
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
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26 Chs

[The Aliens Has Declared War: The War Is Coming]

"I'm a survival... I've got the eyes of a tiger, be playing the game while eating ma father, you'll be staying alive and I'll be staying aliver.. watch where you step while I spit ma saliva... Kaboom..!"

Mika rolled her eyes at the sight of Micheal continuously singing garbage with his hand-made beatbox. Surprisingly the once injured protagonist was like he never fell hard

And now, both of them were stranded in what seemed to be an underground temple, never considered the Europeans to have underground temples..or underground anything.

"Do you mind, your voice just keeps echoing and the song is too lame"

"Say what now.. pfft, no way Mika.. this song won top one in the competition"

Mika raised an eyebrow while smiling at Michael, the MC who winked at her. "And when did it win such a competition? Lol", Mika chuckles softly.

"Just now? The competition was what song would make you talk with me.. and out of the hundreds of songs I've been singing.. this one did it"

Now Mika went back to her mood, walking past Micheal, our Protagonist who stood there while debating on the topic, of what I've done to deserve a silent treatment from a pretty girl.

On the other side, Mika's cheeks flushed while releasing a slight chuckle, barely audible. "Well go make Nelly smile.. pervert?"

Micheal's eyes flared, now realizing why Mika had been doing this, she had seen a lip gloss on Micheal's lips when he came out of the elevator with Nelly. So doesn't that mean.. 'she's jealous', thought Michael with a sinister smile.

"Why would I make Nelly smile... I wanna make you smile.. besides I just knew her and-"

"And you've kissed her twice"

Mika screamed a bit, turning around to face Michael with an angry expression. 'Damn she's hot'

Thump..! Hmph'

Mika stamped her feet childishly and began walking away, knowing Micheal was trailing behind her. "At least focus on getting stronger Angelo"

'oh wow, here comes that stupid name I hate, how many names have I gotten, parents gave me Micheal, Cassie gave me Michelangelo and Ronnie says Mickey, and she's been calling me Angelo since that night'

"Are you even listening to what I've been saying?", Mika asked, assessing Michael's eyes that were etched with confusion.

"Uuuh.. no"

"My dad wants me to get engaged to some weirdo"

"Say what now?"

Mika let out a chuckle but went back to her usual demeanor. Unfortunately for Micheal, he couldn't see her beautiful smile because her ass was facing him.

"Why would your dad want you to get married to a weirdo?"

"Oh.. he isn't a weirdo, I just called him a weirdo. He says Aiden is strong and can protect me if he wasn't around, cuz Aiden passed my dad's test"

Michael's mouth dropped, and passing Mika's dad's test to get a simple engagement approval is impossible, the MC knows this because.. he has gotten trashed countless times, and Mika's father no longer deals with him.. but assigns a guard.

"How unique.. you're the president's daughter... Guess your dad needs a strong bloodline", said Michael as he kicked the ground out of frustration.

It took Mika's complete resilience to say her next sentence, fighting the urge of tears pouring out, she clenched her fist softly and spoke with a low voice.

"But you like Nelly don't you?.. she is also influential.. the vice president's daughter"


Micheal leaped and landed in front of Mika, smiling and looking at her. "Ya ah, I knew it, I knew you were upset"

Mika's face reddened again, her red eyes flared as she held Micheal's palms but quickly let go.

"Aiden didn't beat my dad, he only tried but has the best record amongst the hundred participants and also influential too"

Now Micheal's mind exploded, so Mika is saying there were a total of a hundred participants wanting to have an engagement approval from her father.

Michael smiled and leaped again in front of Mika when she turned. "So... all I have to do is beat your old man?"

"Uuuh? But-"

"Shhhh", Michael placed his finger on her lips, shifted his face closer, and whispered. "Tell me this.. do you still love me?"


Mika avoided the question by stepping on Micheal's foot and chuckling while running.."That hurts a lot Mikaaaa"


As the two of them got along, unknown to them, there was an alien Scotia at the top of a higher ground looking at them. With a ferocious glance, it left, opening a portal and disappearing.

The alien arrived outside planet Apocalypse or as we once knew it, planet Earth. And outside planet Apocalypse, in space, there were countless fleets of airships belonging to the alien Scotias.

An armada readied to extinct any human with just a command from "Commander Iris", said the alien who was spying on Mika and Micheal.

The commander was no different from the species, except he was stronger and was the commander of the millions of alien ships. As royalty.. he possesses six eyes and long black hair in the style of the Chinese or similar to the Sparta helmet.

Iris looked outside the transparent glass of his airship while sitting on his throne, observing the once green planet that turned red due to the wake of the apocalypse.

"What message have you brought to me", the commander commented, his voice tainted with coldness as he spoke while counting his words. "What- message - have - you - brought- to - me?"

"Sir, the other calamities are taking over a lot of territories, and the only territory we've found has now been known to some humans"

The commander stretched his hands forward as if squeezing an invisible egg. And when he completely squashed it, the alien's head popped out, revealing the green liquid from its decapitated form.

"General Scot"

Said the commander, after killing the alien that brought him bad news. Many aliens have correspondingly suffered this fate, as iris do not like bad news.

Another alien Scotia materialized in front of Commander Iris, kneeling.

"Sir.. should we find some other region to capture?", asked Scot.

"No..", Iris stood up, folding his hands behind his back as he wandered to the transparent glass looking at planet Apocalypse.

"Enough... I shall no longer await my father's return from planet Chaos or was it planet Calamities?"

"Oh, that would be both sire..!"

Iris observed planet Apocalypse once more and made his decision.

"Enough holding back.. on the next replica eclipse we attack planet Apocalypse.. send a message to the remaining survivors of planet Apocalypse"

"What message would that be sire?"

Scot asked, and Iris, while darting at planet Apocalypse, his six eyes glowed red as he gave his definitive statement.


A power stone won't hurt..

Gebecreators' thoughts