
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
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26 Chs

[Some Time With Mika; Michael The Ass Hero]

Mika and Micheal saw themselves in a city suffering the grip of the apocalypse, with no signs of life but multitudes of signs of alien life, the known Europe is now called an alien nova city.

"I guess this is the city we're taking back, right?", asked Micheal, however, to his surprise, Mika gave no reply and walked off.

"Is this part of the tutoring? Like the seniors don't have a word with the trainees?", asked Micheal, since Mika didn't want to speak or reply to him, he gave up the chase and minded his biz.

'I knew I should have chosen Nelly instead'

The two figures walked past a few burning cars, probably set by the dragon in its wake. 'The tests are getting out of hand, how does the academy expect two cadets to take on a fleet of aliens', pondered Mika.

Silently, they made a turn to the alleyway, causing Micheal to let out words of being left out of the plan since all he'd been witnessing was the silent treatment and continuous walk.

"Hey, you mind telling me where we heading?"

Similar to the former scenario, Mika gave him no response, frustrating our Protagonist. He sighed and smirked, tucked two hands in his black trousers, and walked past Mika.

This went on for five minutes... 'Why isn't he trying to make me talk with him, has he given up on me so easily?'

"You don't want to team up, so I'll just take over this city myself", said Micheal.

With a tightening grip, he squats and leaped into the air, suspending himself there for some minutes, astonishing Mika on how Michael could fly all of a sudden.

Unfortunately, our Protagonist wasn't flying and couldn't fly yet, his leap only hung him there for ten seconds, and then he leaped again, but he was moving so fast that one would think he'd been in mid-air for minutes. The truth is, he was leaping at an abnormality.

'Ten blocks and still no signs of the aliens, they must be asleep, or', Micheal looked at the eclipse, it was hot on this side of the city. "I know you don't want to team up with me, but at least answer this question; what type of aliens inhabit this side?"

Michael yelled, Mika was reluctant for a few seconds, before clenching her fist and stumping her feet childishly. "The Nova aliens"

'That must be it, they're scared of the heat from the eclipse', thought Mika and Micheal.

Micheal was about to land when he saw a group of aliens entering a cave not far from them.

The Nova aliens are an extremely rare species, normally they were known as the noval Scotia, given the fact that they have six spider stingers behind them in a humanoid form, with a pair of hands.

Not to mention the type of armor they wore, the helmet had a cross sign, and the chest had a long glowing crest down to the private exterior, apart from the red glowing cross and crest, the rest of the body was black segmented and having lines that possessed red borders.


Michael gained his footing and dashed behind Mika, not giving her a chance to react, he picked her up in bridal style, and leaped into the air, landing on buildings and leaping back up like the Hulk.

"Let me down you pervert..!", Mika commented, although she was blushing, she was also softly pounding Micheal's chest.

'Did she just call me a pervert, ha, very well then'

Micheal did the most embarrassing thing Mika ever thought he'd do, he extracted his hands from holding her slender legs and placed them under her butt.

With reddened cheeks and flared eyes, Mika screamed, but couldn't do anything since they were in mid-air.


'Music to my ears,', thought Micheal as if practicing how to massage a girl's butt.


"We're here Mika"

The MC commented, smiling as Mika's facade was emitting mixed feelings, anger, impressive, love, astonishment, and surprise.

"Well you can drop me now pervert"

"You sure about that, I think your legs must be tiring from all that leaping"

Mika let out a sigh of frustration and got down herself. "Hey, you can't step into the cave-like you're the one who found it"

Mika stuck her tongue out, stepping inside the cave, she slipped down to a huge hole that didn't seem to have an ending. "Michael..!", Mika yelled.

Without hesitation, Micheal jumped after she, and history repeated itself, he used his left hand to hold the rope placed by the Nova Scotia, avoiding them from falling, while his right hand, weeeeelll... he was supporting Mika with his right hand underneath her ass again.

Mika whimpered, gave a baby face, and screamed again. "Micheaaaaaal...!"

'They were using the rope to climb down, how impressive, they knew someone would fall for the trap, but what's down there?'

Micheal thought rampaged when looking at the vast darkness below them, he was carrying Mika through the ass like she weighs less than a doll, but don't let the scenario deceive you, cuz 'damn she's weighty', thought Micheal.

"Lemme down you pervert, lemme down"

"No, Mika don't-"


The MC's statement was Short-lived when Mika fell from his palm. As if he would lose his life if he doesn't catch her, Micheal let go of the rope and dived, trying his best to catch Mika, but retardation was having a good hold on him.

"G..got you", said Michelangelo, quickly catching her at the free fall and pressing her body against his, her elegant breastful chest pressing Micheal's chest.

With a swift movement, Micheal turned Mika around making it look like he was the one falling while hugging Mika tight and placing his palm on her head.

Baaam... "Uuurggghhhh...!"

Michael's eyes widened as blood splattered out, passing Mika's ears with inches, unknown to him, his spinal cord had broken and replaced itself, but his backbone was hit against the ground with such momentum from the fall, leaving our Protagonist with a bruised lip.

But in all, he's effort wasn't wasteful, nor did he regret what he did.

"You saved me", said Mika, her voice tainted with honey as her facade displayed her worries for Micheal.

"Hmph.. and now you're lying on top of me, who's the pervert now?", Micheal teased.

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Remember; power stones equals fast releases like last week..

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