
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Auction pt.5

The Nidoqueen went on a rampage, but Evan felt something wrong.

Downstairs, a man was on the stage.

He was stronger than any hunter here, and he just gave a smile before killing a noble with a Bronzong.

He was the leader, he knew it.

The hunters were cleared by Nidoqueen, although her thick hide had countless wounds from fighting.

Even small ants could hurt an elephant if there was enough, and this was the case.

"Nidoqueen, calm down," Evan said, but the rage inside its heart could not be quelled, as it angrily charged towards the stairs, where more hunters were coming.

Rey threw out a Pokeball, of which Evan watched

"Go have a look at over V.I.P rooms, my pokemon will protect you." Said Rey, as he instructed Emboar to kill the rest of the hunters and fill the gaps Nidoqueen had missed due to her rage.

Throwing out a Pokeball, a Houndoom gnarled with flames, as it was instructed by Rey to follow Evan.

Evan went to the fourth suite and was greeted by the body of an assassin and an Old man, who looked towards Evan with a frown.

At his side, was a Pelliper, which although isn't intimidating, made Evan's skin crawl.

The old man recognized Rey's wife and quickly greeted him

"Mr Briney!" She said, "Why are you still in here, lets go!"

He looked confused before he muttered something and walked out of the suite.

They instructed him, before going to the final and last one.

Nobody was in here.

Not a single trace of a person was in here.

"That's strange, it was booked." Rey's wife said to Evan "but why is there no one in here?"

"Booked, Booked by who?" Evan thought as he looked towards the room.


But he saw something, a trace of Wiltful energy left behind

"must-have teleported." Evan thought, before walking out of the room and going downstairs, which luckily had a disabled ramp.

His wheelchair flew down it before he looked onto the stage, where Rey and Nidoqueen were fighting a masked man.

He had a bronzong, and something about him made Evan's skin crawl.

At his side was a Rhyperior and a Luxray, of which was currently fighting Nidoqueen and Emboar and winning.

"Houndoom, go help, Rey!" Evan instructed as the pokemon jumped towards the stage.

A wild few pokemon hunters went towards Evan, as he instructed Roserade

"Use Giga drain!"

Evan decided the death towards them would be harsh, and watched as the very being was sucked out of them, leaving them nothing more than empty shells.

Gardenia was doing fine and was pressing the hunters back with the help of the nobles, some of which died in the battle.

It was a massacre.

For a moment, he felt the masked man's expression drift over to Evan before his expression became a smile that the mask couldn't hide.

He was smiling?

why was he smiling at him!

Nidoqueen was sent backwards, as Rhyperior dashed towards the fragile pokemon.

Evan watched as the pokemon was picked up, before it was thrown towards the seats, instantly killing several nobles and pokemon hunters.

Evan rushed towards Nidoqueen, who was staring upwards with a look of sadness.

Evan checked her wounds, applying the Elixir and Super potion, but Gardenia went down towards him and told him the harsh truth

"She won't make it," Gardenia said as Evan shook his head

"She's strong," Evan said, watching as tears formed down Nidoqueen's eyes.

"Don't cry." Evan said mentally "The pain will be gone soon, and you will be able to reunite with your family."

The painful expression of the Nidoqueen became that of a small smile, as her breathing slowly came to a stop.

With a painless expression that displayed a smile, she breathed her last breath and peacefully moved on.

Evan looked towards the pokemon with no emotions, even if he wanted to cry the most right now.

Clearing out the last of the Pokemon hunters, the man on the stage watched a scene with a smile.

"It seems my curtain call is coming up!" He gave a smile "Although there will be an encore." He smiled, before sending out a Bronzong, "Till next time, Alliance."

Evan looked towards the man and screamed

"Dont let him go!"

Before he teleported away, words appeared in Evan's head

"We will meet again, my dear dear Evan." The voice said before the man teleported away with the help of the bronzong.

The battle had come to a close, and Rey heavily breathed in so loud the room could hear.

15 minutes later, Evan watched as an armed policeman came in with a riot shield, but they were too late.

The commander of the police force came directly to Rey, who turned around and punched him straight into the ground.

The police officer groaned as Evan watch Rey brutally beat him to the ground

"Rey, stop!" Rey's wife ran to him and stopped him

"15 minutes late." Rey stared directly at the Police officer "I will investigate this thoroughly." he dropped the head of the police officer, before getting escorted away by the police.

A police officer handed him two pokeballs, and also a card machine.

"These are your items." The police officer said, "Please pay for it here."

Evan looked towards the police officer like he was a fucking idiot

"I thought the pokemon hunters stole them?"

"The ones they took were phoney pokeballs, the items were put in the vault."

Evan paid for it, before asking the police officer a question

"If you placed phoney pokeballs, you knew they were going to attack." Evan lost his polite tone "yet you expect us to believe you came 15 minutes late?" Evan hissed at the police officer, who bowed his head before leaving.

Scum. Evan thought in his head before he went up the stairs to check on Robert.

Both Gothita and Lilligant were tired, and Robert was more than stable, causing Evan to retrieve Gothita, as Lissandra stroked Robert's hair.

"Thank you." Lissandra said, "Thank you for saving him."

Evan shook his head, before thanking her for letting him borrow her pokemon, before handing over Roserade.

Rey's daughter woke up, but Evan put her back to sleep with sleep powder before Rey and his wife slowly entered the room.

"Thank you," Rey said, going up to Evan and shaking his hand

"Thanks to you, not only did we survive, but we found out a crucial part of the puzzle."

Evan didn't ask what he meant, only listening.

"I make sure you're rewarded properly," Rey said before Lissandra nodded her head as well.

Evan nodded, not wanting to decline.

"I'll excuse myself." Evan said, "It's been a stressful night."

"Please, rest easy," Ray said before Evan went out of the Auction house and was about to get a taxi, before going back home.

The nightmare had come to an end.