
Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Imagine a Guy with barebone knowledge of Pokémon, gets transferred to a World where no one knows about Pokémon And the said World somehow gets connected to a World which is similar to Pokémon Games. Well, This Story is all about that Guy. Introducing Dipper, a normal teen who stumbled upon a game called PokeMMO while watching a short video. Dipper who is neither a Pokémon expert nor had he ever played a Pokémon game other than Pokémon Fire Red was intrigued by the game and chose to give it a try. While Dipper was immersed in the game, a powerful bolt of purple lightning struck his house's roof. Dipper didn't had time to react as he watched lightning tore through the roof of his house and struck him. Waking up after the strike, Dipper finds himself in a completely different world – a world almost identical to his original world. Almost, as nothing related to Pokémon exist in this World, be it Pokémon anime, Pokémon games, or even Pokémon cards. Thinking that this was just a normal world, Dipper went outside only to witness the most unimaginable thing in the sky he could have thought of. "Is that a bird...?" "No, it's a plane...?" "It's a giant Professor Oak." ------------------------------------------------------------ Warning - MC is a noob when it comes to Pokémon, So he will make some choices that you'll expect from someone who is new to Pokémon. ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer - Pokémon and Characters related to Pokémon belongs to there rightful owners. I only own the Characters that I created. ------------------------------------------------------------ I am a new Author, and writing is something new to me. I am writing this fan fiction to gain experience, so please don't expect anything grand from this fan fiction. I am also a student, so updates will not be regular. As I write, I will try to improve the quality of my work. PS - English is not my first language. So please go easy on me. ------------------------------------------------------------ #PokeMMO #PokemonGame #PokemonFanfic #PokeFiction #PokeNovel #PokemonAdventures #PokeStory #PokemonWorlds #PokeJourney #PokemonUniverse #PokeFanFiction #PokemonBlack #PokemonWhite #PokemonPlatinum #PokémonDiamond #PokémonPearl #PokemonSoulSilver #PokemonHeartGold #PokemonEmerald #PokemonRuby #PokemonSapphire #PokemonLeafGreen #PokemonFireRed

DevilHanu · Video Games
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64 Chs

Ch. 16 - Magikarp

I chose to keep Clefairy on the team mainly because of its Sp. Defense IV and its Speed IV and also because of its Adamant nature.

Once again, I started making my way back into the Mt. Moon.

But just as I was about to exit the Pokemon Center, a middle-aged NPC with little hair on his head stopped me.

"Hello there, laddie!" said the NPC.

"Hello...?" I responded to him but just like an NPC, my response didn't matter as he continued.

"Have I got a deal just for you!"

"I'll let you have a secret Pokemon - a MAGIKARP - for just ₽500" said the NPC.

'Ah, I remember now, he is that scammer NPC who sells Magikarp.'

"So, You'll buy it, am I right?" just as he said that, two options appeared in front of me.

[<YES > <NO >]

'Well, I have some money saved after defeating all those NPCs, and I also want to have a Gyarados on the team.'

'But the problem is the stats of the Magikarp might not be good enough to invest my time into.'

'Oh well, what's the worst that could happen, I will only lose ₽500.'

Making up my mind, I pressed <Yes >, and a notification appeared.

[You paid an outrageous ₽500 and bought the MAGIKARP.]

"Well, I don't give refunds. You knew what you were getting!" said the NPC as he retreated back into the corner of the Pokemon Center.

I took out the newly received Magikarp to check its data.

{Image Of Magikarp}

[PokeDEX : 129

Name : Magikarp (Water)

Nature : Adamant (+10% Attack, -10% Sp. Attack)

Level - 05

XP : 156

To Next Lv. : 114]

[HP : 17/17

Attack : 07

Defense : 11

Sp. Atk : 06

Sp. Def : 07

Speed : 14]

[A/N - EVs Of Newly Caught Pokemon Are Zero]

[HP IV : 11

Attack IV : 29

Defense IV : 29

Sp. Atk IV : 18

Sp. Def IV : 00

Speed IV : 27

Total : 114/186]

[Splash <Normal > PP: 40/40

------ PP: 0/0

------ PP: 0/0

------ PP: 0/0

Ability : Swift Swim (Doubles Speed while It's raining.)]

I was stunned, to say the least. My gamble paid off.

Looking at its Nature and its IVs, I was shocked beyond comprehension.

"I never expected to receive such a powerful Pokemon just like that."

"It has Adamant nature, almost perfect IVs in Attack, Defense, and Speed."

I was very happy after receiving the unexpectedly good Magikarp. I switched the team to have Magikarp at the front of the team.

'I need to level up Magikarp to Lv. 20 as soon as possible and evolve it into a Gyarados.'

After receiving the Magikarp, I happily made my way into Mt. Moon.

Shortly after, I was back in front of the Sign that reads:

<Beware! >

<ZUBAT is a Bloodsucker!>

Unlike last time, I chose to go right this time.

After walking around, I came across a ladder leading downwards.

'I can go down the ladder, but I should explore Mt. Moon completely and return back after I have completely explored the first floor of 'Mt. Moon'.'

So, I chose not to go down the ladder and continue exploring the first floor of Mt. Moon.

[You found one Potion]

<Super Nerd Jovan>

Magnemite Lv. 11 <Defeated >

Voltorb Lv. 11 <Defeated >

{Image Of Magnemite}

{Image Of Voltorb}

[Magikarp gains 106 EXP. Points]

[Charmeleon gains 96+197 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽264 for winning!]

<Bug Catcher Robby>

Caterpie Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Metapod Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Caterpie Lv. 10 <Defeated >

[Magikarp gains 59+86 EXP. Points]

[Magikarp grew to Lv. 06]

[Ponyta gains 53+78+105 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽120 for winning!]

