
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

[How a girl Appreciates an Op male: A kiss]

Bullet staggered back, desperately trying to regain his balance as his blood-pumped face bore a look of utter contempt towards Michael.

"G... get away from me," Bullet managed to utter between gasps as he stumbled and collapsed to the ground.

To his astonishment, despite not having tasted his own medicine yet, Bullet couldn't help but think that Michael's fist rivaled the force of a black boulder hurtling towards him.


Bullet flung another motionless rock at Michael, who stood his ground, effortlessly delivering a slap that shattered the rock into chess-like pieces.

Baaam...! Uurghh...

"That's two down, only four more to go," Michael coldly remarked as he witnessed Bullet clutching his diaphragm in pain, tears streaming down his face. However, Michael was indifferent to his opponent's suffering.

"You... you think I'll surrender to a level three trash like you?" Bullet screamed as he rose to his feet, projecting two black rocks simultaneously from Michael's sides.

With a resounding baaam, Michael caught both rocks but left himself open as Bullet cunningly smirked and launched a devastating black rock at Michael's abdomen.


Our protagonist merely stumbled back a couple of feet, his face bruised but not blatantly showing it. 'I have discovered a way to defeat him,' Bullet thought triumphantly.


Again, two rocks soared towards Michael from different directions, but this time, Michael leaped gracefully, perplexed by the smile on Bullet's face. He wondered what he had done wrong; he had anticipated and evaded the rocks, so why...?

Baaam...! Cough...

A black rock connected with Michael's back, causing our protagonist to stumble forward, clutching his fist.

"I can feel it, my rocks are doing the damage. He may endure all of those, but let's see how he handles just one mooore," Bullet yelled victoriously.


Another black rock rocketed from the ground, aiming for Michael's face, but before impact, a resounding boom followed. Our protagonist caught the rock effortlessly with his palm, thick veins bulging on the back of his hand.


Michael shattered the rock with a hint of effort, shocking everyone around him. As the fragments scattered, he vanished from sight, reappearing right in front of Bullet. 'But I didn't even blink! How did he move that swiftly?' Bullet pondered, bewildered.

Baaam...! Uurghh...

Once more, Bullet screamed in agony, falling to his knees with blood dripping from his broken nose. 'Bullet has truly found himself at odds with the wrong comrades this time,' Nelly thought with satisfaction.

"Get up... there are three more to go," Michael commanded, his tone cold and unyielding.

Bullet lifted his head, covered in a mixture of blood and dirt. But to his astonishment, it seemed that Michael desired more than just six punches.

However, Bullet glimpsed an opportunity to escape. Unbeknownst to Michael, a colossal centipede with a crimson mark on its head slithered towards them.

'That's a creature of crimson caliber... Perhaps the calamity can be of use after all. Once it finishes thisâ€""


Unfortunately, Bullet's thoughts were cut short as he witnessed Michael unleash a backhanded blow against the segmented form of the centipede, causing it to collapse lifelessly, the red mark fading from the slain creature.

-[Michael and Ronnie have gained 100 points for slaying a demonic centipede.]

-[Time remaining before the trial's end: 30 minutes.]

"When I'm occupied, I don't want anyone interrupting me," Michael stated, his fist clenched tightly, veins pulsating beneath his skin.

'He is going to kill me... I'm going to die, I'm going to die.'

'Michael is taking this to another level, if he keeps going... he might end up killing Bullet. What will become of him if that happens?' Ronnie contemplated, realizing that Michael's yearning for death was escalating.

Meanwhile, Michael squatted down, his gaze fixated on Bullet, who could potentially meet his demise with a single blow, perhaps even two.

"It seems Ronnie has spared you... that is the only mercy that has saved you... but another blow won't hurt."

Michael yanked Bullet up by his hair, heedless of the pain inflicted by his merciless grip.

After a wicked and malevolent smile, Michael's fist collided with Bullet's face, his knuckles sinking in and emerging drenched in blood.


Bullet fell lifelessly, beaten to the extent that he was seeing three Micheals in front of him.

Witnessing the unimaginable resilience displayed by Micheal, Nelly couldn't help but form an impressed smile.

"Thank you for saving me, handsome," Nelly said, appearing from behind Micheal, before he could respond with a simple "no problem, glad I could help."

Nelly silenced him by pressing her warm lips against his, their tongues dancing in a sweet fusion of flavors. Prompting Micheal to wrap his right hand around her waist.

Meanwhile, Ronnie stood dumbfounded, mouth agape, as he observed the unexpected scene unfold before him.

"That's how a girl shows appreciation to a powerful male," Nelly remarked, creating a violet-hued portal. Just before stepping through, she offered some parting words to Micheal, winking mischievously.

"Don't forget to give me a call..."

With those words, Nelly vanished into the closing portal.

As Nelly departed, Ronnie approached Micheal and playfully punched him on the shoulder. "Bro, that girl is really into you."

"Hmph... I doubt it. She's just impressed because she thinks I'm strong," Micheal replied, unsure of the situation.

"Think? Are you out of your mind? I tried the red rock myself and could barely lift a finger, whereas you not only survived but also pulverized that indestructible boulder."

"Wait, that rock was meant to kill me instantly?"

"Holy shit ..! you didn't know? Dude, you obliterated a Level Four Apocalyptic Protector like it was nothing, and you even earned a kiss from a senior. Bro, teach me your ways!"

Micheal and Ronnie shared a hearty laugh, continuing their journey to hunt down more monsters before the test concluded.

As for Bullet, his chances of passing the test were diminished, lying there bleeding as if engaged in a competition with the deceased centipede to see who could spill more.

"Laugh while you can. Once I become stronger, I will come for your life," Bullet proclaimed, rising to his feet and clutching his jaw, glaring in the direction Micheal and Ronnie had gone. There was only one name he vowed to eliminate.

"You've humiliated me in front of my crush, and you even stole a kiss from her. Mark my words, Micheal, I will take your life."

The Revenge isn't over but guy would have to get stronger first... Let the story continue...

More milestones for mass release on Weekdays

100= 3 mass release

300= 6 mass release

1000= 10 mass release..

I know we can't hit 1000 mass release that's why I've got the guts to place the bet..yup... am daring you all

Gebecreators' thoughts