
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Auction Pt.3

The Auction went on smoothly, with Evan finding nothing else that caught his eye.

People weren't buying items, especially the rich, showing that they were saving up the Bagon

"Something is not right." Robert frowned "They would normally get the pokemon out of the Pokeball to show the auction crowd, but they are not doing it this time."

Evan looked around, before shaking his head.

Coincidence, maybe?

"And now for the final item, you're all on the edge of your seats for, a Bagon!"

The crowd erupted in thunderous applause, as Evan also clapped.

"The starting price is 1 million, may the auction begin!"

Evan breathed in.

What an absurd amount.



"3.0!" Lissandra raised her paddle

"you won't beat me." Robert raised his paddle, causing the two to bicker.

It's obvious that they love eachover, even if they try to hide it.

The bickering was interrupted by the knock of the door, of which Robert looked around strangely

"Come in."

A maid came in with some food and some pokeballs, of which was neatly put in the try

"Items that you requested?" The maid looked towards Evan, but something made his spine crawl.

"Yes-yes thank you."

She got closer and closer to the sofa, but something made Evan's skin crawl.

"Im sorry for asking, but we have not ordered food service and also, why are we getting the pokeballs that we haven't paid for."

The maid laughed "Cause this would be your final meal."

She suddenly pulled out her dagger and aimed it directly at Robert's throat, as Evan looked in pure fear.

"Robert!" Lissandra screamed, throwing out a Pokeball.

Evan felt his psychic energy surge as a small thin barrier broke out where the knife was headed

"Guh!" The girl shouted, as the psychic energy broke and the knife went partially in the neck of Robert but sent her into a state of recoil the moment the second barrier of psychic energy was produced.

The pokemon Lissandra sent out, a powerful Lilligant, quickly broke into dance as a shroud of petals picked up and flew towards the girl with the knife.

Blood-curdling screams filled the v.i.p room as the girl was brutally torn up by all of the petals, each giving her deeper and deeper wounds with the never-ending wounds of the petals of the lilligant

"More!" Lissandra screamed, causing Lilligant to create more.

Within a minute, the girl was reduced to a bloody mess on the floor, but the petals didn't stop coming.

"More!" Lissandra screamed as Evan shouted at her

"Stop! She's already dead." Evan shouted at the top of his psychic voice, causing Lissandra to snap out.

Going immediately to Robert's side, he analyzed the wound.

The woman didn't slash, but she went through the tip of her knife and wanted to go to the most vital artery that supply's the brain with blood.

The carotid artery.

She seemed to be trained, as the accuracy showed she knew what would kill and what wouldn't.

Luckily, it wasn't fully cut, only a small incision.

But the state of Robert was not good.

Lissandra screamed, running up to Robert and frantically hugging him, even if he was passed out.

He felt it, a wave of nausea.

Lissandra felt the same as she said "Why do I feel so sleepy?"

A small psychic barrier was created with the remaining of his psychic energy, blocking them from what he suspected to be sleeping gas.

Luckily, because of defusion, they could even think of this.

The auction was automatically gone to shit.

Looking off the balcony, armed pokemon and people with gasmasks had started to roam down, a mixture of pokemon hunters and people Evan had never seen before.

"Shit." Evan thought

Most of the psychic energy has been used, and he didn't have any powerful pokemon on him.

Evan threw out Gothita and remembered one of its egg moves

"Gothita, heal pulse!" Evan thought as the link between him and his psychic pokemon doesn't take barely any psychic energy.

A weak heal pulse came out, causing Roberts expression to become softer.

It won't do!

he needed to think of a way to increase the power input.

Looking at Lilligant, he suddenly had an idea

"Lissandra, does your Liligant know synthesis?" Evan asked with haste

"Yes, yes it does!"

"Command it to do it!" Evan shouted as he watched Lissandra do a command

The pokemon was shrouded in a green mist

"Connect the energy to Gothita!" Evan shouted , as Lilligant directly placed the energy into Gothita's body.

The heal pulse got 3x- no 4x stronger, as Roberts expression became better.

Lilligant had become a walking battery, and Gothita was using that energy.

"How many V.i.p rooms are in here?" Evan asked Lissandra, his psychic energy less than 5%

"5!" She shouted, causing Evan to click his tongue.

He couldn't freely go out, but he needed to get help from the other strong trainers.

Only then would they stand a fighting chance.

Most of the hunters walked up to the podium, with the Bagon Pokeball displayed.

With the look of greed in their eyes, one took it and attempted to run away with it, but were quickly stopped by another.

Evan looked at this and breathed in.

At least they weren't trying to kill the people, as they wanted the pokemon, not the lives of people.

"What other pokemon do you have?" Evan asked, causing Lissandra to put out the rest of her pokemon


That was her only other pokemon

Evan wasn't a pokemon trainer, nor was Lissandra as it seemed, So Evan quickly thought of a plan

"Use Giga drain!" Evan thought as the barrier around them disappeared.

Roserade looked confused at the new trainer, but quickly used Giga drain and absorbed all of the sleeping gas out of the air.

Evan breathed in and didn't feel the sleepiness anymore.

It seemed like the gas wasn't made by a pokemon, but he was sure that Roserade would be able to digest it and grow stronger by absorbing it

that is the way of poison type pokemon afterall.

He needed to get help.