
please reset the booktitle NebulaWolfyy 20231218092329 66

NebulaWolfyy · Urban
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15 Chs


*Castle of Shadows* 

Sarene DeMarco

I leaned my hip against the grand marble windowsill overlooking the night veranda deep in thought. I had dawned my sleep wear for the day ahead. It was near midnight but she wasn't ready for sleep. Our people were able to experience the sun from over the horizon and that was it before it peaked fully in the sky but in doing so had its' effects. It slowed our ability to function. Our thoughts always a mess and vision blurs. In my opinion it sucked. The sun begins to rise around six o'clock in the morning which in itself five o'clock horizon. I was leader our people and as such I felt the urge to disband the position of my second in command, Gabriel Hues. At times he was a ruthless warrior who always sought out that he got his ways. I hated it more than my own people did. Of course, knowing Gabriel, I had a sense that he'd attempt to replace me by sending Rogues to destroy me. I feared when that day came, I would forever haunt his nightmares. 

A knock echoed in the confines of my chambers and my nerves spiked. My eyes darted to the door, the feeling of hatred welling deep within my gut. When  I was small, however, the rogues were sent by someone else, to destroy me and my family when we were just citizens as well. My great grandfather was in charge then. Leading the people in the right direction of eternity. Now I, being heir, and the only one that had survived the attack, is stranded among these fine people with no intention on what to do. Gabriel walked through the ornate runic form of the door and my fangs slid from my gums. "What do you want?" I nearly hissed the question over the ponts of my teeth.

Gabriel held a silver tray, on to the top was a clear cup the contained blood. I only assumed that it was poisoned. I turned my head back to the night and refused it, knowing that by doing so, I would deny my meal for the night. My people vowedd that the only source of food would be animals and not humans. If I did find out that one of my own hunted outside of these castle walls, the punishment would either be banishment or even death. This rule was set when my grandfather had the reins and I kept them after his death. My chest hurt from the thought but I held is memory in honor and tried my best to follow in his footsteps. I failed in a way, however, allowing someone else take order when I was the one in charge. 

My attention was drawn back the monster before me. Gabriel. His name in itself sounded like he had fallen from heaven and into the void of the universe. Of course I couldn't compare him to the angel, more so the devil's spawn that was meant to make my life a torment if I continue to allow him to be standing next to me. "You need to eat." Came the demand. HIs tone more controlling than I'd like to be. He set the tray on an end table that was next to my bed. As if sensing my hesitation, he picked up the glass and took a sip. "Nothing to be concerned. It's safe."

"Stop acting," I barked. "You lost my respect after your forced the order to ban three of my citizens for no reason." I folded my arms across my chest. "Something that you did on your own and wanted someone to blame side from yourself." I heaved a sigh and drew back into my thoughts but Gabriel was quick. He stood before me and grabbed me by the throat. Slamming me against the wall near the window. A small scream before he did so. I saw his eyes flaring red. Teeth exposed as if I had threatened him somehow. A growl simmering in his throat. I could only laugh as he held me up off the ground, my feet dangling in the air. "Where is this getting you Gabrield?" I asked.

"I'd watch what you say," He threatened. "I could easily dispose of you as I have done with your parents a long time ago." 

"I knew it was you," I said as I was still held by the throat and against the cold stone of the wall. "Even though your second in charge, doesn't make you the leader of our people. I am." The last set of words were rough as I felt Gabriel's hand tighten, causing me to choke but he released me before that even happened. I took in air as I laid there for a short moment to regain focus. I looked at him from on the cobble floors. "I'd watch you say," I mocked. "Count your blessings before the day sleep occurs because as far as I see, your on thin ice." I gave him a cold hard stare before Gabriel turned and stormed out the door. 


I sat on the sofa in front of the raging fireplace. I was alone with Marcus while Nora and Blake had gone elsewhere to give us some space so we could talk. I felt awkward being alone without someone that I didn't even know but saved me from dying. I rubbed my hands and clasped my fingers together allowing them to rest in my lap. My red hair hung around my shoulders and my gold eyes weren't my own. I sensed everything around me, even as far as the forest noises, in a way it was calming and fascinating. I finally broke the awkward silence by saying, "I want to thank you for saving me." I turned only to see Marcus, in the kitchen, pouring something into a glass mug. My stomach sort of lurched at the thought. I smelled it though. Strong in my nostrils and I knew that it was blood. I moistened my lips as he came over to me and put the mug into my hand. "No need to thank me." He said as he took a seat next to me. "Did you drink the last one I brought to you?" I could only shake my head. "Why not?"

"I don't need you interrogating me like a villain." I teased with a grin. "I just felt like I wasn't ready to." I fingered the handle and set it on the floor next to my foot. "I understand what all of this is." My voice trailed off and I attempted to find the right words to say. "It's just different than what I have read before all of this occurred."

"You didn't think we'd look this human did you?" Marcus asked. I shook my head. "There are limitations though." He waved to the window. "Daylight but we can still enjoy last minute rays before it fully rises." I stayed silent as I listened to him speak. "We don't ever feed on humans more so animals to stay fed."

"Which would explain the forest." I muttered quietly. I looked out the window and saw that it was still dark. I heard rustling and I knew that there were animals out tonight. I loved my hearing. I loved my new ability to see clearly now but the one thing I dreaded was the hunger for blood. I knew deep down it was something that I had to get used to in order to survive instead of the mundane food that I was used to. I turned to Marcus considering my thoughts carefully. "Are there others?" The question seemed obvious and I would of kicked myself if Marcus wasn't sitting next to me. 

Marcus, on the other hand, was grinning. why was he grinning? I asked myself as I felt the urge to squirm but I contained it to the best of my ability. "Yes," he responded. "A clan. We used to be a part of them until we were banished."  

"How come?" I asked. "I hope that you didn't do anything to cause any trouble." I stood to my feet and went to the window, observing the night from the drawn curtains. The only thing separating outside and here was the window pane. From behind me I heard Marcus getting up as well. His feet hardly making a sound as he came over to where I stood.

His dark hair, which seemed darker than before, glimmered beneath the onslaught of the moonlight. His eyes, too, sparkled. He stayed silent for a moment before saying. "It's nothing to concern yourself with at the moment," He gazed out the window and I couldn't help but stare at him. He was handsome in his own way. Dark and brooding but nonetheless handsome all the more. Maybe even so because all my past relationships seemed like they were fake but I didn't want to dwell too much on that and instead turned to the kitchen. It wasn't much. Everything that you'd find in a cabin kitchen. A stove. Microwave. Coffee pot. All the necessities that would be made out to look as human as possible. "In the meantime, I'd like to show you a few things about your new life. If that is alright with you."

I turned my attention back to him and gave a half hesitant look then smiled. "I'd like that." He turned and bent down to receive the cup that I had left there. 

"But in order for me to teach you," he said as he took my hand in his, the feeling of his fingers was rough and different than my own, he placed the mug in mine. "I would like for you to drink up so you can focus." I could only nod as I got over my fear and downed the rest of the blood. When I finished, the liquid slowly dripped down to my chin and Marcus wiped it away with his thumb and put it his own mouth to lick it clean. "Good." He grinned and I felt my nerves flutter. "Shall we begin?" he waved his hand to the hall and the door that lead out into the night.