
Pokémon - The Hope Of Avarice

An honest and humble life was what he lived. What right did anyone have to strip that away from him? the charred corpses of his mother, father and older sister and the loss of his legs and voice still linger into his mind every single day. All he is left with is his younger sister, who falls out of his grasp and his family inherited daycare, the final legacy of his father and mother. Unbeknownst to him, schemes run in the darkness.

ALonelySigmaMale · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

A Pleasant Ride (1)

Evan woke up the next morning screaming, as he felt strong sensation pains coming to form his stubs.

Evan screamed, as he slowly started to breathe in.

Getting Gothita out, Evan slowly watched as the healing pulse hit his leg, as a warmth came from his leg, soothing the pain.

He looked towards the faint pulse that Gothita let out, as he went deep into thought.

Could Gothita heal his legs?

no, he couldn't be hopeful.

Heal pulse healed, not created.

It couldn't heal the flesh if there was none at all.

Not to mention, things like that would have to wait for Master or even Grandmaster.

But his Larynx could still be possible.

But there was a problem.

Gothita was only High Orange, meaning that would take a long time for them to get to that point.

So, as any trainer would, he needs to buy materials for them.

But that wasn't a problem right now.

His eyes glanced over to the calendar.

A red mark and a small sentence were on the calendar, with really sloppy handwriting.

"Veronica birthday!"

It was his sisters birthday today, and he had already booked a flight to Unova.

He had made sure that he had contacted the adopted parents of Veronica, and Evan had made it clear that he wouldn't take a no for an answer.

Gardenia and Evelynn waved him off as he slowly went into the car.

Folding up the wheelchair and climbing into the car with his arms, Evan placed the folded Wheelchair beside him as the car slowly drove to the Airport.

The Airport was in Jubilife city, and it didn't take long before he arrived.

He had booked a shared Private jet as he didn't wish to deal with a public one, not to mention that he could be considered rich.

The shared part means that there was a lot of young masters on there, but the jet was large, and he even had his own bed, a bottle of wine he didn't touch, and other facilities.

But something was strange.

All the people on the plane were missing, except an odd man that chose the stall at the back.

No workers or anything.

The man didn't greet him, just stood in the back and sipped on some fine wine.

He didn't seem to be anyone that Evan knew, so he quickly shrugged before Evan closed his eyes and rested.

When he woke up, he felt the urgent pull of the Abra on his sleeve, which seemed to have broken out of its Pokeball.

He heard a faint click, and the sound of something getting pulled.

Slow and steady footsteps slowly came to Evan, as he felt the hairs of his spine tingle.

"Abra, teleport into the next stall!" Evan said mentally, as he disappeared from the stall and into the one next to it.

He saw it.

A gun was pointed at the place he was sleeping before, as the man looked confused about where the boy he just saw went.


A chakram made out of psychic energy came out of Evan's hand, and he quickly threw it with precise accuracy.

He had trained in the past two months with the manipulation of psychic energy, and today was the day he would find out if his efforts were fruitful.

The man reacted quickly to the sound of faint buzzing, as he quickly turned around and fired a couple of shots.

Evan saw the nozzle of the gun pointed towards him, as he felt a feeling of lightness.

His position suddenly changed, as he swapped places with Abra, the bullets not being able to reach Abra due to its small height.

The chakram was thrown out, aiming for the man's arm, but he quickly dodged to the side and ran deeper into the booths.

Evan gulped, as his mind was racing.

What happened?

how did the person get here?

why was he trying to kill him?

The sound of the Pokeball coming out greatly scared Evan, who quickly clenched at a certain Pokeball with a spell tag attached to it.

No, this would be his last resort.

Gulping in, he felt his shadow get colder as he quickly sighed

"Fuck , a ghost type pokemon."

Evan was thinking, as a haunter quickly erupted from the wall.

"Shadow Ball!"

Several balls came his way, and he looked towards Abra, who was tired from the overuse of psychic energy.

Gritting his tongue, he used his own to create a wall of psychic energy, which blocked the first three but the last two ended up hitting...


the space became distorted as Evan felt his position swap with Abra once more

"NO!" Evan screamed, as both of the ball's hit Abra, sending it back, making it crash through a couple of walls.

"You bastard!" Evan wanted to scream out, but no voice came out.

A ball was thrown, and a Spell tag that was on a Pokeball suddenly tore.

The already-cold aeroplane suddenly became colder, but something made Evan's body quiver even more.

A pokemon, surrounded by a murderous intent which shook Evan to the core.

Its expression looked over, but Evan could see something in its eyes.

A softness while looking towards Abra, a contrast to the murderous intent it showed when looking towards Humans.

This pokemon had a story.

The man looked towards the overly-large pokemon in fear, and Haunter had already given up fighting.

Flames that started to melt the electrical appliances on the aeroplane appeared, as Evan quickly looked over to Abra, who was laying down on death's bed, and then over to the Mismagius, that was slowly starting to corner the man.

One of the flames hit the Haunter, burning it in a second until nothing remained, not even cinders.

The man looked towards the Haunter getting burned in fear, as his expression morphed into fear.

"No-no please don't.."

Evan looked towards the Mismagius, before clicking on its Pokeball.

A red light attempted to consume it, but it quickly broke free of its grasp.


He had released the monster.

The battle had only started to begin.