
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

[Ex-girlfriend and a soon To be girl friend]

The academy test was over, prompting the students to all gather themselves close to a blue holographic screen that displayed the top five outstanding performances, solo or team. Some held their heads from exploding, some mouths agape, and the rest dumbfounded.

-[Team MicRon: 1000 points> Super Outstanding Performance]-[Class: Level three]

-[Solo Brian: 10001 points> Super Outstanding Performance]-[Class: Level three]

-[Solo Mika: 900 points> Outstanding Performance]-[Class: Level four]

-[Solo Nelly: 900 points> Outstanding Performance]-[Class: Level Four]

-[Solo Cassie: 889> Outstanding Performance]-[Class: Level three]

"damn we've got some new students Killing the male seniors, normally it's Bullet or Levi, but now damn"

"At least our goddesses have never failed us, not in beauty or test... told ya women rule the world"

The students all murmured, still unaware of the identity of those in the level three class and wondering why their level four male seniors never made it to the top five.

"Come on Ronnie, let's get out here... we've got sparring to attend to"

After a few glances, Ronnie and Micheal left the group, heading to their provided dorm, Ronnie on the other side couldn't help but feel elevated as the thought of nothing but food blocks his cranium.

"Damn, bro... you didn't tell me Mika was here"

"That's cuz I had no idea Ronnie, and walk a bit faster, I hate getting caught by the cameras"

Michael posed, causing Ronnie to stop sweeping the steel wall with his bare hands. With a few more steps, the duo finally got to the elevator.


Shockingly, they were both surprised to see Nelly, the girl from the test.. this gave Ronnie an idea he knew nature had just given him. "Huh.. mickey, I forgot, I gotta go create the assignment portion with Cassie"

"Assignment portion.. I don't remember we getting a-

Micheal's sentence was Short-lived after Ronnie had aimlessly sped off looking for Cassie..

"Hi, were you heading to the third floor", asked Micheal, but he only got a raised eyebrow as a response before entering the elevator with Nelly.

'Ain't nobody gonna tell me how to live my life'



Why everyone had cleared the test results hall, some group of students, five in total were still there admiring the so-called goddesses of the academy.

"oh my God, the two goddesses won't stop being at each other's neck"

"I know right.. imagine being in one seat with Mika, pretty with her red eyes and curvaceous hips and those red lips always driving me nuts.", the student exhaled as if imagining Mika was right in front of him.

"Her fragrance is the most entertaining scent in this academy.. those long smooth black hair falling like a waterfall down those lovely butts, damn I wish I could date either Mika or Nelly", said the student, causing his partner to laugh at him.

"you're describing her like you've seen her bathing... hahaha"

"I wish Budd... I sincerely wish I'd seen her, even if I was the toilet seat... I'd do anything"

The random students laughed before they all stuttered when bullet approached them with his bandaged face and arm.

"You'll do anything eh.. well I know a boy that won't stop pestering those two goddesses you all admire"

Bullet posed, forming a sinister grin around his lip, but due to the previous damage inflicted on it, he wasted no time before closing it up. His next plan to get back at Micheal would be with these morons who would easily believe a lie without knowing the difference

"Dude you okay, it's like you had a fight with god"

"I fell from the stairs", said bullet.


Mika sauntered outside the elevator, waiting for whoever was inside to come out already, well it wasn't the person's fault because they're not the technicalities that conduct the speed of the elevator.

She was as the student had described her, except prettier in person, an intoxicating fragrance coating her silky and elegant skin, even a little pinch could bruise her, and her curvaceous hips held tight by her short skirt, exposing parts of her lap, if it wasn't for the black socks extending up to her thigh.

Mika stood there majestically with her books held against her chest, her red lips bitten by her teeth and her red eyes scanning how many seconds were left before the person came out.


'Finally', thought Mika as the doors of the elevator revealed a familiar figure she thought she'd never see again. Michaelangelo.

"Michael?..! Micheal you made it", said Mika, not hesitating to feel Micheal's warm hug.

When they retracted the hugging, Mika's utterance changed drastically. She placed her finger on Micheal's lip who gulped.

"Is this lip gloss?", Mika mused silently to herself. Shifting her gaze towards Nelly who was smiling behind Michael.

"Hi, Mika.."

