
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe · Urban
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26 Chs

[The Player From Another World]

"You can't keep me like this forever!" Cassie's voice echoed, her eyes fixated on Brian's confident stance as he awaited the approaching Titan.

"The Titan is coming," Brian exclaimed with fervor, his excitement palpable.

Titans, revered as boss-level adversaries surpassing creatures like zombies and spider monkeys, stood tall as three-story buildings.

Their carnivorous tendencies and invisible respiratory organs made them even more formidable, their monstrous figures adorned solely by bloodstained mouths and extended tongues.

As Brian glanced at his watch, noting the time to be 5:11, he realized ten minutes were remaining before the impending collapse of the safe zone.

Little did he know that the sanctuary provided no solace against these behemoths.

Cassie's fear surged as the Titan emerged—a gargantuan man with fiery red eyes, and a mouth brimming with bones, blood, and saliva.

With an earth-shattering roar, the Titan effortlessly uprooted a burning tree, flinging it away as if it were a mere plaything.

"Finally, my chance to kill you," Brian declared, his voice turning dark and devoid of emotion, transforming him into an unfamiliar and dangerous figure.

"You despicable creature, unable to resist the scent of a woman," Brian seethed, his head lowered, emanating billowing steam from his mouth and nostrils.

-[Player Lisa has been killed by a horde zombie]

Unbeknownst to Brian, the Titan loomed closer, its massive footsteps inching towards him. Oblivious to the imminent danger, Brian continued to emit scalding steams.

"Brian... help!" Cassie's desperate plea echoed, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

Just as the Titan's colossal hand extended towards Cassie, Brian materialized out of thin air and caught the unfathomable appendage.

The steams intensified, enveloping Cassie and causing her to perspire.

With an explosive impact, the Titan retaliated, striking Brian with its other hand. Despite the immense disparity in size, Brian effortlessly withstood the blow, his grip on the Titan unyielding.

Cassie felt the gust of wind generated by the sheer force of the clash, as trees behind her were uprooted, yet remarkably, the tree to which she had been bound remained intact. Her eyes widened in astonishment.

Although Brian's hand could only partially cover the Titans, it was clear that the colossal being struggled to overpower the seemingly insignificant figure.

The Titan flailed and summoned its minions, two more racing to its aid.

"The day I woke up in this body, the apocalypse welcomed me... and you, you bastard, stole my only friend. You devoured my daughter," Brian's voice thundered.

With a resolute grip, Brian leaped into action, squeezing the Titan's hands until they crumbled like shattered chess pieces, crimson blood flowing like a cascading waterfall.

In a retaliatory outburst, the Titan summoned forth its minions, charging toward Brian with unparalleled intensity.

"I died in my world like a fool. I sought solace in drugs, yet I met death without them. I longed to reincarnate within the pages of my novel... instead, I found myself here."

Brian's voice resonated, the steams reaching their peak as he proclaimed his final, definitive words.

"And you killed her."

The echoes reverberated as the clash between Brian and the Titan intensified, threatening to reshape the destiny of this realm.

The impact reverberated through the surrounding area, shaking the foundations of their very existence.

The sheer force of his sprint sent shockwaves through the earth, leaving behind deep craters that stretched three feet wide.

In the blink of an eye, a dagger materialized in Brian's grasp as he charged forward. Four towering titans loomed ahead, but with a swift motion, he could see his path.

His dagger, ablaze with dark purple flames, elicited a sinister grin as he witnessed the titan kneeling in agony.

In a fraction of a second, Brian sliced through the titan's neck, relishing in the sight of blood staining his clothing and weapon.

His rapid footsteps decimated the grass beneath him, leaving a trail of black and purple in his wake, mirroring the intensity of his blazing eyes.

With an unyielding battle cry, he sprinted toward the approaching Titans, his voice echoing through the air.

"More... more... more... moooore!"

Brian propelled himself upwards, suspended in mid-air like an ant compared to the female titan with flowing brown hair. Her hands swayed in an attempt to knock him down.

To Cassie's astonishment, Brian twisted his body in mid-air, narrowly avoiding the impending strike. Regaining his balance with ease, he continued his relentless advance.


In a lightning-fast burst, he shot upwards, spiraling his movements and dipping his entire body through the titan's diaphragm.

Emerging from the other side, covered in blood and wielding his stained dagger, he left a colossal hole in the titan's wake.

Cassie watched in awe as Brian effortlessly dispatched two Titans without suffering a single blow. Seizing the opportunity, she summoned a thin flame that ignited the rope restraining her.


Another titan hurled a tree towards Brian, but he leaped gracefully onto its trunk, using it as a stepping stone before landing on the forehead of the titan.

"Where's your boss?" Brian's voice dripped with malevolence as he plunged his dagger into the titan's forehead.


-[Prepare for the first wave of The Flaming Tornadoes]

Brian's breaths grew heavy, each exhalation accompanied by the steady drip of blood from his wounded form, staining the grass beneath his feet with dark purple hues.

"One day... I'll find that bastard. He keeps sending his mindless minions. When I see him... wait, where's Cassie?"

-[Player Luna has been killed by the first wave of The Flaming Tornadoes]


"Holy shit...! Where the hell did a flaming tree come from?" Ronnie exclaimed, deftly evading the fiery projectile.

Both of them sensed that something was amiss at Cassie's location, prompting them to embark on a frantic search for their partner in crime.

As if the flaming tree wasn't vexing enough, a gust of wind swept past them, accompanied by a torrent of uprooted trees.

"Dude... are you sure Cassie is in this direction? It's like we're facing a god of destruction," Ronnie remarked sarcastically.

-[Prepare for the first wave of The Flaming Tornadoes]

However, Michael chose not to dignify his friend's comment with a response.

-[Player Lisa has been killed by a horde of Zombies]

"Damn... that means there are only eight of us left. This apocalypse is taking its toll on everyone... I just hope those survivors can hold on. And I pray that we-"

Ronnie's words trailed off as he was overcome with astonishment. Behind them, an endless horde of flaming tornadoes approached, obliterating everything in their path. Trees crumbled, and houses disintegrated.

-[Player Luna has been killed by the first wave of The Flaming Tornadoes]

"First wave? Does that mean there's more?" Ronnie exclaimed, pressing harder on the gas pedal, propelling the car forward at breakneck speed.



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