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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · Others
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Chapter 15 Pizza?

Lei was drinking tea in the garden when she had a sudden crave for pizza. Nothing she would eat right now would be able to satisfy the need to eat pizza.

She called on of the maids standing not too far away.

"Can you please prepare um...," She knew her request would sound silly as she didn't think pizza existed in this world, but she would ask anyway.

"Can you prepare pi.. piz.." The maid was getting confused. What did the princess want?

"Pizza! I want you to prepare pizza." She said her voice getting softer at the end of her sentence.

"Your majesty, what is pizza?"

"What is going on here?" Lei turned to look behind her and her jaws dropped. Was it just her or did Ashton look more handsome than before?

"Good morning your highness." The maid greeted him with a bow.

"I believe I asked a question." His cold voice rang out.

"Your majesty, the princess said she wants pizza."

"Leave." The maid left and he went and squatted in front of her.

"You want pizza?" She asked and she looked at him akwardly. She could have sworn she saw a slight tug at his lips, like he was going to smile but was holding it back.

She nodded her head in response

"Don't worry, you'll eat it but not today." He stood up and picked her up in his arms bridal style and walked into the palace.

Was he joking or did he really mean what he said?

"What are you doing? Put me down!" Lei said all flustered.

"I can't."

"What! Why?" She was sure her face was already as red as a cooked lobster.

"The stair's a little slippery. You might fall."

She looked down to confirm if he might be telling the truth and the stairs did look over polished.

"Still..." She muttered under her breath.

Ashton purposely loosened his hold on her but not enough to make her fall.

"Hey!" She yelled when she felt she was going to drop her.

"My hands are getting a little weak. You are quite heavy princess." He said looking down at her.

Her? Heavy? Impossible!

"I don't care, hold on tighter!" He smirked and loosed his hold again causing her eyes to widen in fear as she clung to him for dear life.

She didn't want to fall and hit her head. That would hurt a lot and her head might even break. Who knows!

Ashton had a satisfied look on his face as he walked towards their bedroom.

So l might not be able to upload much chapters from now to probably the end of this month because I have to read for my upcoming exams which would begin next week.

I might upload one or two chapters within this period though.

Sorry. Hope you understand.

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