While exploring, I also found a rare candy which I chose to save and use later since it is easy to level up now.

[You found one rare candy]

'Surprisingly, I didn't encounter any wild Pokemon.' Just as I thought that, I encountered a wild Zubat.

Zubat Lv. 10 <Defeated >

[Magikarp grew to Lv. 07]

[Ponyta grew to Lv. 12]

[You found one Escape Rope]

While exploring, I also came across an NPC digging rock. After interacting with him.

"I'm excavating for fossils here under Mt. Moon. Sometimes, Brock of Pewter Gym lends me a hand." is what he said.

After interacting with him, I continued exploring the floor.

Clefairy Lv. 08 <Defeated >

<Lass Miriam>

Bellsprout Lv. 11 <Defeated >

Oddish Lv. 11 <Defeated >

[Magikarp gains 98 EXP. Points]

[Ponyta gains 89+185 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽176 for winning!]

While exploring, I encountered a horde of Zubat. It was my first time encountering a horde of wild Pokemon.

<Horde Of Zubat>

Zubat Lv. 05 <Defeated >

Zubat Lv. 06 <Defeated >

Zubat Lv. 05 <Defeated >

[Magikarp grew to Lv. 08]

[Charmeleon grew to Lv. 17]

After defeating the horde of Zubat, I continued.

Paras Lv. 08 <Defeated >

{Image Of Paras}

After exploring, I came across another ladder going down. Similar to last time, I chose to ignore it until I had completely explored the first floor of 'Mt. Moon'.

<Youngster Josh>

Sentret Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Zubat Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Rattata Lv. 10 <Defeated >

[Magikarp gains 65+65 EXP. Points]

[Charmeleon gains 59+59+123 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽160 for winning!]

<Hiker Marcos>

Geodude Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Geodude Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Onix Lv. 10 <Defeated >

[Magikarp gains 90 EXP. Points]

[Magikarp grew to Lv. 09]

[Bellsprout gains 81+162+207 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽360 for winning!]

Finally, after exploring for so long, I reached the end of the first floor of 'Mt. Moon' where I found the Moon Stone and another ladder leading downwards.

[You found one Moon Stone]

After reaching the end of the first floor, I chose to return back to the first ladder that I found.

Zubat Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Clefairy Lv. 08 <Defeated >

[You found a Poke Ball after defeating Clefairy.]

Zubat Lv. 07 <Defeated >

Zubat Lv. 09 <Defeated >

It didn't take me much time to get back to the place where the first ladder was because there were no more forced Pokemon battles.

I made my way down the ladder, and now I was on the first basement of 'Mt. Moon' which was a narrow section surrounded by stone walls.

{Image Of First Basement}

Paras Lv. 10 <Defeated >

There was only one path, and I didn't encounter any more wild Pokemon before I reached another ladder going down.

Using the ladder, I made my way further down Mt. Moon.

Just as I got down to the second basement of 'Mt. Moon', I saw an NPC standing alone with his back facing the wall, wearing black clothes with a red 'R' written on the front.

{Image Of Second Basement}

{Image Of Team Rocket Grunt}

Instantly, I recognized him as one of the grunts of Team Rocket.

"We, TEAM ROCKET, are Pokemon gangsters!"

"We strike fear with our strength."

[You are challenged by Team Rocket Grunt]

<Team Rocket Grunt>

Rattata Lv. 11 <Defeated >

Sandshrew Lv. 11 <Defeated >

Zubat Lv. 11 <Defeated >

[Magikarp gains 75 EXP. Points]

[Magikarp grew to Lv. 10]

[Bellsprout gains 68 EXP Points]

[Bellsprout grew to Lv. 19]

[Hoothoot gains 177+128 EXP. Points]

[Hoothoot grew to Lv. 13]

"I blew it" said the grunt.

[You got ₽352 for winning!]

After defeating the Team Rocket Grunt, I explored the small area and found a silk scarf.

[You found one Silk Scarf]

'Oh, an Item' I thought as I checked it info

[Silk Scarf - An item to be held by a Pokemon. It increases the power of Normal-type moves by 20%]

'This will come in handy. I can give it to Ponyta since three out of four of its moves are of Normal type.'

[You gave Ponyta <Silk Scarft> to hold.]

There was nothing more to explore as this part of second basement was enclosed in rock walls, so I made my way back up using the ladder.

Sandshrew Lv. 09 <Got Away>

I encountered a wild Sandshrew on my way to the ladder to the first basement, but after all the Pokemon battles and wild encounters, most of my Pokemon had their HP in the red, so I chose to run away from the Sandshrew.

Surprisingly, I didn't encounter any Pokemon on the first basement, and I safely reached the ladder that leads to the first floor of the 'Mt. Moon'.

After coming back to the first floor of 'Mt. Moon', I took out my PokeDEX to view the time I had left.

[DIPPER - Issued 20XX-02-02

PokeDEX - 9

Money - ₽2,724

Max Obedience - Lv. 26

Time Remaining : 00:021:15

<Gym Badges>

1 - [Boulder Badge]]

'I had about 20 minutes left in the Pokemon world. I can choose to continue my journey into the 'Mt. Moon' but I wouldn't be able to reach the exit of 'Mt. Moon' that leads to 'Route 4' before the time runs out.'

'And most of my Pokemon are also low on HP.'

I chose to head back to the Pokemon Center and continue my journey in 'Mt. Moon' the next day.

Zubat Lv. 09 <Defeated >

I was able to safely exit the 'Mt. Moon' and reach the Pokemon Center.

Getting my Pokemon healed, I sat down in the sitting area to wait for my time to reach 0 and return to the real world.

Shortly after, I was back in the real world on my bed.

Getting out of bed and stretching my limbs, I changed my clothes and went to my part-time job.