
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
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26 Chs

[Invitation from Mika And Nelly: Choose one]

The atmosphere of class A which occupied a total of thirty students, was unpredictably quiet. Although Micheal and Ronnie were only sitting inches from each other, Cassie knew if the teacher made a gesture to turn around, Micheal and Ronnie wouldn't hesitate to cause noise.

'Those inseparable fools, they never listen and somehow they end up passing the test higher than I can't, thought Cassie, staring at the two comical friends seated in front of her.

Just like the test they attended, a holographic instructor always seemed to be the one introducing the test, but unlike the previous intros, there was also a human female teacher adorned in a black suit, unlike the students who were in their usual black vest.

This test is said to be one of the most dangerous tests the cadets have encountered, they won't be hunting monsters or surviving within a time limit, instead, they'll be taking over a town or city ruined by the apocalypse.

Since the level four cadets had passed this test before, they would be picking one cadet each from level three cadet class A, as a mentor training a Cadet in boot camp.

However, the level four cadets would not be coming over to select them, the student would be sending a mentorship request through the academy's system.

"Alright now, your systems have now been linked with the seniors, so you'll all be getting an invitation from them now", said the teacher while tapping som few things on her laptop.

"I'll let the seniors see your previous performance with the previous tests"

She smiled looking at the young generations grow, at last, the apocalypse program is now in order, a program to use the cadets in training to take over the planet, one city or town at a time.


-[Brian has 11 seniors wanting to mentor him]

-[Select and choose one senior]


-[Cassie has 7 mentorship invitations]

-[Select and choose one senior]


-[Ronnie has 9 mentorship requests]

-[Select and choose one]

The classroom was radiating the numerous blue holographic screens of the students, some having two or three invitations and they were going wild thinking they'd got the highest invitation.

However, only the teacher could see who had the highest request. The shock of the cadet with the highest requests belonged to a new cadet who was automated in class three.

The teacher leaned her lens down and looked at Micheal continuously. She wore her lens and looked at her tablet again.


-[Micheal has 50 mentorship requests]

-[Select and choose one senior]

'I don't understand, the number of invitations he has is the whole of the level four cadets'

-[Chechik Micheal's Profile]

-[Name: Michael Scofield]

-[Race: Human | Abilities: None]

-[HP: 10 | Coins: 2000] [Strength: 10]

-[Speed: 20]-[Magic: none]-[Mana: unable to use]

-[Weapons locked: ???]

'I don't understand.. why would the whole class cadet want to tutor a weakling?'



Micheal placed his hands below his cheek, thinking of a suitable tutor, but he wasn't thinking that much, out of the 50, he had rejected 46, now left with 4, and among those four were two invitations that were taking his time.

-[Time remaining to choose: 2:10]

-[Levi's request> accept/decline]

-[Mika's request> accept/decline]

-[Bullet's request> accept/decline]

-[Nelly's request> accept/decline]

Micheal pondered on the topic, choosing the prettiest ones in the academy is a tough decision, does he even like any of them?

-[Zombie Liege: A message from Zombiak]

-[My Liege.. Forgive me for the interruption, but it appears someone is checking your features.. and I replaced it with the old one]

Micheal smirked, -[Zombie Liege: It's alright Zombiak, you've done well]

Micheal's thought transmitted and with that out, he focused on the invitations at hand.

'I hope they can't see who is sending me a request', thought Michael. 'Damnit, 50 seconds left'

He doesn't know Nelly that much, but maybe this might be a good time to get to know each other and Mika, huff.. his ex-girlfriend, he has a lot of catching up to do.

-[Time remaining to choose: 00:04]



-[Micheal has chosen Mika as his tutor]


Now the First phase was over, it would only be a minute more before the cadets and the chosen seniors would be Ferried to the given area.

"Bro.. I got an invitation from Kiara", said Ronnie with an excited voice.

"Oh.. good luck man, and don't forget to call me if you run into you know who?", Michael commented.

Ronnie gave him an expression that said "Yea, Bullet, those lieges, and the ant man", while Micheal smiled and gave his line "Yea, and do remember you're making her jealous, she heard you when you said Kiara sent you an invitation"

Ronnie held his face and turned to look behind his back, then back at Micheal before giving him the utterance that said "Dude I forgot she was behind us, damnit", Micheal laughed, and looked at Ronnie. Gives his facade which implies "Just be careful buddy and oh I got paired with Mika"

Ronnie couldn't take it anymore, he knows this should be a face-talking thing and all but he's gotta say this out. "Maa gee, nice one Mickey, don't ruin this for the world buddy"

-[The cadets will now be Ferried along with the seniors in five seconds]

Quickly, before the countdown started, Micheal wrote a few things in his book and opened it wide open, although the person he wanted to see hadn't, he was one hundred percent sure if he was gone, the person would come and read it.






-[Cadets have now been Ferried outside the borders of the academy and to the apocalypse]

Just like Micheal had predicted, the teacher dropped her laptop and walked towards Micheal's desk to see what was written.

"With all due respect Miss Dora, don't check my stat again... I can see you, even outside the academy"

Miss Dora's eyes blinked, cleaned her lens, and looked again, no matter what, it was still the same.