
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

A Pleasant Ride (2)

"Please don't kill me."

Evan threw out a Pokeball, of which Gothita was shown.

"Keep Abra alive!" Evan quickly shouted at Gothita, that shot a warm-green beam at Abra.

Mystical fire surrounded Mismagius, as the flames slowly inched towards the man's face.

As much as he would love to see the man slowly die a painful death, this wasn't on his schedule.

He had information, and he needed to know who did it.

Who was after his life?

But how would he stop a Mismagius gone rogue?

Think! for fucks sake!

He had an idea, but it was a risky one.

A Green peice of string-like substance was in his soul-space, where all of his psychic energy resides.

He had come to a conclusion that Gardenia wasn't good with pokemon, nobody was in the world, but had an ability that soothed and calmed pokemon to the point they seek friendship and attention from her.

An overpowered trait.

As such, the green strand in his soul was mobilized and shot out to Mismagius.

"Scre?" It turned its head, but it was too late.

The strand hit its body, as its eyes were quickly reduced from pure anger to calmness and serenity.

This would last a few seconds, however.

Quickly grabbing its Pokeball and channelling some energy to the ripped spell-tag, Evan quickly watched as the talisman-like item glowed in red light, but in a weaker light than normal due to the fact it was torn.

It would do for now.

The red light had started to consume Mismagius, as it squealed as it slowly started to lose its serenity like state.

He felt a few kicks in the Pokeball before it briefly stopped.

He didn't have time to explain what a Pokeball was.

Abra had started to bleed out, the blood loss was slowed by Gothita, but it was starting to become too late.

Wheeling down the halls frantically, Evan found a first aid kit and looked at the inside.

Humans and pokemon made super-potion and two potions were made for Pokemon.

Stitching kit, Guaze, Disinfectant.

The man seemed to have gone into a panic attack, and Evan was looking forward to-

nevermind, he needed to save Abra.

"W-will this be enough?" Evan's mind was racing, as he looked towards Gothita, who seemed to start to get tired.

"DONT STOP!" Evan shouted, as he slowly thought of routine.

"Apply pressure..."

Evan got his body off of the wheelchair, as he put his elbows to the floor and started to do

Evan poured on the disinfectant, before applying the gauze and pressing down hard on it.

Abra screamed in pain, but Evan continued to get the stitching kit and slowly grabbed the pin and needle.

"Im sorry..." Evan said, as he slowly started to thread the fragile pokemon's skin together to stop the blood loss.

The healing pulse seemed to be an anaesthetic, as Abra felt woozy from the blood loss.

"Don't give up!" Evan shouted, as the needle skillfully wove between the wound that was caused by the sudden impact of the shadow balls.

He was nowhere near the pokecenter, and he was in the middle of the air.

As Abra's condition slowly started to stabilize, Evan wiped a bead of sweat off his face before going to the aeroplane.

Rudely going into the pilot cabin, he saw nobody present.

He was on a drone.

He had been set up.

This wasn't something ordinary he was dealing with.

Breathing in, Evan cracked his knuckled before going to the main lobby, before picking up the pistol that the man had dropped.

Guns were outlawed, but since the opportunity was handed to him, he wouldn't mind kindly taking it.

Guns had no effect on pokemon, and that was the truth.

It was effective on people however and was banned by every single region.

Slowly running his hand on the gun with a suppressor on it, Evan looked towards the man on the ground, before smirking.


One-shot was fired at the man's leg, instantly waking him up.

"It hurts!"

Evan was used to death, he had seen corpses, and corpses of his loved ones.

He wasn't afraid to kill, nor to harm.

The man looked at Evan with surprise.


Evan smirked, before shooting another bullet at his left leg.

"Agh!" He screamed, as blood slowly started to flood out of his wounds.

"Who's your boss?"

"You're a psychic!" The man spluttered "I would never tell you!- agh!"

Another bullet.

"Sorry, I didn't think I heard you properly."

"I would never tell you-!"

Evan punched the man in the jaw, as he fell over.

"Pathetic, who's your boss."

The man looked towards the young boy with horror.

"''d rather kill mysel-"

"Do it." Evan looked the man straight in his eyes "Bite your tongue and kill yourself, right now."


"Im waiting."

"Please...stop it- AGH!"

Another bullet was shot.


The gun clicked, as it showed it had run out of ammo.

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a teeth." Evan grinned, as a small chakram of psychic energy was made.

Slowly putting it against the man's finger, Evan slowly cut deep into it as the man splurged.

"I will give you a peaceful death." Evan muttered, "Who's your boss?"

"I WORK FOR TEAM PLASMA!" The man cried as Evan raised his eyebrow

"Who in team plasma?" Evan said, "I don't give a shit about that."


"MORE!" Evan shouted as the man continued to splurge.


"You can't even kill a cripple." Evan smirked, "you a failure at your own job, pathetic."

A small chakram was made of psychic energy, slowly and surely cutting his head off.

Now, how was he meant to explain a body riddled by bullet holes and cuts?

it's quite simple actually.

Evan placed a Pokeball in the man's hand, and one may recognize it as the Ninjask from the lady of the auction he stole.

A crippled young master got attacked by a pokemon hunter, and he managed to escape with the help of Abra, as he realised his pokemon Ninjask, who used its blades to cut up its own trainer due to it being a stolen pokemon.

In a panic, Evan picked up the gun and shot 3 rounds in the man, before watching the man collapse.

In his last moments, his great ball managed to hit the ground and recall the ninjask.


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