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She was a poor girl who was bullied at school, but one more act of bulling almost cost her her life. But what happens when she gets reborn as a princess? She would have to adapt to this new life.

Red_Dragon_4595 · Others
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46 Chs

Chapter 11 We Put It On Hold

The Royal Palace Of Denmore

King Hooke of Denmore was sitting on his royal throne and his son Prince Ryan was standing in front of him with a black envelope decorated with gold and silver intricate designs.

"Seems the kingdom of Auxataria is about to form an alliance with the Kingdom of Gentaya." Commented Ryan with a sly smile on his lips.

"They made a smart move. Having such a powerful ally was wise of them." King Hooke nodded his head. "And now they send an invitation to their daughter's wedding with the prince of Gentaya probably just to show off."

"What about our plan? Do we proceed with it?"

"No. We put it on hold. We'll attack when they least expect it."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It was finally the day Lei had been dreading. It was the night that she would get married to prince Ashton.

Only the high class elites along with rulers of different kingdoms were invited.

Lei looked at her reflection on the mirror in front of her with a sad look on her face and sweaty palms.

The two maids behind her noticed and couldn't understand why someone should be sad for getting married to a prince. Not just any prince, but the most powerful prince among all existing kingdoms.

The doors to her room open and she saw a woman dressed in a maid's clothing. The maid opened her mouth to say, "Your majesty, It is time for you to make your entrance."

Lei's heart started to hammer against her chest. She was really scared for some reasons she couldn't understand. She knew tears had already welled up in her eyes as she stood up and made her way to the closed double doors of the wedding hall.

The moment she heard her name being announced and the doors opened, a tear slipped from her eyes. She lowered her head and clenched the front of her beautiful white wedding dress as she slowly made her way to the altar where her soon-to-be husband was waiting for her but still refused to raise her head.

The ceremony ended and it was time for her to go with her husband, prince Ashton, to Gentaya.

At this point, more tears fell from her eyes and she had to control herself from making any noise.

Her mother came and hugged her goodbye with few comforting words, then her father followed by Beth. All she got from Claudia was a cold glare and a sarcastic 'congratulation'.

After saying her goodbyes, she got into the carriage and so did Ashton. Slowly but steadily, the carriage moved away from the royal palace of Auxataria until it disappeared from her sight.

"Your crying." Ashton said stating the obvious. Lei thinking she might have offended him tried to apologize. "I.. I'm so.. sor..."

"I am not angry." He cut in as he raised her head with his hands, wiping away the tears from her eyes.

Lei felt an electric shock when he touched her. It was really strange to her but decided not to dwell on it.