
Who will be his girl for the event?

Leonard's Pov

The next morning I found her diligent and faithful girl! Responsible much...she was already in the kitchen though she never had to wake up that early. I greeted her. Then called all the other workers. "Hey everybody! Just a few minutes of your time!!! We have a new member to the family!" They all cheered for Madelyn. "Yeah that's right. Madelyn will be working with us now. Hey Madelyn!" I turned towards her, "meet my security guards," I introduced them to her. "And then my chefs Trinity, Gael, Christi, Poppy, and Don. They don't work full time only when I need them but these are the main ones that will mostly be coming in."

Madelyn gasped! "Your own chefs?" She asked shocked. "Personal chefs! They work for me personally at times but still have their daily jobs at restaurants."

Madelyn's Pov

I spent the day with the chefs at least I wasnt alone anymore when Leonardo went to work. And the security guards kept staring at me. I mean I knew I was sexy but honestly? "They can't get their eyes off you hey...I also wouldn't if I was a guy," said Poppy. "Oh come on Poppy,"

She was the red-hair girl chef who was so easy-going with people. She reminded me of myself! Crazy with a wild nature! She had been on my case the whole day on who my crush was. Don't I like this one don't I want that one? She tried her luck. I saw no one for me.

Later that day the security guards tried flirting with me. "Wow if it's not Madelyn!" said Julian. Since morning Julian had not taken his eyes off me. Every minute he would make up some sort of excuse just to talk to me. "What you up to lovely?" he flirted. Joseph smacked his hand whispered in his ear. Probably warning him to not flirt with the girl! To probably give her peace!

He stared at my behind...feeling uncomfortable I shifted turning my body to face straight forward having them stand infront of me. "I wish I could just…." He continuously touched me. I quickly withdrew my hand without wasting any minute. "Aww why you so rude darling? I'm in love with your shape," he came close to me. Before Joseph could speak I interferred instead. "Think you could be mine? We could go somewhere and…" That's when I snapped! "Will you just stop it Julian?! Or do you have nothing better to do?! Go look for some girl on the street don't come to me and show me your stupid flirting!" I told him off once!

Everyone gasped! Even the chefs heard it...it would now be the new topic to gossip about. "Man thought he could just get you like that…" of course Poppy commented. We all burst out laughing.

Leonardo's Pov

Santiago came in at the unexpected time. "I'm tired of people who think they can come in without appointments! Check it! I almost thought you were one of them!!!" "I'm your friend man don't need a reason to book for an appointment." Santiago came in comfortably. Looking at his watch he reminded me it was almost time up. "Is work not finished?" he asked curiously. "Now now man it's just a few minutes left," I told him.

"Bumped into your fiancee on my way here. She can't wait to hold your arm and show you off at your brother's event!" Santiago started...I knew he was teasing me. "I will not take that girl!" I informed him. "I like the sound of that. Well do you have a girl in mind?" asked Santiago. He reminded me of my annoying father. "Why do people keep bothering me of this? Do I really have to bring a date?" I rolled my eyes. Santiago sighed. "Besides this event is very special means everything to your brother. It doesn't have to be your lover or anything deep just bring a date to the event. See even I am bringing one." Santiago just shocked me with the news! He's bringing a what?! I never thought he would already be on the move now…

Seems like we spoke too early soon I got a phone call. "Hey gotta go my father is calling me now," I alerted Santiago. "Good luck man," he tapped me on the back he knew what was there instore for me.

Reaching at the cafe my dad was there having his favourite cup of coffee Espresso! When he saw me his mood lightened. "Won't you sit?" he asked me casually. I really didnt care most probably cause I knew the topic he was going to embark on. And if I was right then I wouldn't mind standing for the whole damn conversation. I sat though. "Welcome son," my dad greeted me. "Hey dad," I didn't beat around the bush I posed the question straight up. He must know I have some sort of idea or so I thought. "What is the special occassion?" I asked.

"Can't wait to talk I see. You must probably know what I'm about to talk about," he said. Yep! That was it! "Son we need to talk," my dad said. "Dad just get straight to the point please. I'm in a hurry," I lied. I suppose he could read the expression on my face but he knows I'm a very busy man. "I think we both know why we need to talk about son. As you know your brother's event is coming up and very quickly. No much time left!" he said. I sighed. Again with this topic.

"Let me guess you also about to ask me which date I'm coming with for the event," I rolled my eyes. "How is that going so far?" Couldnt even deny. Shameless! Is all I could say. "Dad you know me with girls…" but before I could finish he immediately interrupted me! "No no son! Let us not go into that! This is a very special event for your brother and he would appreciate it if you came with a date," said dad, "it doesn't have to be anything big son. So why don't you just go with Eleanor?" he suggested.

"Dad! You start with this again! Eleanor and I are not for each other! We don't love each other!" I exclaimed. "You the one who doesn't love Eleanor Leo. But as for Eleanor...she loves you. Your date doesn't have to be a lover but check it...Eleanor loves you too much and you can't see it because of your stupid insecurity!" What? Was he shouting at me right now just cause of another girl?! I gave him a side eye. "Like honestly dad?!" I was now more pissed than ever! "No no son she came crying to me. That you despise her calling her emotions pretence yet she really loves you," he said. Oh...I should have known! The nerve of a girl! Again she manipulates my dad!!!

It was no use of arguing with my dad clearly he was blinded and couldn't see Eleanor's love was a total fake pretence. "Listen son I'm sorry but I have to pair you with Eleanor for the event," said dad. "What? Are you forcing me?" I was now losing it! My voice got louder. "I'm not forcing you. Okay tell me do you have someone then?" I thought. I really thought. Now that he's asking me...I really didnt wanna go with Eleanor but who can I take now?

Without really thinking it through I accidentally bursted out "Madelyn!" "Madelyn?" asked dad. "Yes...dad- she- she's a girl I met." I started panicking! Clearly I was lieying. I didn't talk about this to Madelyn and didn't even think of bringing her as my date to my brother's event. What next? "Okay son if you say so. Since it's just an event you can bring any girl you want. But I hope you are not tricking me!!! I'm looking forward to meet Madelyn," said dad. Seems like I managed to convince dad to bring another girl that is not Eleanor but now what?

Getting home I couldn't find my crazy maid! Where was she? But again not disappointed I would thank her later. On my way to the bathroom…"Ahhhhh!!!" Madelyn screamed. Great! She's in the wrong bathroom!