
Playing PokeMMO In Another World

Imagine a Guy with barebone knowledge of Pokémon, gets transferred to a World where no one knows about Pokémon And the said World somehow gets connected to a World which is similar to Pokémon Games. Well, This Story is all about that Guy. Introducing Dipper, a normal teen who stumbled upon a game called PokeMMO while watching a short video. Dipper who is neither a Pokémon expert nor had he ever played a Pokémon game other than Pokémon Fire Red was intrigued by the game and chose to give it a try. While Dipper was immersed in the game, a powerful bolt of purple lightning struck his house's roof. Dipper didn't had time to react as he watched lightning tore through the roof of his house and struck him. Waking up after the strike, Dipper finds himself in a completely different world – a world almost identical to his original world. Almost, as nothing related to Pokémon exist in this World, be it Pokémon anime, Pokémon games, or even Pokémon cards. Thinking that this was just a normal world, Dipper went outside only to witness the most unimaginable thing in the sky he could have thought of. "Is that a bird...?" "No, it's a plane...?" "It's a giant Professor Oak." ------------------------------------------------------------ Warning - MC is a noob when it comes to Pokémon, So he will make some choices that you'll expect from someone who is new to Pokémon. ------------------------------------------------------------ Disclaimer - Pokémon and Characters related to Pokémon belongs to there rightful owners. I only own the Characters that I created. ------------------------------------------------------------ I am a new Author, and writing is something new to me. I am writing this fan fiction to gain experience, so please don't expect anything grand from this fan fiction. I am also a student, so updates will not be regular. As I write, I will try to improve the quality of my work. PS - English is not my first language. So please go easy on me. ------------------------------------------------------------ #PokeMMO #PokemonGame #PokemonFanfic #PokeFiction #PokeNovel #PokemonAdventures #PokeStory #PokemonWorlds #PokeJourney #PokemonUniverse #PokeFanFiction #PokemonBlack #PokemonWhite #PokemonPlatinum #PokémonDiamond #PokémonPearl #PokemonSoulSilver #PokemonHeartGold #PokemonEmerald #PokemonRuby #PokemonSapphire #PokemonLeafGreen #PokemonFireRed

DevilHanu · Video Games
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64 Chs

Ch. 15 - Path To Mt. Moon

After waking up and switching on the phone, I entered the Pokemon world.

I was back where I left, at the eastmost part of 'Pewter City', right beside the sign.

After looking around, I started heading out of 'Pewter City'.

[You have entered 'Route 3']

{Image Of Route 3}

After walking for a distance, I spotted a girl standing far away from the path. She was one of the forced Pokemon battle NPCs.

I could have avoided her if I wanted to, but I chose to battle her and stack up some money since I was low on money.

"Excuse Me! you looked at me, didn't you?"

[You are challenged by LASS JANICE]

She sent out Pidgey Lv. 9 while my Bellsprout was automatically sent out since it was in the front of the team.

Bellsprout Lv. 15 - 41/41

Pidgey Lv. 9 - 100%

I chose <Acid > while Pidgey used <Gust >.

Bellsprout Lv. 15 - 32/41

Pidgey Lv. 9 - 7.7%

I finished it off with another <Acid >.

[The foe's Pidgey fainted]

[Bellsprout gains 107 EXP. Points]

After Pidgey, she sent out another Pidgey of Lv. 9.

Bellsprout Lv. 15 - 32/41

Pidgey Lv. 9 - 100%

Similar to last time, I chose <Acid > while Pidgey used <Gust >.

Bellsprout Lv. 15 - 23/41

Pidgey Lv. 9 - 7.7%

Finishing off with <Acid >.

[The foe's Pidgey fainted]

[Bellsprout gains 107 EXP. Points]

[You have defeated LASS JANICE]

"You're mean!" she said as she went back.

[You got ₽144 for winning]

After defeating her, I made my way forward and had another forced battle with another NPC.

<Bug Catcher Coltor>

Caterpie Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Weedle Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Caterpie Lv. 10 <Defaeted >

[Bellsprout gains 105+105+105 EXP Points.]

