
So fast?

"Did you hear the news Damien? Allison is at it again!" "What? What did she do now?" "What? Did you not here apparently she makes enemies with another girl." "That girl won't leave the poor guy alone." "No Damien she won't stop until she gets her man back!"

"And what are these headlines I see here?" Damien's attention dropped to the phone. News was going crazy! He could now see what his co-journalist Abigail meant. The headlines read as: "Allison makes a new enemy! Give my man back!!!"

"What is this?" "He won't leave the poor girl alone Damien. But the pretty face doesn't seem as an easy one either." "Indeed Abigail well what does the billionaire say about this?!"

Leonardo's Pov

I was in my office as I watched the news. Just some hours not even a day and already the girl is in trouble! I love that she stands up for herself though. I can't deny that Allison totally deserves it and finally someone can put her back in her place! All my gratitude towards Madelyn.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door. "Yes. Come in please," I said.

It was my Secretary.

"Excuse me sir someone is here to see you," she said. "What? Does she or he have an appointment?" I asked her. "No but she claims that she needs to see you urgently!"

"Alright then just let her in," I sighed, "thank you Christina."

I should have known...it was Eleanor. "Hey baby," she walked in as if I had invited her. "Hey Eleanor what brings you here? And what did you just call me??? I warned you several times not to call me that whatever you just called me!" I reminded her harshly. Instead of giving her reason for arrival she instead continued irritating me. "Do I need a reason to see my boyfriend?" said Eleanor. "What in the world Eleanor??? I'm not your boyfriend!" I said sternly. "And why can't I call you that? See I heard your breakup with Allison. And I guess it's so sad...but can't help but be happy cause now I have a chance," she said proudly.

"What chance? Listen Eleanor there is no chance for anything! I don't love you and you don't love me that's all!"

Slowly she walked to my side and whispered in my ear, "Honey don't you understand? Our parents want us to be together!"

The nerve of a girl! Did she really think I'm into her games? "Shut up Eleanor! I'm not a kid. I can make my own life choices. And so what if I don't want to be with any other woman again that's totally my choice. And so what if I don't want to ever marry? That's my choice not anyone's!"

"Oh really?" She flirted. Playing with her hair she took off my jacket and tried to run her fingers on my chest. I distanced myself. "Will you stop that please? I'm not here for your games! So if you have nothing else you came for you can gladly leave!" I pointed towards the door! She frowned.

Later on my way home…

I was putting fuel in my car at the petrol station. Just to hear someone jump on my back! "Leonardo!!!" I heard a scream. I turned around. The nerve of a girl...it was Allison! She was furious screaming on top of her voice! "Will you please lower your voice?" I tried to calm her down. But the girl just couldn't relax. "No! I will kill your maid!" She kept on screaming on top of her voice. "How dare she? Who does she think she is? Low life!" This got me furious! I hate disrespect...with a passion! "Hey stop it! Calm down Allison...you should learn to respect people!" I scolded her. "For what should I respect her for? Did she even try to respect me? Showing me how my life is messed up and trying to get into my business!"

A minute of silence...

"But is it not true?" I asked her holding my chin. "Oh so you see now you are supporting her? On her side huh?! I bet the media won't mind seeing whom you have chose now and so fast after your dramatic attempt to not love anyone ever again!" she screamed! All eyes were on us now. People started taking out their phones ….

Almost storming out I held her hand! "Allison!" I said that sternly from the top of my voice! "Don't you dare! Don't you dare say anything more haven't you created enough drama already? And don't create more lies!" Don't think I've ever spoke so harshly to her like now. She sobbed. I knew she faked her tears but we were publicly being watched and I didn't want to create any more drama. "Come Allison," my hand over her shoulder we quickly entered the car.

Before we could drive away we heard screams of admiration. "Oh wow sweet!" one girl kept going on. "Such beautiful reunion," another one with straight black hair admired us. In the car I could see Allison secretly laughing. Loving the attention...these are girls for you.

We quickly drove away and I dropped Allison home. Stupid girl like I'm still her boyfriend she tried putting her arms around my neck. "I'm no more your man!" I had to remind her.

Reaching home everything looked spotless! No no no way she could tell me she was done with all the chores?! I heard music...but no sign of her where is this girl?! Just then…"Mr.Billionaire!" Goodness! She scared me! Next thing I saw she was in my arms hugging me. I didn't accept it but neither did I deny it…
