
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Written on my phone sorry for bqs grammar


Evan enjoyed a lovely stay with the body of the man, as he landed in the unovian airport.

. That was..... until the aeroplane was swarmed by armed men with Pokemon.

Their expression was vigilant as they handcuffed Evan and looked at the body.

"Good lord." The man Evan assumed to be the leader of the task force looks at the body of the man "It's the ripper that was wanted."

They looked towards Evan, as they escorted him to an armoured car

the pokecenter ambulance came and took Abra out of the aeroplane, whom of which condition was starting to get worse and worse.

He will survive.

Within the hour, he was sent to a interrogation room, cramped between a detective and a.

It's was a common technique that made the suspect anxious and more agitated, as they felt isolated due to being away from the door.

Evan kept his calm, as a detective slowly walked into the room."

Evan told them the story, and being a psychic and Abra's critical state at the moment spoke for itself and helped validate his story.

He had studied psychology, and he knew what techniques they were using to push a narrative

They wanted to build rapport, watch out for a draconian response, but nothing but Evans truth flowed out of his mouth.

"Do you have an idea of who might of done this?"

Evan hesitated for a moment, before saying

"My sister was put in adoptive care, and I went to see her."

That was all that was sent, but he implied that he was attacked because he went to see his ster.

Something stinks

The adoptive parents, team plasma.

Something was taunting him, something glaring.

But what?

He couldn't make a phone call because he had no voice, and he was sure nobody would believe TTS.

He was thoroughly questioned, as he was asked to explain the bullet wounds, the pokemon he asked them not to open (Mismagius) and the drone disguised as an aeroplane.

Talking about his background and making sure they know that he was friends with Rey, they stopped being so aggressive.

Not to mention that the man that was killed was a well-known terrorist that killed so many people.

That helped at least.

With some help, Evan was let go with probation.

This was to make sure he didn't do anything weird.

But there was also another Pokeball.

A bipedal yellow Pokemon could be seen, which affectionately nuzzled against Evan.


The small Pokemon had saved his life, and he was more than grateful to the little figure.

Taking a train, Evan went to the small and quiet town of Nuevma town.

He was cautious, to say the least, as he looked towards the house where his sister resides.

"I can't afford to take risks."

He was weak, and he had the power to do it, but not the means to control it.

For now, he went and walked past-


A voice resounded behind him.


"Good to see you!" Robert said excitedly, as he went and greeted Evan

"But why are you in Unova?" He asked

"Why are you in Unova?" Evan responded.

"Oh, I've become Professor Sycamores student," Robert explained.

"So fast?" Evan replied.

"A natural genius like me, it wouldn't take less than a year for me to catch the eye of someone famous~" Robert boasted, before patting his chest and laughing

Evan looked towards Robert before muttering something.

"I need your help."

Robert's expression became solemn.

"What with?" Robert didnt smile "I would love to help you."

"My sister is in this town, and im concerned about her safety due to the connection her Adopted Parents hold with team plasma."

"That is quite difficult." Robert muttered, scratching his chin "what do you need?"

"Pokemon," Evan replied, as he shakes his head "I don't know, but I have someone I know that can help you with your struggle."


"Follow me."

After going to the store and buying some snacks, Robert's original purpose, they went to a large research building, which caused Evan to do a theoretical sigh.

"Seriously?" Evan smacked his head "Hopefully it's not a professor I have to borrow pokemon from-"

The door opened, as a young woman opened it

"Evan?" Lissandra said, "what are you doing here?"

"He's here due to a family problem, and he needs some support."

"Yes-yes, come in." Lissandra energetically opened the door, beckoning Evan inside, who had an embarrassing Expression.

Telling them both about the plane, their looks were filled with shock.

"Something related to the auction incident?" Robert wondered "there are many people after your lives, be it an alliance or the dark underworld."

"They probably want to isolate me from my sister." Evan clicked his tongue.


"Team plasma."

"But why would they possibly want to do that?"

"I don't know, so that's why I wanted to come and get some support before I blindly rushed in."

"I've got a treat for you." Robert smiled, before handing him a piece of technology.

"What is this?"

"It's a pokemon stylis , transformed by Professor Sycamore."

Evan's eye opened wider.

Pokemon stylis...?

something used by pokemon rangers, they are used to tame wild pokemon (and even tamed one's to an extent)

they used PAAS capsule, a device found in high-end pokeballs, which stands for POKEMON AFFECTION AMD SAFETY, it means that the stylis can charm pokemon to the point where they could see you as your own trainer at one point.

"He's designed it for the pokemon rangers in Kalos." Robert muttered, "this one can upgrade when given different materials, making them different from other stylised."

Right now, it could only capture pokemon under level 10 , but in the future...

Evan gulped, before shaking his head and putting his new toy away.

"Here." Lissandra threw him some Pokeballs. "This is the roserade and Lilligant you used earlier, make sure to return them though, we are staying the night at Professor Juniper's laboratory."

Evan left with a smile, as he set off to his sister's house.


as two beings walked out of the shadows, Robert's face changed drastically from his play-boy smile.

"It seems you were a correct professor." Robert said codly. "he's walking into something big, and I will be the one that will save him if things go bad."

"You cant save everyone and everything." Professor sycamore muttered, as he touched his stubbly chin "i learned that lesson the hard way , and one day, so will you."

These words echoed into Robert's head, as he slowly gripped his fist.