[Bellsprout grew to Lv. 16]

[You got ₽120 for winning]

<Youngster Ben>

Rattata Lv. 11 <Defeated >

Ekans Lv. 11 <Defeated >

{Image Of Ekans}

[Bellsprout gains 135+147 EXP Points.]

[You got ₽176 for winning]

<Bug Catcher Greg>

Weedle Lv. 09 <Defeated >

Kakuna Lv. 09 <Defeated >

Caterpie Lv. 09 <Defeated >

Metapod Lv. 09 <Defeated >

[Bellsprout gains 95+140+95+140 EXP Points.]

[Bellsprout grew to Lv. 17]

[Bellsprout wants to learn the move <Stun Spore>]

[But Bellsprout already knows four moves.]

[Should a move be deleted and replaced with <Stun Spore>?]

I chose not to learn the move <Stun Spore> since Bellsprout already knows the moves <Sleep Powder> and <Poison Powder>.

[Bellsprout did not learn <Stun Spore>]

[You got ₽108 for winning]

<Lass Sally>

Nidoran Lv. 10 <Defeated >

Rattata Lv. 10 <Defeated >

[Bellsprout gains 119+123 EXP Points.]

[Bellsprout grew to Lv. 18]

[You got ₽160 for winning]

After defeating Lass Sally, I chose to move Charmander to the front of the team since, after all these battles, Bellsprout only had 6 HP left.

<Youngster Calvin>

Spearow Lv. 14 <Defeated >

[Charmander gains 174 EXP Points.]

[You got ₽224 for winning]

<Bug Catcher>

Metapod Lv. 11 <Defeated >

Caterpie Lv. 11 <Defeated >

[Charmander gains 171+116 EXP. Points]

[Charmander grew to Lv. 16]

[You got ₽132 for winning]

Just as I finished the Pokemon Battle, Charmander's Poke Ball flew out of my body and Charmander came out.

[Charmander is evolving!]

Charmander burst into a white light that lasted for 3 seconds, and after the light disappeared, the Charmander turned into Charmeleon.

[Congratulations! Your Charmander evolved into Charmeleon!]

{Image Of Charmeleon}

After the evolution, the Poke Ball came back to me, and I called back Charmeleon into his Poke Ball and continued ahead.

Since Charmeleon and Bellsprout have leveled up a lot, I chose to focus more on Hoothoot and Ponyta. As such I switched Ponyta to the front of the team.

<Lass Robin>

Jigglypuff Lv. 14 <Defeated >

{Image Of Jigglypuff}

[Ponyta gains 285 EXP. Points]

[You got ₽224 for winning]

After walking for a while, I came across some tall grass and a sign that read:


<MT. MOON Ahead>

'Almost there' I thought as I continued making my way forward.

After the sign lays an empty path with no more forced Pokemon battle NPCs. So, after running for 15 minutes, I reached the Pokemon Center of 'Route 3'.

Moving into the Pokemon Center to get my Pokemon healed and to set this Pokemon Center as my last visited Pokemon Center for spawn in case all my Pokemon faint.

After healing my Pokemon, I checked my PokeDEX.

[DIPPER - Issued 20XX-02-02

PokeDEX - 7

Money - ₽1,436

Max Obedience - Lv. 26

Time Remaining : 05:02:19

<Gym Badges>

1 - [Boulder Badge]]

'It took me 1 hour to reach here, so now I have 5 hours in the Pokemon world. Will I be able to cross 'Mt. Moon' in under 5 hours and reach 'Cerulean City'.'

After exiting the Pokemon Center, I made my way to a sign outside of the entrance of 'Mt. Moon'.


<Tunnel Enterence>

I was in front of the entrance of 'Mt. Moon' tunnel. Before entering 'Mt. Moon', I switched my front of the team to Bellsprout.

[You have entered MT. MOON]

{Image Of Mt. Moon}

As I entered, I was now surrounded by rocky walls and stone paths. The inside did not have much lighting, making it difficult to spot any wild Pokemon until they were very close.

