
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Meeting A Figure

Evan gulped before he knocked on the door of the address.

His hands were on his poke balls as the door was opened.

But not what he was expecting.

"Come in, come in young man." An old man greeted him, contrary to the youthful adopted parents that Evan had heard much about.

Evan's expression became solemn, as he walked deeper into the house with the man.

Breathing in, Evan was led to a dining table, where some food and a scroll was prepared.

"We did not expect your presence here." The elder muttered as he beckoned the boy to eat before a maid came and poured some wine for him.

Of course, he wasn't going to drink it.

The man that was serving it was dangerous, and that wine could be spiked with more things than just measly poison.

"Because you wanted to kill me?" Evan looked towards the food, before pushing it away.

"Oh, a Psychic?" The old man said "What a talented little boy."

"Im an adult, an adult that wants to see his sister."

The old man laughed, before swirling the wine and taking a sip of it.

"That won't be happening anytime soon." The man said before he started to cough up blood.

"Oh... this fine sensation, I can never get used to it..." The man moaned as he spat up more blood.

Evan watched as the man enjoyed himself even though he was in pain, before saying

"Where do you have my sister?"

"Our Lord has taken interest in her.... talents." The man wiped his mouth. "Such a talented child."

"Your lord?"

"How rude, I forgot to excuse myself." The man stood up, before giving a bow. "Sage Ryoku you may call me, but I humbly go by Ryoku."

A sage...?

he was foolish if he could think he could easily beat this guy and carry on with his sister in his hands.

Sage, the highest rank in team plasma before the king, a guy called Ghestis that Evan didn't know much about.

Gulping, the man noticed this and simply laughed.

"Dont be afraid, as this is a positive thing for you.... if you play this right."

A person with a suitcase laid it in front of Evan, as he opened it.

A ballsy move, but he was convinced it wasn't a bomb.

"1 billion pokedollars and my azure yamask."

Evan laughed, before shaking his head.

"Now, I don't care about the money or the items." Evan smiled "What im concerned about is why you would offer me this deal."

The elder's expression changed, as he shook his head, and was about to talk.

"She means something to you," Evan smirked. "Why?"

"Dont ask questions you can't afford to get the answer to without getting a bullet in your head." The sage was cold, as Evan laughed.

"What do you want in response?"

"Transfer her name over to our lord."

"No." Evan smiled "she does well with.... harmonica, don't you think?"

"Shitty name," Evan replied nonchalantly.

"Dont you dare insult our lord-"

"Im going now."


Evan walked out the house with a blank stare.

"What.....what happened?"

why was his sister in the eyes of ghetsis?


why couldn't he just take her away and be done with it?


The sage ryouko sighed, before saying to the ceiling.

"My lord, why didn't you let me kill the boy?" He said to the ceiling , where a cruel and cunning voice that sound like the epitome of scraping a fork on a plate spoke out.

"He's useful."


"Are you questioning me?"


The voice seemed amused, almost like he was talking to a pet.

"He had been branded by team rocket." The voice said "by that witch."

"you want to use him to gate the black market together?"

"They are too influential." The elder drank more of the poisoned wine with pleasure.

"That may be so." The voice snickered "but what do we represent?"

"the ideals for the future."

"Exactly, so that's why we need to thread the needle and use him to our advantage."

"How do you plan to do that?"




Evan walked out of the house, as he wanted to scream.

But no voice came out, only internal.

A grave reminder was his fate every time he wanted to scream or cry.


He wasn't in the mood for conversation, as he slowly gave the pokeballs that he didn't have to use back, before booking an aeroplane back.

A ticket for one, as the ticket for two he originally brought had to be cancelled.

How naive.

He needed to get stronger.

But he wasn't a trainer and had no idea how to train a pokemon by using items.

It was time to hire some people.

Proffesonials, those that could take care of his bakery business, taxes, training pokemon.....


Since he was now Greengrove Orphanage, he needed to hire someone to take care of that, of course, he would be the ones pulling the reigns.

He receives a tax cut, the property of the old building was now his, and he was planning on building a new one with the help of the government, who have to pay for new properties related to the safety and care of minors.

He was taking advantage of them, in exchange for better conditions, not to mention a free job if they choose to work there when they turn 16, as many love the pokemon there and got attached.

Of course, this could be considered as manipulation, but they get paid and even give free pokemon, something they always lack.

It's a win-win, not a one-sided malicious scheme meant to capitalize on vulnerable children.

He needed to train.