"Sup Nel, I see you've been busy"

Mika's face dropped, she tried walking past Michael, but Micheal held her wrist. "I didn't say you could go", uttered Micheal, staring at Mika in her eyes while Nelly moved closer and held Micheal's muscular arm, which wasn't that obvious.


Our Protagonist wondered why Nelly came closer, until he saw five level four class students staring at them with disdain, no, actually staring at just Micheal with anger.

"Hey.. who the fuck do you think you are messing with the goddesses?", yelled a random student with a white band on his blonde hair.

"Just look how fucking he's close to them, there ain't no way air can pass through them", another retorted.

By now, Mika and Nelly were behind Micheal, not because they can't beat the shit out of these boys, but because.. when you're with a guy.. let them do the fighting.

Nelly, had full confidence Michael would trash them, but Mika, given the fact Micheal had encountered death numerous times, left her worried since she hadn't seen him win a battle before.

Like the time Micheal was left bloodied on her lap after he was trashed by goblins, or the time when Micheal stabbed a wolf and the dagger shattered, leaving Mika to watch how Michael was totally beaten.

Or when Michael would be beaten half dead by thugs who would want to rob Mika, or when she found his bloodied being somewhere in the apocalypse, half dead, Mika knew all his death encounters. Those memories were like yesterday and she was envisioning all of them at that spot.

"Both of you... get in the elevator, Pretty please"

Said Michael, seeing how they both gave him catlike eyes, he knew they would want to hang around, but he's a damn god for god sake. And so, the two goddesses mounted in the elevator.

"Damnit.. I wanted them to see how you'll get trashed, and Maybe I might get an admirer", said a hair band student.

"Go get him"

The first fool charged towards Michael, drawing his fist back and punching out, but our Protagonist skillfully stepped aside and sank his knee against the moron's diaphragm... "Urrgggh..!

His eyes flared, unable to move as he groaned in pain where he lay. "I thought he said the moron isn't strong at all"

"You two, go get him"

Another two foolish students charged at Micheal, claiming they could claim his life where he stood.

"You moron, you dare touch my Nelly", student one said.

"And you dared look my Mika in the eyes", said student two.

With a resounding Baaaam..' The two fist connected with Micheal's veiny palms. Urrghhh..!, coughing out blood with a broken fist.

However, they both screamed, it was as if they had punched tungsten, the strongest metal in the world, but like tungsten superscript ten.


Meanwhile inside the elevator, Nelly noticed how Mika's palms were getting sweaty. However, she can't ignore a thing like that, even if she care less.

"Are you scared of something Mika?"

"It's Michael, I don't know how he got inside the academy, but he can't take on those seniors, I know saying this sounds weird and not right, but Micheal isn't the strong type, he's the weak one, and I had left him last two weeks, he's gonna get hurt himself, Nelly"

Nelly gave a slight chuckle, realizing Mika hadn't seen him fight or maybe Micheal had been pretending all those while.

"Well I think he'll be okay, besides, he destroyed Bullet's rock with his fist and even got hit by the black rock.. and he still came out unscathed"

"Thanks for the sense of humor, but it isn't working... I can't imagine Micheal surviving a battle with a level five senior"

'You really should start knowing people I guess.. hahaha', thought Nelly.

And so it went down to the question Nelly was dying to ask when she saw Mika hug Micheal so tight and when Micheal held her back.

"Why do you care about him that much anyway?"

Mika felt a wave of blush and shyness hit her face and sanity. Her cheeks flushed red while preparing to give a reply. "Well he.. he was my-"

Unfortunately, the elevator's door Opened, cutting Mika's statement. The one standing in front of the elevator was a bloodied figure with a bruised face and blood dripping down his cheek while staining his white clothing.

He staggered and gained his footing before conveying the message like a drunk man."He.. he.. he said I...I should tell you girls he's done with us"

The students conveyed, staggered to the right, then to the left the collapsed to the ground.

"Told you he'll be fine", said Nelly while both females stared at the op male with astonishment and impressive expressions.

More milestones for mass release on Weekdays

300= 3 mass release

600= 6 mass release

1000= 10 mass release..

I know we can't hit 1000 mass release that's why I've got the guts to place the bet..yup... am daring you all

Gebecreators' thoughts