
Planet Apocalypse: Revolution

In a world hurtling towards its inevitable demise, where the grip of the apocalypse tightened, mankind teetered on the precipice of extinction. Amidst the chaos and devastation, a select few found themselves touched by inexplicable forces, awakening within them extraordinary abilities that defied the crumbling laws of nature. Our protagonist, however, once devoured by a legion of ravenous zombies and thrust into bewildering oblivion, emerged from the depths of death with an ethereal interface encompassing his being, marking him as the solitary mutation amidst the crumbling remnants of humanity. With newfound visions of the future, he beheld the collective doom that awaited every soul, a glimpse into the terminal fate of our besieged world. And the present apocalypse is just a welcome party.. Everyone is yet to see the main calamities.

Gebe ¡ Urban
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26 Chs

[Ants Vs Zombies; Two Extra Liege]

As Ronnie's eyes blazed with an intensity that could ignite the very air around him, he bore witness to an awe-inspiring spectacle, a chilling convergence of Calamities:

An army of zombies, adorned with sinister glowing purple skin and shrouded in a nefarious black flame, stood before him.

Amidst them, a notable figure stood apart—the level one zombie boss named Zombiak, his skin radiating with an ominous fiery hue.

A kitsune fox, displaying the recessive traits of Zombiak, stood dutifully by his side.

In addition to the zombies, colossal red ants loomed menacingly, their insatiable hunger eagerly awaiting the command of Bezant, a fearsome red humanoid ant with haunting luminescent eyes.

"Incite an assault," Bezant commanded in a resounding rumble, his unwavering gaze fixed upon Michael, the protagonist.

[Zombie Liege's command: Eat till your heart contents]

Following Bezant's directive, Michael issued an order to his legion of undead, propelling them into yet another microcosm of warfare, pitting zombies against the savage ants.

With a mighty leap, Zombiak descended upon the ground, his knee crashing down with bone-shaking force.

As he struck the earth, a rift shattered the battlefield, separating the ants from his liege and serving as a defensive barrier.

Driven by Zombiak's valor, the zombies defied the rift, launching themselves into a fierce assault upon the relentless ants.

Zombiak closed the distance between himself and one of the ants, delivering a devastating blow that reverberated through the ground.

The ant's lifeless form, bloodied and broken, became a testament to Zombiak's prowess.

Unyielding, Zombiak roared, unleashing chains wreathed in fiery hues of red and black. Each strike of his chain-clad fist resulted in explosions of impact as he crushed the heads of ants that dared to challenge him.

With a fluid and deadly grace, his dual chains sliced through the necks of two ants and impaled the heads of two more.

Astonishingly, as he struck down the ants, they were reborn as zombies loyal to their slayer, turning upon their own kind.


The kitsune devil unleashed purple flames from its mouth, scorching the ants with an otherworldly intensity.

Positioned behind the rift, it tormented any calamity that dared to venture close to its liege.

However, Michael harbored no desire for protection. Vaulting across the rift with astonishing agility, he landed just five meters away from Bezant, poised for a showdown.

"So, you're the zombie liege... how disappointingly pathetic," Bezant remarked, his disdain palpable.

Michael paid no mind to Bezant's taunting, his focus instead drawn to the sight of five ants bearing down upon him.

A twisted smile curled upon his lips as he revealed a dagger already stained with blood, gripped tightly in his hand.

To Bezant's astonishment, the ants that approached Michael met their demise without him lifting a finger.

The realization dawned on Bezant that this man before him possessed the power of the undead liege—an entity Bezant coveted and would kill to claim.

-[Warning: Exterminate all Ants]

-[Rewards: Ability to spawn Level 13 zombies]

-[Quest: Slay the ant liege to gain control over him and his armies]

As warnings and quests flashed before him, exhorting him to exterminate all the ants and offering great rewards, Michael propelled himself forward, his razor-sharp dagger slashing through the air.

Yet Bezant eluded the attack with a swift sidestep, disappearing from sight and reappearing behind Michael in the blink of an eye.

Curiosity sparked within Michael's mind—how could Bezant move with such supernatural speed?

With thunderous force, Bezant struck Michael with a powerful punch, but our resilient protagonist managed to ward off the blow by raising his wrist in a defensive maneuver, though Bezant's razor claws grazed Michael's cheek, drawing blood.

[Alert...!; warning.. You have suffered a severe cut]

Alerts of severe damage flashing before him, Michael couldn't help but muse that the wound inflicted was but a mere scratch, hardly befitting the severity postulated.

"If you truly are the zombie liege, then the realm of the undead has shown poor judgment in choosing someone like you," Bezant sneered, his contempt barely contained.

Smirking, Michael wiped away the trickle of blood from his cheek, finally realizing that destiny had selected him, past or present, as the chosen zombie liege—a revelation that would undoubtedly shape his path.

As the apocalypse flame descended, an explosion of brilliant blue flames erupted from the heavens, obliterating both ants and zombies, though the latter would simply respawn while the former remained lifeless.

Emerging from the fire, two figures approached the battlefield. One emanated an aura of icy chill, with hair and body emitting an otherworldly coldness.

The other possessed fiery red hair and a meticulously groomed red beard that perfectly matched his fiery gaze.

With the arrival of these supreme beings, Bezant and Michael's standoff came to an abrupt halt.

"Is he the one? Just a kid? Seriously, a kid?" the cold one, garbed in an ice-colored suit, remarked with disappointment, his frigid eyes fixed upon Michael.

"Never underestimate the abilities of a dead liege... He may be young, but he could be our downfall," the red-haired individual cautioned, his tone laced with caution.

Unlike his frosty companion, he seemed to hover inches above the ground, his black suit adorned with a glowing red border.

Notably, Raymond's demise at the colossal anaconda's hands interrupted their exchange, drawing Bezant's attention toward Michael, whose eyes communicated an unspoken understanding— a desire to join forces.

Prompted by Michael's unspoken thoughts, Bezant nodded in affirmation.

"Spawn and feast to your hearts' content," Michelangelo declared, his gaze fixed upon Ronnie, who discreetly hid behind him.

In the blink of an eye, the zombies and ants multiplied exponentially, their ranks swelling with a million level one zombies merged into a formidable force.

"Incite an onslaught," Bezant commanded.

Both armies surged forward, driven by their insatiable hunger to devour the two intruders who dared to challenge their respective lieges.

Yet, when the frosty figure took a single step, the entire legion of undead froze in place.

And as the red-haired individual raised his hands and spoke, powerful words reverberated through the air.


Like a manifestation of ancient legend, a colossal red dragon materialized behind the red-haired figure, bellowing a savage roar.

Unleashing a flurry of wingbeats, its flames merged with the frozen legions, creating a cacophony of wind and steam, with lifeless ants descending from the somber skies.

-[Exam Will End In Five minutes]

Meanwhile, a foreboding message floated into their midst, signaling the exam's impending conclusion in a mere five minutes.

"That's not good... these guys are the overpowered main characters of this world... not me," Michael contemplated, his realization dawning upon him as the true weight of their opponents' presence settled in.

power stones= 6 gives fast update of two a day..

Or if you like this slow update, no prob

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