
This girl Madelyn!

Leonardo's Pov

Seeing this she immediately took her distance away from me. "Oh sorry!" she said. "Umm…" "Now come on Mr. Billionaire look through," she showed me everything. Spotless! Is all that I could say and everything perfectly done. Not just done for the same of….but done to the best of her ability and to my expectations!

"Well Madelyn well done! I suppose you done with everything?" I asked her. She let out a little laugh. "Of course Mr. Billionaire!!! I am very fast," she said. "Mr.Billionaire?" I finally confronted her of this. Was it because I was rich, what I owned that makes her think I'm too proud? As if to remind me I was a billionaire….

"Why that name? What are you implying huh?" I went straight to the point! "I mean no harm...think it's very cute nickname isn't it? Why would you deny what you are?" Nothing could silence her. She had answers for everything...not in an irrogant way but in a more reasonable manner. "Its Leonardo," I reminded her. "Anything to eat Mr. Billionaire sorry I mean Leonardo!" Of course I know she meant it! This girl had some crazy moves!

"Won't you join me?" I invited her to dine with me once she gave me my food. At first she denied but I insisted. "I guess you anxious to know my final decision," I said to her. "Whenever you are ready sir," she said causually. She lied. I knew she was lieying. Her eyes said it all! She wanted the job!

"Your interview is over." A minute of silence…"Don't think I need more interviews found the perfect one! Well done Madelyn you got the job!"

"Wait what???" Madelyn gasped! Don't they all and then disappoint later? But I had to give her a try. We talked about everything then continued with our meal. I gave her freedom to ask any additional questions she might like to know. But she didn't even ask one...I doubt she was quiet though. Just why I guess.

"Why are you quiet?" She posed a question out of the bloom! "Well what do you want me to say?" I asked casually. "Anything you want me to know

Think it's better we get to know each other since I'll be working for you," she said. "Are you married? Have a gf? Anyone living with you here?" She bombarded me with questions.

"I see we are getting very personal here but it's okay I'm cool with it. No I'm not married or dating anyone happily single. I live here alone well...with you since you here now," I told her. "Yet whatever she calls her name claims to be your girlfriend! Sorry if I insulted her…" Madelyn rolled her eyes. Her worries were so vague as if to say if you have a problem with her then deal with it!

This is what I was waiting all evening. To hear the drama that went on between them. Madelyn did me a favour though, someone needed to be reminded where they belong. "Lols did she provoke you?" I was curious. The way she sipped her drink, as if preparing for a serious talk. "Indeed she did! After I just so nicely told her that you were not around and for the fact that you are her ex anyway! Nothing is there. But she wanted to make it seem like there was...yet the security even knew. Then she started insulting me...so I could just shut up!"

"Woah woah. Enough! Hey, it's ok. I know Allison very well let her not lie to you we are done!" "Well she doesn't seem to get the indication," Madelyn commented, "perhaps why did you break up with her? She seems to love you very much." Now how did I know she would say that it something close to that? The blame was already shifted to me...indirectly. "You know women are like that. What did I do again?" Madelyn realising this defended herself. "Oh no no I was casually asking. Seems like she's a drama queen. If you don't mind Mr. Billionaire wanna share?"

I knew exactly what she wanted! But what exactly was there to hide? A billionaire's life is not easy! It was already out there with rumours even! I guess she wanted the truth only...I mean she must have known. Everyone does. "Nothing much to say it's a woman thing you know...she only loved me for my money." I went straight to the point." Wait. So what are you implying? When you said it's a "woman" thing. Do you really think every woman would want you for your money?" She asked. "That's a good question that's a very good question indeed. And yes! That's what all women want!!! And don't give me the theories that some are different who love for who I am Allison is not my first one mind it!"

Madelyn started laughing so hard! I guess this intrigued her. But I didn't care. I guess she realised my reaction...for she talked no more. No one can convince me anymore!

I took her to her room. She walked infront of me. I cant deny a beautiful woman when I see one...she had the most beautiful figure...and her legs…

I smacked my forehead! "No no no no!" I kept shouting at myself. I shouldn't disrespect her she was my worker besides I didn't want to give any false signs or moves.

In the room...

"Wow is this my room or are we still moving?!" Madelyn asked in shock! "We are here," I told her. "What?! You mean this is my room??? Can't be!" She was fascinated by everything. She walked around examining the room, opening the Windows, jumping in the bed! It was very special for her and I guess just too big than she expected I would give her reading from her facial expression. She turned towards me. "You will be sleeping in right? So better believe it this is your room! How do you feel about it?" She couldn't contain her happiness...as if she would just burst into tears! "Are you kidding me?! It's amazing I love it!"

She ran towards me and jumped in my arms. "Oh Mr. Billionaire thank you!!!" Awkward. Again. She gets overly excited...damn this girl...she is crazy!