
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Auction Pt.4

Evan looked around before he asked for roserade's help.

His psychic energy had dropped, so no more help from that.

But no matter.

Breathing in the air, Evan looked towards Roserade before opening the door.

Before doing that, Evan picked up the girl's Pokeball, which she tried to attempt to throw out before she was killed by Lilligant.

He had no interest in using this pokemon out of fear of its loyalty to its master, but it could still be good bait.

Lissandra was left with Robert, and he was left to go out into the halls.

The first moment he walked out of the room he was greeted by a hunter, as Evan watched as Roserade shot several leaf's at the hunter, lacerating him.

It seems Roserade was the more offensive one of the flower duo.

It seems that the leaves were more controlled, as they skillfully lacerated the hunter and instantly killed him.

Evan was used to death, so he quickly carried on down the heavily decorated corridor, which had a red carpet which was what Evan followed.

Soon, he went to the next room, a suite like the other ones.

Opening the door, he was met with a dead body and three unconscious body's

Abra teleported at his side, wanting to go with him.

Walking into the room cautiously, Evan realised the dead body was the assassin, and there was an Emboar also unconscious.

They seem to be waking up, so Abra and Evan had some time to meditate and restore some psychic energy.

It was a young girl and two young parents.

The Emboar woke up first, causing it to look at Evan with a defensive stare.

It probably thought of him as a threat to his family.

The woman woke up first before she looked at me

"EMBOAR, USE-" her expression was cut short as she looked towards the young crippled boy "are you a pokemon hunter?"

Evan shook his head, before saying some words

"I come from the V.I.P suite "Evan explained "Pokemon hunters are roaming the place, and I think it's best if we stick together."

The lady shook her head, just in time for the man to wake up.


the woman smacked the back of his head, waking up the man fully up.

"Huh, a child?"

"What happened to the sleeping gas?" The woman asked as she had caught on to the situation.

"Roserade got rid of it," Evan said to the woman, before closing his eyes and meditating with Abra to restore more.

The child got up, but the woman looked desperately

"Please, don't let her see the body."

Evan snapped out of the meditation, before looking towards Roserade.

The non-lethal sleeping powder was sent to the girl, who went back to sleep in an instant.

"Quite bold of the pokemon hunter's to strike directly." The man said as he examined the room.

The Emboar ran to him, as he snuggled close with it.

"What's your plan boy?" The man said, introducing himself "Im Rey Ohba."


Evan looked towards the Emboar and shivered

Ohba was the second name of the current elite 4 of Sinnoh Flint, and Evan could see the similarities between the two, with the striking red hair.

Known for their destructive use of fire-types, Evan knew he had gone to the right suite.

"Do you have any healing items?" Evan asked, causing them to nod and hand over a Super potion and an Elixir

"The rest of my friends are in the suite over to the right, one is injured," Evan said, causing them to nod

"Im a trained pokemon nurse, so I can help." The woman said, "But before that, we need to save the others."

As a plan, they decided to move the unconscious young girl to Evan's suite before they went to the others and saved that inside.

It seemed that an assassin was left for them as well, but they had a harder time because the assassin threw out his Pokeball first before bringing out a dagger.

It was lucky that their daughter wanted Emboar to watch the auction with them, or else they would be dead.

Evan and Abra moved the daughter to Lissandra, who placed her on the sofa before going to the other suite on the right side of them, opposed to the left.

They moved in silence, with Evan being in last because he was slowest.

The next suite... they weren't so lucky.

The corpse of a young girl and a man and a woman were present, alongside the killer, who was standing there with a dagger and Arbok, which had started to eat the young girl.

It was too late.

Evan threw up at the sight of the mangled corpse of the young girl, as the man was filled with rage

"Emboar, use Flamethrower!" The amount of hatred in his voice couldn't be hidden as the powerful beast let out a thick pillar of flames that incinerated the assassin.

Nothing was left except a few ashes.

Rey broke down in tears seeing the man, as his wife also thew up.

The scene was bloody, as Rey slowly put out his Pokeball and clicked the button.

"She was... she was just 6..." Rey said, looking at the corpse of the young girl.

Evan couldn't even bear to look at the corpses, as the smell of blood reminded him of when the car exploded.

A Nidoqueen popped out of the Pokeball, of which Rey hugged desperately

"Their gone... their gone..." He cried out to the Nidoqueen, that hugged him seeing the scene.

"Nidoqueen, please help us!" Rey's wife said, causing the Nidoqueen to hiss with hatred.

The maternal instincts of Nidoqueen's are not to be judged, and the anger could be seen watching the mangled corpse of the 6-year old girl was present.

More hunters were attracted to the flames, as a swarm of hunters were outside with pokemon, breaching down the door.

Evan and Rey's wife took the backline

"Boy, if anything goes south, make sure to teleport my wife, ok?" Rey said, as he quickly looked at Abra before looking at the door which was kicked down.

"Emboar, use hammer arm!"

Nidoqueen worked with Emboar, sending out a sludge wave and drowning most of the pokemon with thick toxic sludge which claimed so many lives.

The roar of the Nidoqueen displayed its pain, as it rushed into the crowd of hunters without a second thought.

Evan heard fighting downstairs, as he quickly realised that the people downstairs were waking up as well.

A battle was coming.

A deadly one.