
please reset the booktitle NebulaWolfyy 20231218092329 66

NebulaWolfyy · Urban
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15 Chs


The pain had subsided and I was able to open my eyes. At first, everything was blurry from being out for a long period of time. I saw a woman's face looking at me worriedly. She had silver like hair and eyes that saw through you. Not like I could care at the moment. I was awake and that is all that mattered. The room that I was in was dark, the curtains drawn shut, and a dim light was casting shadows in every direction. My sight on the other hand seemed different, my hearing enhanced, and a heartbeat. My head snapped toward the sound and saw a mouse moving alongside the crevice of the nearby wall.  I drew my attention away from the tiny creature and back at the woman. "Where am I?" My voice was raw from not speaking and my throat was parched from the lack of water. 

"Your awake." The woman said excitedly. I peeked at her once more before glancing down at my clothes which was stained with blood. "I'll inform Marcus that your up." I grabbed her wrist before she could leave the room only because she didn't answer my previous question. As if she knew what I wanted, she softly responded. "Your safe for the time being." With that I released her hand letting it fall back on the bed slowly.

The room was quiet once she left. My thoughts were a jumble with no filter. The terrifying memory of being stuck in that car for dead was a vivid image in my mind and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Marcus had said that once I recovered and awake that he would explain things more clearly than I could comprehend. As far as I can feel, I wasn't human anymore and that in itself was an odd feeling to experience. My life before was full of mundane things, like eating food, drinking things that you enjoyed, and had a lifespan of at least sixty some years. Now everything was different just by seeing things and hearing everything around you. What was I now? 

Before my thoughts got the better of me, there was a soft knock at the door and in came Marcus and the woman that was here earlier. She wore a soft bay blue tank top and jeans that hugged her thighs and her feet were bare, exposing skin and polished toenails. I paid no mind to them as I slowly looked Marcus, allowing my vision to focus on him. "How are you feeling?" His voice was loud in my ears. I hushed him for a moment while I slowly sat upright in the bed. "It's alright." He said as he came cautiously to my side to help me sit up. 

"Are you going to explain to me what is happening to me now?" I asked him as I moved my hair off of my forehead. "I mean I have a feeling on what you did but I feel as though I need to hear it." My words came out coarse and rough but amongst the changes that my body was going through, I didn't mind. I felt like this was something that was meant to happen in my own life but how or why was the question. 

"Who is she?" I nodded toward the woman that stood behind Marcus. Marcus glanced at the woman and back at me.

"Nora," Marcus said. "She was the one who had helped you out of the wreckage. Along with Blake."  His tone was calm and he peered at me as though he was looking for something, which made me look at him confusingly. "Are you hungry?" Now that he mentioned it, I was, my stomach growled and I felt my teeth elongate from the thought. I lifted my hand to feel my mouth only to gasp in shock.

"What the," My fingers came away with blood and again I gasped. "Am I…" I stopped as I looked at Marcus who only nodded. 

"I turned you so that you could live." Was all he said before I heard the howling of creatures nearby. Marcus jumped to his feet as though he knew what or who was coming. He looked to Nora and said, "Go get her something. I will be back." With that he darted out the door. I took a deep breath and my teeth went back to normal.

Nora who was left alone with me came to sit next to the bed. "I'm sure that you would like to get cleaned up before eating." Her suggestion sounded rather nice, considering that I was still in my clothes from the day before. They were covered in my own blood and they smelled dirty and oddly good. The aroma filling my nostrils and I felt my own teeth start to poke at my gums. Sharp and visible. I could only nod as I drew back the covers and slowly rose from the bed. "Your first time being a vampire is going to be rough," Nora whispered but I could hear her loud as day. "It will take some time to get used to."

"I thought vampires were supposed to be mean and scary?" I said jokingly. "I mean as faas I read about them anyway."

"It's only lore," Nora responded calmly. "It's what your people depicted us to be when we are just like you but different."

"So everything that I read or even heard is all a lie?" Nora only nodded. She picked up some clothes that had been laying on the dresser and a fresh towel and handed them to me.

"The bathroom is down the hall and to your right." She said and I gave her a half smile before leaving the room.