard to the living rooms, where the faint sounds of the pain got louder and louder.

Evan realised that his psychic backlash was gone, leaving minimal energy for a 5-minute conversation.

Will it be enough? Evan dreaded as he walked into the living room.

"Nice piano skill," Evan said to Robert, who skilfully bounced around the antique piano.

"My mother taught me." Robert smile intensified "she taught me that the smallest of notes you miss in the piano could ripple and make the finishing performance distorted and ruined." The song was one that Evan remembered as a melody as his mother use to sing to him.

"She missed her notes in life, and the price was a spiralling descent to her life that led to her killing herself in front of my eyes," Robert muttered as the song reached the climax "ever since, I promised myself to never miss a note again."

Evan didn't interrupt him as he went on.

"But I realised something." Robert smiled "you don't need to hit every note, you just need to press them in a way that hides the mistakes." The song came to the end as he turned around and looked Evan straight in the eyes "you and Lissandra are the rhythms that make the notes synchronise, what makes life bearable." Robert muttered "and as such it's my job to protect the synchronisation."

Evan laughed, before shaking his head.

"Music is read off a sheet," Evan said "whats your next note in life?"

"To help Lissandra achieve her dreams, alongside mine after."

"What are your dreams?" Evan asked, causing Robert to shake his head.

"To make the world a better place." Robert said "im going to go to kalos and become a Professor, while Lissandra follows me and dreams to go to the acting industry."

"I will be cheering you on from the sidelines," Evan said, as he firmly gave a handshake to Robert.

"Make sure to visit us." Robert smirked

"Just make sure you remember me when you become famous, Professor Robert Erel." Evan smirked back, as they both chatted for a while before Evan had to leave as the sun was starting to set.

Going into the limousine with the two suitcases, Evan looked up to the stars.

Where was the synchronization in his life?

Who was the pillar?

The black limousine drove back home in the setting sun.