I made my way further into Mt. Moon, and after some time, I came across a sign that reads:

<Beware! >

<ZUBAT is a bloodsucker!>

Just as I got closer to read the sign, I didn't notice the NPC beside the sign because of the low light.

"What? I'm waiting for my friends to find me here."

[You are challenged by LASS IRIS]

<Lass Iris>

Clefairy Lv. 14 <Defeated >

{Image Of Clefairy}

[Hoothoot gains 170 EXP. Points]

[Hoothoot grew to Lv. 11]

[Ponyta gains 170 EXP. Points]

[Ponyta grew to Lv. 11]

[You got ₽224 for winning]

After defeating Lass Iris, I chose to explore Mt. Moon. Even though I know the path to the exit.

I still decided to use my time exploring Mt. Moon because, from the game, I know there are many items scattered throughout the tunnel, and some of them would be very useful in the future.

So, First, instead of going to the right of the sign, I chose to go to the left side.

[You found one TM - Water Gun]

"Yes, a TM, It's Water Gun though, this move doesn't do much damage, but it may come in handy in the future." I said.

<Bug Cather Kent>

Kakuna Lv. 11 <Defeated >

Weedle Lv. 11 <Defeated >

[Hoothoot gains 171+116 EXP. Points]

[Hoothoot grew to Lv. 12]

[Hoothoot wants to learn the move <Reflect >]

[But Hoothoot already knows four moves.]

[Should a move be deleted and replaced with <Reflect >?]

I chose to forget <Tackle > move and learn <Reflect > in its place.

[Hoothoot forgot how to use <Tackle >]

[Hoothoot has learned <Reflect >]

[You got ₽132 for winning]

After defeating the bug catcher Kent, I continued exploring the area, and while I was near a crater, I encountered a wild Clefairy.

Clefairy Lv. 8 <Caught >

Using <Peck > to lower its HP a little, I threw a Poke Ball and caught it on the first try.

After catching Clefairy, I continued exploring.

Zubat Lv. 8 <Defeated >

{Image Of Zubat}

[You found one Paralyze Heal]

I reached the end of the area as the path was blocked by a rock wall. So I turned around and made my way back to the sign which was near the entrance of Mt. Moon.

Since I was near the entrance, I chose to exit Mt. Moon and head to the Pokemon Center to heal my Pokemon before going to the right side of Mt. Moon.

After healing my Pokemon, I checked Clefairy's data.

[PokeDEX : 035

Name : Clefairy (Normal)

Nature : Adamant (+10% Attack, -10% Sp. Attack)

Level - 08

XP : 409

To Next Lv. : 174]

[HP : 30/30

Attack : 13

Defense : 13

Sp. Atk : 12

Sp. Def : 17

Speed : 12]

[A/N - EVs Of Newly Caught Pokemon Are Zero]

[HP IV : 10

Attack IV : 04

Defense IV : 09

Sp. Atk IV : 04

Sp. Def IV : 29

Speed IV : 23

Total : 79/186]

[Stored Power <Psychic > PP: 10/10

Defense Curl <Normal > PP: 40/40

Sign <Normal > PP: 15/15

Minimize <Normal > PP: 10/10

Ability : Cute Charm (Contact with the Pokemon may cause infatuation.)]

"Good Sp. Defense and Speed IVs but lacking in other areas. I can use it until I find a better one."

I chose to keep Clefairy on the team mainly because of its Sp. Defense IV and its Speed IV and also because of its Adamant nature.

Once again, I started making my way back into the Mt. Moon.


A/N - Hello everyone...

First of all, Thank You for all the support that you guys have shown me. Now that we have reached Chapter 15, I would like to ask a few things.

Q1 - Has my writing improved in newer chapters compared to the old chapters...?

Q2 - Any Suggestions on what I can do to improve my writing?

Q3 - Any Suggestions related to the Story.

Q4 - Any Pokemon Dipper should catch before reaching 'Cerulean City'...?

That's All
