

The top war, Roy looked at the already dead Ace, yelled: the supreme holy light ah! Give me strength! Resurrect, my warrior! Oh yes, I forgot, there is a tough trick: Abracadabra! Roy accidentally crossed into the world of pirates...

SHADOW_J_ · Sci-fi
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128 Chs

Most fearful of pirates have brains

After settling everyone, Roy walked to the bar, looked at the variety of drinks, and loaded some rum and beer into the system space, while thinking about what Boris had just said.

Big pirates occupying a city is too common in this world.

Dresosa's Doflamingo, Alabaster's sand crocodile Krokodar, these two are the best example, they are using the power of the King's Seven Musketeers to control a country.

The term "Shichibukai" has not been born yet, so this evil political king is obviously not the King's Shichibukai, no corresponding privileges, his behavior will undoubtedly attract the Navy, but just Polis also said, Pizarro is secretly control this country, the Navy does not know?

Really skin ah.

"Polis boss, that kid solved no, that ship, what are ...... not ..."

When the robbery of the yellow hair and his entourage entered, just want to ask Polis loudly, but walked into the bar that they regarded as the base, the sight of everything in front of them let them all stunned.

Only to see a white teenager was constantly throwing some rum and beer to who knows where, and those drinks just disappeared.

"What, is our ship fun?" Plank lifted his pistol straight up, pulled the trigger, and the yellow hair's head exploded.

"You ... you ..."

Who would have thought that the guys who were thought to be two fat sheep were so powerful that everyone was taken out.

Bang! Bang! Bang ...

The sound of gunshots kept coming out of the tavern.

The people outside naturally heard the gunshots, and they thought it was which unlucky unlucky guy got killed by Boris again, and if it was a woman, she might get cool and then get killed.

A few minutes later, Roy and Plank came out of the tavern, and Plank cursed loudly: "These poor bastards, is there a total of a hundred berries in the bar? Not even an orange, chief, you wait for me here now, I'll go buy some oranges!"

"Plank, be honest with me!" Roy listened to Planck's words, although he did not know what was wrong, but just sounded uncomfortable: "This evil political king, actually can control a city through some means, should have some ability, it is necessary to meet!"

Planck complained to: "What ability, in my opinion, the navy of this world is a bunch of pussies, if the navy of Noxus is put over, can rule the world!"

"Planck, you are dangerous to think like this, never underestimate the navy of this world!" Roy guided up.

When Roy walked in the Maiares street, found that although the city is big, but not many people walking on the street, to be precise, outside strutting around are some rotten goods, rotten to the bone kind.

If you think about it, you know, a pirate control of the city, the Navy and can not rely on, the ability to run away, can not run, either shut themselves at home to find a way to escape, or become a free labor, perhaps some good-looking women, but also some way out.

These times, can still go outside, there is only Pizarro's hawks and dogs left.

Pizarro the pirate is indeed some skills, his bounty is high, even enough to leave a name in the history of pirates, because he has his own characteristic way of robbery.

As the captain of the evil party pirates, like money is certain, but he never directly rob money, he likes a breath first to the local naval base to end, interrupting the local navy and naval headquarters, and then a city to control, slowly inquire what place in the city can scavenge the wealth of the Bigby.

Although this will take a lot of time and energy, but can not resist people gun more money, is a person with strength and brains.

Of course, the world is not impervious to the wall, although the Navy always deal with him after the fact, but he always did not escape the eyes of the Navy.

And Pizarro perfectly seized the middle of the time, in the other naval support came at the last moment, before the ship escaped, this time, the city's wealth insurance almost swept away, the women were almost spoiled, the men also sank into the sea.

This likes to dominate in the local style, so that he has the name of "evil political king".

Roy feet of this Maiares is so he used the best way to get it.

But here has been controlled for several months, even if the navy how waste, how hindsight, it is impossible not to react, according to reason, should have sent troops.

Maiares is the economic town of the North Sea, I think will send a lieutenant general level of the Navy over.

Pizarro certainly do not want to dislike the Navy, no, in addition to the Golden Lion and White Beard, this era there is no pirate group want to have two moves with the Navy, even Roger saw the Navy is also trying to escape.

Pizarro is obviously the same at the moment, and now he is thinking about whether to start running away.

Pizarro in addition to style, the reason is called the king of evil politics, and his pirate group cadre structure.

The captain is the "king", there are five top-level cadres under him, respectively, "five dukes", and white beard father under those sons of the captains the same.

In addition to the five dukes, the pirate group is also divided into "marquis", "count", "viscount", "baron "and" soldier "five different levels, a total of more than 500 pirate group.

In this era of the great sea age is just beginning, can be named, and the number of pirates in the "evil party pirate group" above, now there are two, the white beard pirate group and the flying pirates.

And after the capture of the big city of Maiares, Pizarro pirate group of personnel once again expanded, 800 people of the pirate group.

"Hey hey hey, who are those two guys?" Roy walking in the streets of Myares, attracted the attention of many people, these people are naturally the crew of the evil party pirates.

Now the common people were Pizarro pressed in the home simply do not dare to go out, so in the street to see the inevitable evil political king's men, or other pirate group crew, again point are originally some of the street punks.

But because the city is now controlled by Pizarro, so almost everyone is to the evil party pirate group is the head of the.

These people will pay up part of their money, which is the so-called "protection fee", so they basically know each other, even if they do not know, these few months down, also mixed a face.

And Roy's dress, basically a glance will not forget the kind of, here no which pirates will wear white trench coat, too easy to dirty.

As for Planck, it is completely incidental.

The roadside evil party pirates have not seen Roy duo, then, they should be just on the island of pirates or merchants.

"Hey, little brother, Maiares has a new rule, in the sight of our evil party pirates, must surrender half of the money on their bodies." A fat and a thin two pirates blocked the path of the two Roy, because the other party's breath does not look like business, especially the bearded man, how to see can not be good, so it is natural to be treated as a pirate.