
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

[Ants Vs Zombies part one]

In a dimly lit conference room, a group of individuals clad in black suits gathered around a round table.

All but one had jet-black hair, while the youngest among them stood out with fiery red locks.

Time was of the essence, and without delay, the red-haired man snapped his fingers, summoning files to materialize before the seven members.

The intensity in the red-haired man's gaze was palpable as he surveyed each person in the room.

His piercing gaze swept across the room as he interrogated the members, demanding to know who had set the exam on Apocalypse Island.

"Who among you orchestrated the Apocalypse Island examination?" he demanded, his voice devoid of any warmth.

Silence hung heavy in the air as the question lingered, the members avoiding eye contact and grappling with their own thoughts, searching for the traitor amongst them.

"We have lost 190 aspiring hunters, and three examiners have perished on that treacherous island," the red-haired man stated, his tone filled with disdain.

"The purpose of this examination was to test their resourcefulness and intelligence in surviving such the apocalypse."

Before he could continue, a woman raised her hand to speak. "Sir... while Apocalypse Island may not be an ideal location for new candidates, it undeniably serves as the ultimate test of survival," she interjected.

Her words sparked murmurs among the attendees, as some acknowledged her point while others dismissed it as foolishness.

"Sir... the academy is facing resource constraints in sustaining the hunters' expenses. Perhaps it was a blessing in disguise that those candidates left the examination," another woman chimed in.

"And if they have proven their mettle by conquering Apocalypse Island, wouldn't that be akin to entering the apocalypse on easy mode?"

"Exactly," another voice agreed. "He's absolutely right."

A chorus of agreement ensued, but the red-haired man remained focused on his calculation, scrolling through the holographic screen displaying the names and scores of the participants.

He knew the survivors would be few, only four among them.

- [Ronnie = 45 points]

- [Cassie = 40 points]

- [Lisa = Dead]

- [Cody = Dead]

- [Luna = Dead]

- [Michaelangelo = 100 points]

- [Brian = 101 points]

- [Tania = Dead]

- [Anita = 20 points]

- [Raymond = 11 points]

The red-haired man silently considered the tally, aware of the four who would emerge as the ultimate survivors.


-[Player Tania has been killed by a horde of zombies]

Tears streamed down Raymond's face as he witnessed his sister being devoured by the relentless horde of zombies.

The calamity spawns had intensified, potentially due to the imminent descent of the final boss, causing a surge in higher-level calamities to cleanse the island's inhabitants.

One could say the main boss of the calamities in the apocalypse Island is about to emerge, hence sending higher levels of calamities to clean the Island off humans.


Raymond screamed, his voice filled with anguish as he fell to his knees, tears mingling with the dirt on his battered face. But he refused to succumb to weakness so easily.

The apocalypse had stripped survivors of many things, but weakness was not one of them.


The ground quaked as Raymond's feet left the earth, shockwaves rippling through the air. With a surge of determination, he charged forward, ready to confront the approaching zombies head-on.

Harnessing his anger as an unyielding fuel, Raymond's eyes crackled with lightning. The sky above churned with thunder and bolts of electricity, mirroring the storm raging within him.

In the very midst of the zombies, he transformed into pure lightning, a streak of brilliance that pierced through a zombie's chest, eliciting a pained screech before reducing it to lifeless ash.

As he reverted to a human form, Raymond leaped forward, his anger guiding his every move. Lightning sparked in his wake, announcing his wrath with every step.


With a thunderous punch that shook the ground, Raymond unleashed a torrent of lightning, enveloping the trees and devastating the horde of Zombies.

With a deep, labored breath, Raymond surveyed the wreckage he'd wrought, his fingertips still crackling with electricity.

His cells were multiplying at an exponential rate, fueling his powers and propelling him toward an unknown destiny. And yet, despite the devastation he'd unleashed, he craved more.

His gaze settled on the looming rock spaceship, its hull gleaming in the moonlight. No doors barred his way, but Raymond wasn't deterred.

He was primed to ignite the vessel, ensuring none of those inside escaped the inferno he was about to unleash.


-[Player Tania has been killed by a horde of Zombies]

"By the gods, with the rate at which lives are being claimed by these wretched creatures, one could easily assume that Cassie has met her demise," Ronnie remarked, his voice tinged with a mix of despair and disbelief.

Meanwhile, Michael remained fixated on his interface, his gaze unwavering.

-[Zombiak Armies: Level one undead zombies]

-[Kitsune Devil Armies: None]

-[Points remaining to level up: 10]

Michael couldn't help but feel a sense of disappointment. Zombies, of all beings, were hardly the formidable force he desired.

He yearned for something more powerful, something that would truly elevate his abilities.

If he could transform the kitsune devil into a zombie and thus make it his loyal servant, then what wonders could be achieved if he were to turn a dragon? Or worse yet, a colossal anaconda?

'I know this path I'm about to take is going to be ultra lonely.. but becoming a villain is my best chance of surviving.. cuz I'm never doubting my ultra instincts', thought Michealangelo.

'Level up the zombie kitsune devil.'

-[Kitsune Devil has leveled up]

-[Strength: 300 | Attack: 400 | Speed: 500 | Defense: 600 | Intelligence: 50]

'That was unforeseen... I had anticipated the intelligence to soar to at least 700,' Michael mused quietly, catching Ronnie's attention.

"Pardon me?" Ronnie inquired.

"Watch out dude!" Michael exclaimed...


A gargantuan crimson ant collided with their vehicle, causing it to spin uncontrollably and sending both individuals crashing into their seats before the vehicle eventually came to a halt.

"Cough... I should have worn my seatbelt," Ronnie grumbled as he crawled out of the car, blood trickling down his forehead.

Surprisingly, Michael stood atop the wreckage unscathed, showing no signs of injury or fear in the face of the approaching soldier ants.

"Holy shit... there must be hundreds of them... level 15," Ronnie murmured, fully aware that his chances of surviving this battle against the ravenous ants were slim to none.

Meanwhile, Michael clenched his fist, his claws extending and his left eye glowing with an eerie red light, while his right eye remained concealed beneath his silver-white locks.

Unmistakably, a black scaly mask adorned his face, with his fangs visible amidst the fiery crimson flames emanating from the mask.

It was as if an insatiable thirst for annihilation consumed him, akin to a vampire yearning for blood or a zombie craving a horde of infectious doom.

-[Warning: Exterminate all ants]

-[Warning: Exterminate all ants]

-[Warning: Exterminate all ants]

-[Warning: Exterminate all ants]

Michael turned his gaze towards Ronnie, who wasted no time in rising to his feet and seeking refuge behind a nearby tree. And what terrified him was what unfolded after he took cover...

"Spawn," Michael uttered...

"Holy Shit...!" Ronnie exclaimed in sheer astonishment.

Power stones= Mass Release

No power stones = very slow release

Review= Better plot

No Review= Not so good plot

So dear Readers please decide before reading the next chapters

Gebecreators' thoughts