
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


4 months has passed.

Quite a lot of time, isn't it?

Evan decided to get stronger by his pokemon, and by that, he meant raise his business to a new height.

He hired pokemon trainers to help grow his pokemon and started to hire staff outside of the orphanage people to take care of the business.

The weakness he felt when he had not managed to get his sister back dawned on him.


Abra: Male

Level: 15

Aptuituide : Medium Green

Egg moves: Ally switch(E), Encore

Moves: Teleport (A), Confusion (A), Thunder wave (TM)

Learned, Experienced, Advanced, Mastery and Grandmaster.


Gothita: Female

Level: 13

Aptitude: High Orange

Egg moves: Heal pulse(A), Mirror coat(E)

Moves: Confusion(E), Pound, play-nice, tickle, Pysbeam (E)

Learned, Experienced, Advanced, Mastery and Grandmaster.


He had given Abra a newly released machine called a tm, which could help certain pokemon learn moves almost instantly.

There's a cooldown period on which one could use a tm after using one on a pokemon, and was the main product of the rising star

"Silco" company.

It was a product that shook the pokemon world, and although it was in early development it was still something that could help even the most untalented pokemon learn moves that could help them greatly.

Unfortunately, there was only a couple of moves on the market, non of them too powerful.

But in the future, it could be helpful.

"Mr Zyra?" A voice knocked him out of a trance, as he looked onto the businesswoman.

"Ah, yes sorry," Evan said telepathically, as her stern expression softened.

This was a galarian pokemon dealer, one of the fewest on the market.

Expensive, but worthwhile.

He had unapologetically used Rey once more to use his connections to get to her, as he started his plan again.

"25 Milcery's will be 650,000." The dealer said, causing him to groan.

"No, that's inflated from the market price," Evan responded.

His being a Psychic was now common knowledge, as he had no quarrels trying to hide it away.

"Mr Zyra, you must understand that the prices are inflated due to"

"Ms Jones, you must understand something." Evan smiled, before shaking his head "As a psychic, I can understand when someone is lying."

A bluff, but once you reach level 2 of psychic power (of which he still hadn't reached) , he would be able to do this.

Her face changed.

"Yes, although market prices are inflated when moving pokemon abroad, you are not the only dealer in town that sells galarian pokemon, do you understand?" Evan smile grew deeper. "How about you add 5 sinistea's to the mix and then we can both go happy, with me not exposing your inflated price and a pretty penny in your pocket, and me with what my company needs."

The woman looked towards the young man's cunning smile before sighing.


Something as much as inflating her price above market value would make it so customers wouldn't choose her business over others, and most likely she would get swept under the current.

Evan decided to put his day-care/orphanage under a flat structure, and his bakeries he recently brought under a tall structure.

A flat structure means that there are only a few layers of business management, so the employees, their bosses, their bosses and then the main boss, which would be him. around 4 layers of management.

The tall structure was the opposite, with a lot of layers of management.

His bakeries would be large, and he was planning to put one in Unova, kalos and even Galar.

These bakeries would be run over a set of milcery and his new secret weapon, a "Sinistea."

A ghost-type pokemon which is considered rare in Galar, but is only used in battling, as it had good stats when it evolved and was quite fast and powerful but frail.

But he had done some research and found that the Minister was able to create lovely, mellow and sweet tea which could be consumed by humans.

He had gotten a deal by subtly "Pushing" this woman who seemed to be quite stressed over the state of her business, but hey, that wasn't his fault.

3 bakeries were brought, each one failing but in places where Evan could capitalize on.

But each held a second meaning, and that was to watch and control.

He had placed one in Unova for an excuse to go there, and it was situated in the cuisine base city of Straiton city, where many go to consume the countless food shops present in the city.

It wasn't far from Nueva town, so he could keep a close eye on whatever goes on in there.

Kalos, which was the most expensive to buy property from due to the location of the bakery, was a good location as the bakery was situated in Atumanl avenue, situated by the luminous tower.

The bakery was put out of business due to its mediocre food, not to mention that the Pokeball shop next to it was subtly applying pressure on its land to take over.

The next one was in Hulbury, Galar, which was situated outside of the water-type gy-, sorry "Challenge"


Anyway, that one was failing because the seafood restaurant was the most prominent factor in the city, and had consumed other businesses.

But he was sure that he could hold his ground with his new combination of pokemon, The Sinistea - Miltank - milcery ​combo.

Milktank he needed to get more of, and since rules restrict him from just getting a milktank by talking to a pokemon dealer, he needs to go to Johto personally.

Evelynn would be his second in command for orphanage facilities (which had been greatly improved in the course of 4 months), and the day-care related business. Gardenia also seemed to want to manage some of the business, but Evan didn't give her much power compared to Evelynn, as he wanted to make sure his order of business was not uprooted by lazy managing.

Over the passing months, he hoped to get around 5 bakeries, 3 of which he had already achieved.

The main course of the Cafe would be milk tea and milk bread, alongside countless milk-related products that countless food experts Evan consulted had come up with.

Things were going smoothly.