
please reset the booktitle NebulaWolfyy 20231218092329 66

NebulaWolfyy · Urban
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15 Chs


I turned the shower on, allowing the water run for a bit so that way it could heat up. I loved showers because of how it made you feel afterward. Clean and refreshed. It was also my way of escaping reality when I had a long day at work or just to relax. I put my hand underneath the spay to feel it. It was hot enough to burn the skin but that was how I liked it. It helped my bones melt and and just enjoy the feeling of being alive. I was different. I felt it in the very depths of my soul. I wasn't the mundane Emery anymore. My stomach ached all of a sudden and I clutched my abdomen as if that would relieve the pain but it didn't. I turned quickly to the sink and hurled. Blood coming up from my throat, it tasted coppery, raw, and good but also food that I had ingested yesterday afternoon before all this happened. Chunks of whatever I ate was combined with it. 

The bathroom door opened and in came Nora as if she knew what was going on. "Are you alright?" she asked in a worried voice. I could only nod as I ran the water from the sink to wash away the mess that I had made. 

"Does this happen to others when they get turned?" I asked her as I rinsed my mouth out with water. I looked at Nora who only shook her head.

"You are the first person that Marcus has turned." She said softly. Her silver like hair glimmered beneath the glow of the bathroom light. I could only look at her with a confused look. "There's a first for everyone." She said the last one with a half grin on her face before she left the small bathroom. 

What did she mean that I was the first person Marcus turned? I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that I was pale. My brown hair now red from the change and thought to myself. Does vampires still have reflections after being turned into a vampire? I merely shrugged and decided to speak to Marcus after I freshened up and changed because of my ordeal. I pulled my bloodied short over my head and glanced down at my side and saw that the gash that once held the metal pipe was gone along with any remains that would normally appear. No stitches and no bruising. I was relieved and even though I was still myself I was different. A knock came from the door and I looked up from examining my side. A head poked through and I saw Marcus' golden gaze on me. Instinctively I covered myself. He on the other hand didn't have any shame. Instead he extended his hand and in it was a cup of red liquid which I had assumed was blood. 

"Here," He said. "Once your finished washing up. Drink this." He placed the cup on the sink when he realized that I didn't take it right away. "It will make you feel better. Possibly a bit stronger afterward." I breathed in sharply. The aroma of blood was strong in my nostrils and I fought the urge to guzzle the liquid down. To feel that liquid drizzle down my throat to make me feel alive and strong. My incisors poked at my lip and I looked away shyly. "It's normal to feel this away Emery." After he said that he closed the door, leaving me alone once more. 

I shook my head and dropped my shirt on the floor and stripped the rest of my clothes and hopped in the shower. Hoping that it would help my sore muscles and allow me to concentrate on the incoming conversation with Marcus.



"What are we going to do about Sarene?" Blake asked me as I said on the sofa and waited for Emery to finish her shower.  The fireplace was going and I stared at it while Nora sat at the table doing some puzzles to keep her occupied. Blake, on the other hand was leaning his hip against the windowsill that was on the far side of the room, awaiting my answer. "You do realize that she's the one who placed this banishment on all of us doing something that we didn't even do."

"Your right," I said with a sigh. "We didn't do anything according to Sarene." I scratched my nose as I continued to stare at the fire that cracked and pop softly in the fireplace. "Either way, we are not going to start a war unless she strikes first."

"You're saying that we do nothing?" Blake asked with anger in his tone. I only nodded. "How long?" I could only shrug because what else was I supposed to do? I couldn't give him a proper answer when there wasn't none to give. Sarene DeMarco was a very powerful vampire and with a snap of her fingers we all could be dead but in her good graces Sarene gave us this. Solitude. Banishment. For something that we didn't do. It must of been someone that resided with her and called the shots to be put on us instead. This was my theory but I couldn't bring myself to speak of it. More concerned that Blake would go off the rails and do something rash and in truth I didn't need Nora to worry about Blake either. Nor did I. 

"Calm down," I uttered the words as calmly as I felt but I knew what he was feeling. At times when I think back to the events that played out, all I wanted to do was lash out but I held in for my friends because the way I see it, I didn't want either of them to worry about me as well. "It's a matter of patience."

"Marcus," Blake all but held his tone at a whisper so that Nora could hear but I simply raised my hand to stop him from speaking. Blake threw his hands up in defeat. "Alright," He said finally. "I'll do as you say but if things get out of hand before then," he stopped and looked at Nora who was looking at him intently before his gaze returned to mine. "All of us need someplace safe to go." 

"If that comes to be," I began in my calm demeanor. "Then in the next couple of days we will search for another area to go."

"I meant what I said about Sarene," Blake stated. "I would like to clear our names so that way our banishment is lifted and that we are free if this pathetic solitude."

I felt anger boiling in my gut. Blake was pushing his luck with me and I just wanted some silence. As if he sensed my tension, he stopped speaking. I kept my temper at bay and calmly spoke once more. "We will find a way. Just not right now." He nodded and went to sit with Nora at the kitchen table to help her with the puzzle.


I stepped out of the shower and began to pat myself dry. I felt better after washing all the gunk away from my body. Not a trace of blood was left and not a scratch in sight. I went to the mirror and wiped away the condensation that gathered from the steam and noticed that my eyes were different as well. A darker gold than Marcus' but still held a tint of blue that I found fascinating. I didn't ponder on my features to much because I wanted to speak to Marcus about a few things. Mainly questions that I felt like I needed to know. So I pulled a grey sweater over my head and slipped on some sweats and opened the door to the hallway. I followed the sound of voices talking and the soft glow of a light that came from the living room. My feet were silent as I glided across the hardwood floor. I didn't bother much of the appearance of the cabin. As I neared the living room I picked up a name that I found familiar. "Sarene DeMarco." I racked my brain only to draw a blank. Who was this lady and what did they have in common that I didn't know about? I peeked my head around the corner and saw Marcus sitting on the sofa, Blake at the window, and Nora at the kitchen table doing a puzzle. 

Marcus was tapping his fingers on the armrest and I had this itch to stop him from doing so but I bit instead I bit my lip gently. I came in after knocking once and before anyone said a word I asked. "Who is Sarene DeMarco?" There was another long silence but nobody dared to look at me. I waited for an answer but nothing came. My lips came together and nodded gently and then turned around and looked for the door that leads outside. Great that was rather awkward. First day and I feel the tension but hey I know it's not me. At least I think it wasn't. I placed my hand on the knob and turned it but before I got any further than that I hand came down on my shoulder which stopped me in my tracks. I turned my head and I saw Marcus. "I promised that I would explain things once you were better." He stated blandly.

"Alright." I said as I slowly closed the door